Fay (25 Jun 2023)
"This Cannot Continue as 'Normal'"


Hi John and Doves,

The degradation of society has reached peak vile. The president of the United States of America is mentally incapacitated. His son is a reprobate of the lowest order. DJ Trump is being hounded by 'the law' whilst this absurd '1st family' charade continues. If we were watching a movie, this would be considered a 'tragi-comedy'. The whole debacle is utterly absurd!

Think about it - the pedo stories are off the charts. HORRIFIC stuff. The sexualisation of our children in schools - I mean.. WHAT? There are no words for this awfulness. The constant push and shove for society to accept a million different genders and making it a jailable offence to 'misgender' someone. Even if they are a hulking great bearded brute with a penis - we are required - by law - to call it a she, if it identifies as such. *DEEP BREATH*. This is not a world that anyone, of sound mind, wants to live in. The media have gone over to the dark side. Deep, deep shame on them.

Once this level of deterioration sets in - the final collapse is close. Way closer than we have ever dared believe.

Hallelujah! Please come, LORD Jesus.

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