James Brownlow (25 Jun 2023)
"Why 2023 Is the Highest Rapture Watch Ever"


TW Tramm's latest article. The Jewish Civil year ends Sept 16. His site is linked at the bottom. The 9th of Av coincides this year with the Feast of Wine and is July 26.


T.W. Tramm – (06/17/23)

JUNE 26 will mark eight years since I began this calendar-focused ministry called “Season of Return.”

Each year, biblical melines and math have added up in a way that con rms we are in the season of the Rapture. However, no year has seen a calendar-convergence like the current one. The following are 10 reasons I believe the most an cipated event in history—the catching up into the clouds of countless followers of Jesus Christ—could happen in 2023.


According to scholars, 2023 marks the start of a Sabba cal week.

Valida ng this reckoning is a pa ern of signs at a seven-year interval (see notes) and the fact that the corresponding Jewish and Gregorian years (5782/2023) are both divisible by seven. This coincidence does not occur with the standard rabbinic reckoning, which has 5782 corresponding to 2022.

That 2023 begins a new Sabba cal week is signi cant because the Bible’s “bridal week” custom implies that the ul mate Bride, the Church, will be spirited away to the home of the Bridegroom around the start of a week (Gen. 29:26–28; John 14:3; Isa. 26:19–21).


Because 2023 is the rst year of a Sabba cal week, it is also a poten al Jubilee, or “year of redemp on” (Lev. 25). This is signi cant because Scripture associates the year of redemp on with the resurrec on– rapture of the Church:

• Paul, the Apostle to the Gen le Church, speaks of the “redemp on” of our bodies at the Lord’s appearing (Rom. 8:19–23).

• Jesus says when we see the signs of His coming, our “redemp on” is drawing near (Luke 21:28).• Chris ans are sealed by the Holy Spirit un l the day of “redemp on” (Eph. 4:30).


2023 marks Israel’s 75th birthday. This is noteworthy because the father of Israel, Abraham, was 75 years old when he and his family entered the Promised Land in the year 2023 AM (Gen. 12:1–4). If the pa ern repeats, Israel’s 75th birthday in 2023 AD could see the “sons of Abraham” by faith, believing Jews and Gen les, enter the heavenly Promised Land (Gal. 3:7).

4. 1335 TIMELINE

2023 marks 1,335 years since the Islamic Dome of the Rock was set up on the Temple Mount in 688 AD. This is signi cant because in Daniel’s nal vision of the end mes, the se ng up of an “abomina on” in the Temple area commences a countdown of 1,335 (days or years) to an unspeci ed blessed event: “Blessed is the one who waits for and reaches the end of the 1,335 days” (Dan. 12:12). Since the “blessed hope” of believing Jews and Gen les is Jesus’ appearing (Titus 2:13; Luke 12:37), it is conceivable that the unspeci ed “blessed” event a er 1,335 (days or years) is the Rapture.


2023 marks nine years since two cows with “7s” on their heads appeared around the Feast of Trumpets in 2014. In prophecy circles, the cows with ‘7s’ were interpreted as a modern version of Pharaoh’s dream of seven healthy cows swallowed up by seven sickly cows, a divine warning about seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine (Gen. 41).

According to the extrabiblical Book of Jasher, the seven years of plenty began two years a er Pharaoh’s cow dream, and the seven years of famine began seven years a er that (Jasher 50).

Fast forward to the present: It is noteworthy that a period of economic abundance began two years a er the 2014 cow signs, with the elec on of Donald Trump. If the omened me of plenty began in 2016, the period of famine should begin seven years later, in 2023.


2023 marks the comple on of seven Sabba cal weeks since Jerusalem was restored to the Jews in 1967. This is signi cant because, according to Daniel’s Weeks Prophecy, Messiah will appear seven weeks, or one Jubilee period, a er a restora on of Jerusalem:


From the going forth of the command to restore and build Jerusalem un l Messiah the Prince, there


shall be seven weeks”

(Dan. 9:25).

If our reading of Daniel is correct, not only is the post-Sabba cal year 2023 a poten al Jubilee, it is a Jubilee.


