Chance (18 Jun 2023)
"Gino and Different Calendars"

Hi Gino, John and Doves,
Gino, I'm with you on this calendar question.  The Jewish calendars seem to have been many - from a 360 day calendar to a 365 calendar where certain years have an added month, from solar to lunisolar.  The Essenes used their own too.
RE: Chance: 06.04.23: the feasts and the calendars

I have often wondered if the Jews had the Third Temple in use today, would their High Priest feel comfortable entering the Holy of Holies that ONE day each year, the Day of Atonement?  If he was wrong - he's be struck down.  Which calendar would they use?  How would they determine the start of a new year?  The start of each month?  What if they were off by one day?  Which day was the true Day of Atonement?
Hebrew 9:7  "But only the high priest entered the second room, and then only once a year..."
"The Holy of Holies was the innermost chamber in the wilderness tabernacle, a room so sacred only one person could enter it, and then only one day out of the entire year....the Holy of Holies could be entered only by the high priest on the annual Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur."
This website lists the High Priest from various time periods -
List of High Priests of Israel - Wikipedia
Starting with Aaron in the group of High Priests that are "From the Exodus to Solomon's Temple" to the final group of High Priests during the "Heroidian-Roman Period" - who definitely used a different calendar by then than Aaron's group of High Priests.
Looking at the list there are some 30 High Priests in the Herodian-Roman Period - from 37 BC to 70 AD - most only serving a year or two.  Why so many High Priests in this last time period?
The First Temple "saw only 18 High Priests throughout its 400 years, over 300 served during the Second Temple's 420 years.  Several were righteous, and their combined service accounts for over 141 years."
"The ascension of Antiochus IV Epiphanes to the Seleucid throne in 175 BCE marked the beginning of the end of true High Priesthood."  It was during this time that "the practice of buying the High Priesthood from the government" began.  This explains the extremely high number of Kohen Gadols (Chief Priests - the "supervisor of the House of God") during this era since most died when they entered the Holy of Holies on Yom Kippur.  Many of those High Priests were ignorant of the requirements of their position, and some were outright Sadducees who scorned accepted religious practice. "
Probably most died because of the calendar confusion along with not following the religious practices (dress/ritual/etc) required of the High Priest before and while in the Holy of Holies.
The High Priest in Jewish Tradition -
Gino, I agree with you, the Pharisees and Essenes had different calendars and the Sadducees did their own thing and "scorned accepted religious practice."  They probably couldn't care less what 'day' it was on the religious calendar.
As I wrote in a previous letter, "It just seems crazy that the Jewish calendar has been so 'lost' - and we have to try and figure out so many aspects of their calendar." 
And today we stumble around trying to find the correct day of Pentecost! 
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem!