Chance (25 Jun 2023)
"iVerify and Digital ID for Bank Accounts"

Hello John and Doves,
The U.N. is doing what it can to stop free speech.  They are actively moving forward "for the prevention and mitigation of disinformation, misinformation and hate speech."  And the U.N. is planning a digital ID to be linked to bank accounts.
Online Information:
"Understanding online information pollution is an urgent global challenge.  Misinformation, disinformation and hate speech threaten peace and security, disproportionately affecting those who are already vulnerable."  They want no one 'left behind'  - this will be universal - because everyone has digital rights and will be digitally included.
"iVerify is UNDP's automated fact-checking tool that can be used to identify false information and prevent and mitigate its spread."
At this site you'll find much more about this: 
IVERIFY | United Nations Development Programme
The U.N. is all for "information integrity" - they choose what is hate speech, what is misinformation.  And then they'll tell us.
On their website they say that they don't want this "misused in ways that would undermine freedom of expression, freedom of the press or political and social rights."  They will 'check facts, not opinion'.  They will consult relevant sources and investigate all sides of the story.  They will guarantee triple verification.  They will publish fact-checking reports based on the available evidence at a point in time.  They will remain vigilant to new findings on fact-checked content. 
 Absolute rubbish!  Ridiculous coming from the U.N.~  The U.S. /U.N. didn't like what was said/written about their Covid-19 narrative and the Covid-19 vaccine narrative.  iVerify is controlled by them - they'll only approve what THEY want you to read, hear, write.
They even have a mission statement to 'identify threats to information' - their information.
Bank Accounts:
And add this to the U.N.'s plans to link digital ID to bank accounts.
"Essentially, the objective is to have people, devices, and entities all tied up in a connected network that could apparently be centrally administered, seemingly by unelected bureaucrats."  
And "The WEF has just partnered with a leading biometrics company to advance its own agenda to digitize humanity....The WEF is keen to promote biometric forms of digital ID and claims the technology would serve as a steward of "social inclusion".
United Nations Planning Digital ID Linked To Bank Accounts | ZeroHedge
Just being aware that this is going on can help keep people safe and from falling for the control tactics.  "Inclusion" is just one of their many buzz words of deception.
It's good to know what the enemy has planned.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!