Nansings (18 Jun 2023)
"Reply to Donna Danna - Surprise Info re Sodom & Gomorrah"

Reply to Donna Danna - Surprise Info re Sodom & Gomorrah
Here's the information I promised to send you re the real story of Sodom & Gomorrah and the cause of its destruction.  There's something about Sodom & Gomorrah the vast majority of people do not know unless they've attended Bible College, studied history and researched the Bible in the original languages (also Dead Sea codices; Mazoretic Text of the Pentateuch) and have knowledge of physiology and medicine.
Lot's daughters didn't commit the "sin of incest."  The Law wasn't given until Moses. 
Here is more information that may surprise you about the story of Sodom & Gomorrah:
Sodom's sin was not for homosexuality.  The real reason why God punished Sodom:
Ezekiel 16:48-50 "As I live, saith the Lord GOD, Sodom thy sister hath not done, she nor her daughters, as thou hast done, thou and thy daughters.  Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fullness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. (Ed., Instead, the city of Sodom was punishing Lot's daughters who helped the poor and needy.)  And they were haughty, and committed abomination before me: therefore I took them away as I saw good."  Note, this occurred before the laws of Moses had been given to mankind by God.  Hospitality was considered very important.  Even Abraham found favor with God by showing hospitality to the Trinity that visited him one day.
The whole homosexual issue is a very touchy, controversial one.  Personally I don't think homosexual marriage is right, seeing as God made man and woman to replenish Earth - a process that would otherwise not be possible (outside of creating test-tube babies).  They want civil marriages to gain the special privileges married couples have for tax purposes.
My youngest brother attended Bob Jones University for a while.  While there hstudied the Bible in the original Mazoretic text of the Pentateuch and looked back at the original transcript of the story about Lot and his two daughters.  That version about the men of the city wanting Lot to hand over the two angels to them is not in the original transcripts, nor is it true that Lot offered his daughters to them instead.  For the real story read on. 
I prefer the King James version of the Bible to all others, however, here's what I have learned:
King James was raised by Catholics in a monastery, kidnapped by protestants and rekidnapped by Catholics.  He knew how to read Hebrew and Greek.  He said the "King James Bible" was not the Bible because he knew Hebrew and Greek, and therefore, 
refused to sign it when it was finished by those tasked with creating it.  When he died, those behind creation of the King James Bible added that it was an "authorized/approved" version, which it never was, and went ahead and printed it.
The Bible we are reading today is not the Bible of the 1800s which had no verses against gays.  The Roman Catholic church, via a monk named Damian, changed the text to create story lines that didn't exist previous to the King James.  The scriptures were thus perverted by creating homosexual stories in the Bible so gays -- like King James who was also gay -- would be charged $5K to $50K (if they were rich) to make 'penance' for their sins.  That's how the Roman Catholics came up with money to build their huge cathedrals.
In the original manuscript there is no mention of homosexuality, nor of Lot offering his daughters to rioters and no lust for visiting angels, but it does mention that Lot carved idols for a living which apparently was considered too much of an embarassment to the translators, and therefore, for reasons of religious correctness was omitted from the story we have today.
Additional evidence that the Sodom & Gomorrah story was changed from the original manuscript lies in Ezekiel 16:48-50 below.  Since the translators didn't have computers to cross-check the Bible for any possible related connection to what they were doing, they completely missed Ezekiel's reference to why God punished Sodom.  It, therefore, remains to this day as proof the Sodom & Gomorrah version we have is a gross concoction/
misrepresentation of someone's overactive imagination, a need to fit an agenda, or both.  Had they known Ezekiel's reference to the sins of Sodom existed, and would prove their story wrong, they would, no doubt, have removed it, or changed it to match their concocted version.
So, what really happened?  The original language tells a rather different story.  It tells how Lot's daughters were what we would call nurses today.  They would go outside the city walls and help the poor, lame, sick and elderly, showing hospitality to desert travellers by giving them food/water, etc.  This type of hospitality was against the rules of the city, especially after hours as the city would lock up at a particular time each night for the safety of all.  Lot was told by the guard at the gate -- who saw his daughters arriving after hours -- that as a result of what they had been doing, and for coming in late, they were going to be tried in a court the next day for breaking the law.  That was why Lot fled the city with them.
"Also, per the Torah, the Biblical reference to the "corruption of all flesh" (Gen. 6:12-13) meant something else other than angellic sexual relations with mankind" - Rabbi Avraham Kahn [Ed., as angels and Satan do not have seed for reproduction.  It meant the wasting of human seminal fluids.)