2023 marks the completion of 69 Sabbatical weeks since Jerusalem’s wall was rebuilt by Islamic rulerSuleiman. This is significant because, according to another reading of Daniel’s Weeks Prophecy, Messiah will appear seven weeks and sixty-two weeks” (69 weeks) after Jerusalem’s wall is rebuilt: “From the

going forth of the command to restore and build Jerusalem until Messiah the Prince, there shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; the street shall be built again, and the wall” (Dan. 9:25).

8. 10 WEEKS SINCE 1948

2023 marks the comple on of 10 Sabba cal weeks

since Israel became a na on in 1948. T

he number 10

denotes completeness, divine order, and judgment: There are 10 commandments; 10 genera ons of

man lived on the earth before the ood waters came and swept them away; 10 days precede the Day of

Atonement, or “judgment day.”

Addi onally, 10 weeks are equivalent to 70 years. The number 70 denotes completeness related to Israel: The Na on of Israel began with 70 Hebrews who migrated to Egypt; Moses appointed 70 elders to be the governing body of Israel; the Jews spent 70 years in Babylon; God’s plan of redemp on for Israel is comprised of 70 weeks.


2023 marks the start of the 11th Sabba cal week since Israel became a na on in 1948. The number 11 denotes chaos, disorder, and judgment in Scripture, themes associated with the Tribula on period. The next Sabba cal week, beginning in 2030, will be the 12th since Israel became a na on. The number 12 signi es God's authority and a perfect governmental founda on in Scripture, themes associated with the Millennial Kingdom.



2023 marks the comple on of 354 Sabba cal weeks since Daniel’s Weeks Prophecy began to be ful lled upon the Jews’ return to Jerusalem in 457 BC (Ezra 7:9; Dan. 9:25). Because there are 354 days in a perfect 12-month lunar year, the number 354 symbolizes the fullness of me related to God’s celes al calendar. Moreover, since the Moon is symbolic of the Church, or Bride of Christ, it could be said that 354 denotes the fullness of me related to the Bride.

With the above list in view, here are the key takeaways:

  • God reckons me according to His Sabba cal calendar.

  • Scholarly analysis, signs, and math suggest that 2023 begins a new Sabba cal week.

  • An unrepeatable convergence of melines suggests that the week beginning in 2023 is the nal one: the Tribula on week for Israel, and the bridal week for the Church.

    Will 2023 see the gathering of the Bride? Despite all our reckoning, there is no way to know. What can be said is that, based on the melines, it is the highest Rapture watch ever.



    1. Concerning the reckoning of Sabba cal years, it is important to note that there are two accepted chronologies, which di er by a single year. The first chronology, associated with Benedict Zuckermann, has the Sabbatical year 5782 ending in 2022. The second chronology, associated with Ben Zion Wacholder, has the Sabbatical year 5782 ending in 2023. h ps://www.pickle-publishing.com/papers/sabba cal-years-table.htm

    Zuckermann’s chronology, published circa 1856, corresponds to the rabbinic reckoning of Sabbatical years, and is the cycle observed in Israel today. Sidenote: it has been speculated that Benedict Zuckerman, an orthodox Jew, may have been mo vated, consciously or subconsciously, to validate the exis ng rabbinic reckoning rather than challenge it.

    Wacholder’s chronology, published in 1973, is generally favored by scholars as he had access to ancient records not available to Zuckermann. Additionally, a number of coincidences make Wacholder’s chronology compelling:

• Ben Zion Wacholder, known for his research on the Sabbatical cycle, published his chronology in a Sabbatical year, 1973, at the age of 49. Thus, Wacholder’s birthdate and the publication of his paper on the Sabbatical cycle correspond to the cycle itself, and are stamped with the number of Jubilee.

  • Given that Sabbatical weeks are counted from either Tishrei (Jewish) or Nisan (biblical), it is fascinating to note that Wacholder was born exactly one week before Tishrei 1, and died exactly one week before Nisan 1 (September 21, 1924 and March 29, 2011, respectively). Thus, the scholar known for his chronology of Sabbatical weeks was born and died exactly one week before the date(s) on which Sabbatical weeks begin.

