Luis Vega (4 Jun 2023)



Jesus of Nazareth And King of The Jews

by Luis B. Vega   

‘Pilate had a Notice prepared and fastened to the Cross. It read: JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWS.' -John 19:19

The following is a Link to 1 of my Online Store Collections on, where one can find an Array of Merchandise related to the Amazing Topic of the Sign that was the Capital Punishment for which Jesus was Condemned to Die by the Religious Jews. The Stores mainly deal with Political, Current Events, Issues, Topics or Biblically Themes and/or Titles. What did the Sign State or Declare? In the Bible, the Name of the Creator is a Sacred Name. IN Genesis, the Account of Creations does not even start with this Sacred Name of the Creator.

The Word for GOD is Elohim. But in a Word Study, Elohim is just a Version or what can be called God or GOD. Or in other words, Spiritual Beings of any Class could be called Elohim. What stands out of GOD Elohim, is that later on in the Bible, the actual Name, the Sacred Name of a particular Elohim that is the Creator is set apart. His Elohim, which can be seen and Interpreted in the Plural, as in ‘Let US Make Man in Our Image and Likeness’, is now Revealed as YHVH.

This Sacred Name is called the Tetragrammaton, as in Tetra or 4 because it has the 4 Hebrew Letters of the Sacred Name but with no Consonants, as that I show Hebrew is Written, etc. And? Well, when it came Time to have Jesus be put to Death at the Hands of the Religious Jewish Leaders of Israel. They use the Romans to do their Dirty Job. So, in John 19, Pilate ordered a Plate of the Crime to be put on the Cross, apparently. The Following is what the Inscription said, YHVH.

ישוע    הנצרי     ומלך   היהודים
HaYehudim     VeMelech        Hanazri       Yeshua     
of the Jews     And King      of Nazareth     Jesus

The Religious Jewish Leader, all being Kabbalists as Jesus called them out for being of the Synagogue of Satan, realized immediately that based on the Number Placement Association, the Sentence spelled-out the Sacred Name of the Creator, YHVH. This is by taking the 1st Letter of Each Word. There were 4 Words written in Latin, Greek and Hebrew. It was in the Hebrew that the Elders of Zion could Decode the Anagram, in the Hebrew. And this is what upset them. Why?

They were found out. If the People, if Israel discovered their Evil Plot to have their Long-Awaited Messiah ‘Cut Off’ as foretold in the Book of Daniel, they themselves would be Stoned. And what does YHVH mean? It means, based on the Paleo-Hebrew Pictographs, basically, ‘Look at the One that is Pierced through the Hands’.

י        ה          ו         ה   

The Free Online Link, specifically to the Hand of YHVH is at the following Address.

Hand of YHVH
Poster PDF Format

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However, the Request to have them Ordered for Purchased Online, like with Zazzle, out of Convenience, was also Requested. The Online Link to the Store, specific to this ‘Hand of YHVH’ Poster is at the following Address.

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Hand ofYHVH.png