We know angels can't have sex with mankind because Jesus said in Heaven the angels don't give and take in marriage.  The purpose of marriage as defined in the Bible is to "replenish the Earth" and to create a "godly seed" out of their union (Malachi 2:15).  Angels don't need to replenish Heaven as God can create them anytime He wants to.  However, God told Adam and Eve to "re-plenish" the Earth that had been *destroyed by satan and his "fallen angels," per God to Dr. Richard Eby during his life after death experience, and therefore, God gave Adam and Eve reproductive capability.  [*This destruction occurred between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2]  
These words below were based on a talk given by Rabbi Avraham Kahn, the Rosh Yeshiva and Founder of Yeshivas Keser Torah in Toronto. --
"We know that there are no extraneous words in the Torah.  It, therefore, seems strange that the Torah repeats that G'd saw the Earth was corrupted.  However, the Hebrew word for corruption, "hashchasah," has two meanings:  (1) corruption and (2) destruction.  The Zohar (Noah 61a) explains that the "corruption of all flesh" is really referring to the  destruction and wasting of the seminal fluids.  This teaches us that the root of the corruption, and the lack of respect for other people, started with the lack of respect for their own ability to reproduce.
"In their indulgence of physical self-gratification, they had no interest in having large families, but wanted to minimize the number of children they had (see Midrash Hagadol 10:5).  Rashi (Bereishis 4:19) quotes the Midrash Rabbah (ibid 23:2) who relates how they would marry two wives:  One for childbearing who was despised and would be living on her own as if she was a widow; the other one would be a beautiful woman whom they would marry just for pleasure and enjoyment, and they would, therefore, medically make her barren to preserve her attractive appearance.  This lack of respect for the potential of future life eventually brought about bloodshed as well (see Jerusalem Talmud, Bava Metzia 4:2)."
Regarding "same sex" relations - where the Bible presently says 'man shall not lie with man,' is not what the original manuscripts said.  It actually meant "man shall not lie to God Almighty as the heathen do."  The meaning changed over the centuries as you will see below.
For instance, it said:  "Ish (man) shall not lie with Zakar."  Most current translation said "Zakar" meant a minor who hadn't gone through his bar mitzvah yet -- a pre-12 yr. old, meaning a man should not molest a child / should not lie with a minor / avoid appearance of evil.  An earlier translation than that said "Zakar" was a nobleman, mayor, governor, rulers:  Keep your hands off young boys to avoid appearance of evil.  A discontinued version of Strong's & Young's Concordance said "Zakar" is a young prince.  300 years earlier - Babylonia era - they said "lie" = you shall not lie to the princes who represent the king.
(Note that St. Jerome who wrote the Bible did not know Hebrew or Aramaic, or Koine Greek which would explain how some of the translation errors occurred.)
600 years before that "Zakar" was a fine, handsome young man.
Then in the Phoenecian era (identical to the time of Leviticus) it says Zakar is the name of God Almighty = Man shall not lie to God Almighty as the heathen do. What a difference, huh?  Jesus is the only one who can reveal where all the translators goofed over time and what the real stories are.  This He will do during the Millennium when the knowledge of God fills the Earth like the waters of the sea.
What Jesus Said About Gays
Jesus told His disciples that some people can't "receive" what He had to say about gays (aka eunuchs), except those to whom it is given.  Why?  Because it is so controversial and requires great understanding, both morally, spiritually, mentally, physically, scientifically and genetically -- beyond the knowledge of what was available in His day.  Here's what Jesus said in Matthew 19:11-12:
"All men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given save them to whom it is given."  Some men are made homosexual by others (either by castration; i.e., Daniel, Shadrach/Meshach/Abednego in order to solely serve King Nebuchadnezzar, as in times of war; or by perversion -- as in radical gays), while some are born that way; and still others choose to live celibate lives (like priests/
monks/nuns/ministers, etc.).  So, it is an issue that requires great sensitivity in dealing with.
Being the Creator (per the book of John) Jesus understood what couldn't be proven in His day.  Scientists/geneticists have since found that there aren't just two sexual genders (male/female) but rather there are five.  Jesus was trying to explain, using the accepted term in His day - "eunuch" - that some people are born that way (having both male and female organs; i.e., hermaphrodites, while some are made "eunuchs"/gay, by others,
either by surgery/castration - as in times of war (like Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego made slaves to serve under King Nebuchadnezzar); or by mental/sexual/
spiritual perversionand still others choose to live celibate lives (like priests/monks/
nuns/ministers, etc.).
Rabbi Lapin, "America's favorite Rabbi,", who is a Hebrew scholar, explained on TV not long ago that Adam was both male/female (hermaphrodite) until God used Adam's genetics/rib to make a female.  Hermaphrodites are a recessive gene in the human gene pool.  There are three hermaphrodite types:  Those with both male/female genders; and those who are gender neutral - not distinct enough to be either male or female and have both sexual genders.  They are not defects or mutations, they were part of the original human creation (i.e., Adam).
Those with the recessive gene used to be dominant in the early Egyptian empire, but the Egyptians and Greeks killed them at birth.  They wanted to cull the human herd of hermaphrodites.  Greece also used to be made up of 20% to 30% hermaphrodites:  The Athenians were conquered by the Spartans who also culled the human herd to get rid of the hermaphrodites.
Over time doctors began killing newborns who were hermaphrodites to try to eliminate them completely.  Still other doctors try giving the decision of gender reassignment -- choosing the child's sex -- to the parents.  If they choose wrong, however, a hermaphrodite child made male at birth may grow up being more female, etc.
What should be done in such cases is to let the child reach a certain age where their sexual preference is exhibited (i.e., observe whether they play with dolls or trucks) before choosing to do surgery.  The doctors/parents never get the sex right.  Consequently, many children like this grow up confused and find out what was done to them and end up committing suicide.  No doubt this greatly grieves God's heart and indicates a tremendous need for deeper understanding from the Christian community.
Per Isaiah, those eunuchs who choose a celibate life in order to serve the Lord will be given a special name in Heaven, better than that of sons and daughters:
4 "For thus saith the LORD unto the eunuchs that keep my sabbaths, and choose the things that please Me, and take hold of My covenant;

 5 "Even unto them will I give in Mine house and within My walls a place and a name better than of sons and of daughters: I will give them an everlasting name, that shall not be cut off." -- Isaiah 56:4-5

A man named Carry G., had a supernatural conversion experience in which he had the opportunity to ask Jesus, "Is it alright to be gay?"  Jesus replied with great love and gentleness, "Carry, that is not the most important question."  In other words, love for our Creator is most important.  When we get our relationship with Jesus right, He helps fix whatever is wrong with us.  As a result, Carry later became a Catholic priest. -- Source:
Understand that God, though represented to us as male in scriptures, is gender neutral 
(meaning He is both male/female).  Per the original Hebrew writings in Genesis, man was initially created as both male and female (hermaphrodite) - in God's image - until God split Adam in half (separated him) in order to make him a companion.  The man was left as a male and the female part of him was made into a separate being.  However, the two of them were initially one.  Thus we ended up with males who needed females in order to reproduce the human race.  (I'm greatly simplifying it.)
That's why when Eve sinned, Adam remained with her, because she was his other halfhe couldn't bear to be without her.  It will take the 2nd Adam, Jesus Christ, who is sinless, to restore fallen mankind. 
Meanwhile, because of genetics gone awry, some are born as hermaphrodites -- both male and female, like Adam was initially.  So those of us who are definitely one or the other, need to be more sensitive and understanding of those who -- because of genetics -- were born as both male/female.  They can't help the way they were born, but are like Adam was initially.  Whereas, those who weren't born that way, who pervert others, I view as being in the wrong since it goes against what God intended for life on Earth in order to reproduce.  However, those (i.e., eunuchs) who choose a celibate life in order to serve the Lord will be given a special name in Heaven, better than that of sons and daughters (Isa. 56:4-5).
Jesus, being part human, is waiting for His other half - His Bride, in order to be complete The spear that pierced His side on the cross and His blood that spilled for the remission of mankind's sins, was also to produce a bride - female counterpart - for Jesus, just as a woman was produced from Adam's side as a mate for him.  In that regard, Jesus' *dead body will be used to make the Bride of Christ with Jesus as the head -- meaning, He will share His body and mind with her so the two of them can rule and reign together as one.
Isaiah 26:19:  "With My *dead body shall they rise" [in the Resurrection/Rapture]; and vs. 20 speaks of the Bride being hidden with Christ during the Great Tribulation - "until the indignation be overpast." 
Another corroborating verse to the above is:
"And they were gathered [i.e., as in salvation and later Rapture] to me and were saved [i.e., from sin and The Great Tribulation]; because they were to Me as My own members [i.e., the body of Christ who become His Bride] and I was their head." -- Odes of Solomon, Ode 17:14
I came across two shocking verses in the Odes of Solomon, revealing God's gender neutrality, which read as follows:
"Love Me with affection, ye who love:  for I do not turn away My face from them who are Mine.  For I know them and before they came into being I took knowledge of them and on their faces I set My seal:  I fashioned their members:  My own breasts I prepared for them, that they might drink My holy milk and live thereby."  (Ed., The Bible speaks of desiring the "sincere milk of the Word (of God)," 1 Peter 2:2.  "I took pleasure in them and am not ashamed of them:  For My workmanship are they and the strength of My thoughts." -- Odes of Solomon, 8:14-17
"A cup of milk was offered to me:  And I drank it in the sweetness of the delight of the Lord.  The Son is the cup, and He who was milked was the Father:  And the Holy Spirit milked Him:  Because His breasts were full, and it was necessary for Him that His milk should be sufficiently released; and the Holy Spirit opened His bosom and mingled the milk from the two breasts of the Father; and gave the mixture to the world without their knowing: and they who receive in its fulness are the ones on the right hand [i.e., a reference to the day of Judgment when God separates the sheep from the goats; the sheep - the righteous - will be on His right-hand side]." -- Odes of Solomon, 19:1-5

I'm not saying the gay lifestyle is correct, because all of us have sinned and come short of God's glory and all of us need to repent.  However, I find the whole issue terribly complicated and have decided we will have to wait until Jesus comes to straighten out the mess.  I do know Jesus told someone (who asked Him what He is) that He is "bi-sexual," which makes sense because as our Creator and God in human form, He loves everyone - male or female.  God is gender neutral.  However, even the Bride of Christ is made up of both males and females.  How that will all work out remains to be seen.  :)