  • Wacholder’s chronology, reckoned from Nisan, lines up with recent landmark signs and events. Note below how the signs culminate in the seventh month of the seventh year, the “appointed time” in the year of debt remission, or “Shemitah” (Deut. 31:10):

    Sabbatical 197374: Yom Kippur War and inflation crisis begin in the seventh month.
    Sabbatical 2001
    02: Market crash related to the 9/11 terror attacks occurs in the seventh month.

    Sabbatical 200809: Market crash of 777 points linked to the Global Financial Crisis occurs in the seventh month.

    Sabbatical 201516: Major signs in the heavens (blood moons, solar eclipses, and Bethlehem Star reappearance) culminate in the seventh month.

    2. Sabba cal years are counted from Nisan, the “ rst month” (Ex. 12:1, 2). This is clear in Levi cus where, speaking to the prohibi on on farming during the Sabba cal year, God says, “You shall sow in the eighth year, and eat old produce un l the ninth year; un l its produce comes in, you shall eat of the old harvest” (Lev. 25:22). In this scenario, the crop is sown during the fall of the “eighth year” and its harvest comes in during the “ninth year,” indica ng a spring beginning to the year. If the year began in the fall, the crops sown at that me would be harvested four months later in spring of the same year. More on why biblical years begin at Nisan:h ps://storage.googleapis.com/wzukusers/user35306783/documents/6f0d476832da43a18e0bd26d197703 b8/W HY_GOD_COUNTS_YEARS_FROM_THE_SPRING_- _AND_WHY_IT_MATTERS.pdf

    4. 1335 calcula on: h ps://storage.googleapis.com/wzukusers/user- 35306783/documents/2b79181f3a184f348586bb555dd5034d/The%20Daniel%2012%20Prophecy%20and%202023 %20rev%20a.pdf

    5. Cow signs: h ps://storage.googleapis.com/wzukusers/user- 35306783/documents/ddaa5e9422e8469b84f4ca9b814c4e00/Cow%20Signs%20and%20the%20Looming%20Biblic al%20Famine.pdf


3. According to the wedding custom in the Bible, the bride and groom are hidden away for a week to get acquainted before making their rst public appearance as man and wife (Gen. 29:26–28). Since everything related to a wedding in Scripture points to the ul mate wedding of Christ and the Church, we understand the “bridal week” to foreshadow a seven-year period in which the Church–Bride is hidden away in heaven, while judgment is poured out on the earth (Isa. 26:19–21).


6. The Book of Jasher is an ancient history book that lls in details not included in the Bible. Jasher is referenced three mes in Scripture, con rming that it is a legi mate source of informa on (See Josh. 10:13; 2 Sam. 1:18; and 2 Tim. 3:8).

7. Daniel’s Weeks Prophecy and 2023: h ps://storage.googleapis.com/wzukusers/user- 35306783/documents/955eaefdcbf34a3ea89c02951f1721f8/2023%20- %20THE%20YEAR%20OF%20REDEMPTION%20rev%20a.pdf




9. Another coincidence related to the number 354 occurs in what is regarded as the standard index of the Bible, Strong’s Hebrew–Greek Concordance: Strong’s #354 in the Hebrew, ayyal, refers to a “stag, or male deer.” Strong’s #354 in the Greek, analémpsis, refers to a “taking up into heaven.” That the Hebrew and Greek words associated with the number 354 refer to a stag and a taking up to heaven is striking because the Bible’s rapture-allegory in Song of Songs depicts Jesus as a young stag who calls on His beloved to “rise up” and come away: “My beloved is like a gazelle or a young stag .... My beloved spoke, and said to me: ‘Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away’” (Song 2:9, 10).

10. Interes ng coincidences related to the number 23:

  • Levi cus chapter 23 describes the seven Feasts of the Lord. Levi cus 23:23 describes the Feast of


  • Planet Earth’s axis is lted 23 degrees.


Psalm 23, the most quoted Psalm in the Bible, ends: “I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever” (Ps.



Though not biblical, the “23 enigma” is a phenomenon popularized by various books, movies, and

conspiracy theories, which holds that the number 23 appears with unusual frequency in various contexts

and may be a symbol of some larger, hidden signi cance. A topic related to the 23 enigma

is eikositriophobia, which is a fear of the number 23.