Luis Vega (18 Jun 2023)
"CRUCIFIXION - Circumstantial Evidence Why it was in 32 AD"



Why it was in 32 AD

by Luis B. Vega

‘He [Jesus] is not here; He has Risen! Remember how He told you, while He was still with you in Galilee: The Son of Man must be delivered over to the Hands of Sinners, be Crucified and on the 3rd Day be Raised again’. Luke 24:6-7

When was Jesus Crucified? Was it in 30 AD? 31 AD, or 33 AD? This has been 1 of the most Profound Questions, that has been Debated since the Church Age started with Jesus’ Death. Can the Year and the Week Day be Determined? Is there any Evidence to suggest a More Accurate Year and Week Day? The Research one is providing in this Book, is one’s Best Attempt in Showing why one is More Convinced of a 32 AD Crucifixion Year. One is not attempting to ‘Convince’ anyone, or to ‘Prove’ the Year, as that is beyond one’s Ability. However, to Ascertain if 32 AD was the Year, one has used a Triangulation Approach to search this out. 


Most, if not all other Researchers into this Question do not consider any Research beyond the mere Historical Data Points. The Triangulation Approach considers, not only the Historical Inferences to a 32 AD Possible Crucifixion Year of Jesus, but Incorporates the Astronomical and Archaeological Inferences as well, that one has studied over the Years about this Question. Why is the Year so Important that a whole Book is to be Published about it? One will Demonstrate throughout Reading that the Material strongly suggests, that by Knowing Jesus’ Year of Death, Resurrection and Start of the Church Age, it can possibly lend to a Timeline of when the Church Age is to End with the next Schedule Order of the Resurrection to include the Rapture is to occur. 


And it would also suggest, when the Last Week of Human History before Jesus’ Return is to Begin, i.e., Daniel’s 70Th Week of 7 Years, or the Tribulation Period. To this End, this Book is a Compilation of Research Articles and Material that span over a Decade’s worth of Research, and it is one’s Best Attempt and Compiling the Material into one Cohesive Reading. Consider the Circumstantial Evidence, why one is More Convinced, that the True Crucifixion Year of Jesus was in 32 AD. It was not only 1 of the most Important Days in Human History on Earth, but also 1 of the most Important Events in Heaven.


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Why the Crucifixion was in 32 AD

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Preface………………..……………....…..................…  9  


Crucifixion Year? ….………...………………….…...…  15 

Critique And Questions ….………………...................  19 

Research Articles.......................................................  51 



Calendar Visitation……………………………………..   85 

Calendar Recalibrations…………………………….....   97 

When Was Jesus Crucified?......................................  113 

Shroud Of Turin…………………………………...…….  123 

Ministry Of Messiah……………………………...……..  143 



‘Holy Of Holies’ Tomb………………………………..…  157 

Eclipse Of The Cross………………………………..…  177 

Altar Of Sacrifice……………………………………..…  197 



Eclipse Patterns…………………………………….…..   217 

Cardinal Cross………………………………….....……   235 

Grand Celestial Cross……………………………..…..    255 

Cosmic Crucifixion…………………………………..….   263 

Celestial Trinity…………………………………….....…   271 

Piercing Of Adonai On Cross……………………..…...   279 

Millennial Tetrad…………………………………..…….   313 

Images Of Golgotha……………………………..……..   331 


ABCs of Salvation…………………………..…..………   343 

Book References ……………………………..…….….   351 


Category: Religion & Spirituality 

All Rights Reserved - Standard Copyright License 

Publisher: Lulu  


Binding: Paperback 

Interior: Color 

Dimensions: US Trade (6 x 9 in / 152 x 229 mm) 

Publication Date: June 6, 2023 

Language: English

ISBN: 978-1-312-48228-9
