Nansings (18 Jun 2023)
"Reply to Gino re Celestial Beings"

Reply to Gino re Celestial Beings
You asked:
What happened to celestial beings when they fell?  e.g. when Lucifer went from the anointed cherub that covereth, to the dragon, Satan the devil?  Did that all happen instantly, or did it take some time for him to become who he is now?
Answer:  Here's what Jesus told Dr. Richard Eby during his "life after death experience," before Jesus returned him back to Earth.
"My Book tells of the time when Lucifer's rebellion in Heaven changed some things.  He sought to usurp My Father's Throne, assume His position as The Most High God, and to rule the universe.  For that blasphemy Lucifer was cast from Heaven to Earth; in fact I saw him fall as a bolt of lightning!  In a tantrum of hate and range over being deposed so fast he and his fallen angels disfigured Our perfect Earth.  It became void and uninhabitable.  [Ed., see Genesis 1:1 and 1:2]
"For punishment befitting this enemy of God, Lucifer was given a new name, Satan, since he was the self-appointed 'Adversary' of the Almighty.  Anything that God had made, Satan would attempt to destroy from then on.  As Lucifer, he had been created the highest angel about the Throne; one of his assignments and talents being the chief musician in charge of worship and music.  In his rebellious anger he set about destroying harmony on and in the Earth from then on.  That is why the Earth where he operates now is out of harmony with God's other creations.  In My Book we call this disharmony 'sin,' because it defies God's Will that even the heavens declare the Glory of God and the firmament show His handiwork.
"But be of good cheer, My son.  The Father has permitted Me to overcome Satan's world's system of sin, and to destroy the works of Satan, and to re-establish righteousness in the hearts of My friends.  Eventually in His chosen time He will restore all creation as it once was, in Him!"
You asked:  Do they feel pain and pleasure?   
Answer:  I saw an amazing video on youtube of a city street camera that caught the fall of a real, bright angel with wings, on a dark night.  I say 'with wings' because some people claim angels don't have wings.  This one did.  It landed on the street sidewalk by a store that was closed for the night.  It recovered fast!  It quickly picked itself up and shot back up into the dark night sky.  People came running to see what happened but the angel was already gone.  That video could still be available but it would take some searching to find it as it was in a video that showed other incidents as well.
You asked:  When man fell, not only did he change spiritually, but even physiologically.
Was there anything similar that happened to celestial beings when they fell?
Answer:  Yes, they go back and forth between ugly and beautiful.  In a book entitled "The Beautiful Side of Evil" by Johanna Michaelsen, related to Hal Lindsey, she tells how when she was in the occult, the demons would appear as beautiful beings.  So she asked them to show her their true side and they turned into ugly demons.  They couldn't hold their beautiful image for very long.  There are videos online about her book:  The Beautiful Side of Evil by Johanna Michaelsen  
You asked:  When there is war amongst celestial beings, are they able to hurt one another, like cutting off a limb?  Do they feel pain and pleasure?  
Answer:  No doubt they have feelings because it would be necessary to accomplish tasks assigned them by God.  Jesus said some day we will be like the angels in Heaven.  Since we can feel now, no doubt we will be able to do so then.  But whether or not angels can lose limbs, Jesus, after His resurrection, was able to pass through walls unharmed.  However, God said that someday He will wipe all our tears away.
You asked:  Do they grow in knowledge?
Answer:  The Bible indicates we will judge the angels some day which means they can fail and come short on their tasks and must give account.  Since we will be judging them, it becomes apparent they must be able to learn by their mistakes, and thereby, grow in knowledge.  
You asked:  They apparently do not experience mortal death like man, but are they not potentially subject to the second death, like we are?
Answer:  Satan will be cast into the Lake of Fire at the end of time for eternity.  That means His demons, fallen angels, death and hell, will go with him since he is their leader.  
And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire.  This is the second death.
You asked:  How many different kinds / species of celestial beings do you suppose that there are?
Answer:  A book entitled "Secrets of Enoch" goes into considerable detail about many kinds of angels in Chapter XIX and what they do.  Here's a link to it in .pdf form that you can download to read at your leisure:   Link: