Chance (18 Jun 2023)
"Interesting Video/Youtube on WEF Symbolism and Some Thoughts on the Antichrist"

Hello John and Doves,
Below is a short youtube on some symbolism at a WEF speech given by King Charles.  (The WEF does nothing by 'accident' - everything has meanings.)  And then I write a little bit about the Antichrist -  the mortal man vs the evil beast he will become.
This IS interesting.  Aaron, on God A Minute? youtube channel, presents some interesting symbolism he saw on other sites - it's from the WEF 2020 speech with King Charles.
And we've previously seen that from Queen Elizabeth's funeral to her son's coronation there were 6 months, 6 weeks and 6 days.  Hmmm.
run time 5:04
King Charles is another possibility for position of the Antichrist.  He has some interesting 666 connections...
Of course, when this man (whoever he is) is 'healed' from the deadly/mortal wound that he receives THEN, I believe, he will have all of the characteristics attributed to the Antichrist that are given in The Bible.  Right now - whoever he is - he's a mortal man.  The Bible does not say much about this mortal man.  In his mortal life he had a top leadership position - as a king of a country or empire, a president, a ?.....and somehow he is a man the world will readily recognize.  So he's been in the news..a lot - worldwide; he could even be a historical figure.  An evil man over an evil empire.  He is someone many people will gladly follow again.  
We are given some information in The Revelation:
In Revelation 17:11, "And the beast that was, and is not, he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goes into destruction."  There is a group of seven kings that are bound together by some common theme - maybe all very evil?  Or maybe all had large empires.  Or very large evil empires.   Something units them as "the seven".  Of these seven kings - one of them, it seems, will return from the dead - he "was" and "is not".  And becomes a 'king' again - as he was one of the seven, and will later become the eighth. 
More info is given in Revelation 17:8:  "The beast that thou sawest was, and is not, and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit and go into perdition.  And they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is."  (At the end, the AC goes into perdition - perdition is eternal damnation) 
This information about him is given in vs 11 and then it is repeated twice in vs 8 so it must be important for us to understand: "was" (he was a king), "and is not" (not a king), "and yet is" (a king again, the eighth) = "was", and "is not", and (instead of "yet is") "shall ascend out of the bottomless pit." to become the eighth king.  So this guy comes out of become the AC.and at the end goes to eternal damnation.  If he's alive today, a mortal wound would get him into the abyss....or if he's a historical figure, he's already in the abyss.  That's my take away.....??
Wonder can mean "marvel at", "feel in awe of", "feel great admiration for", "awestruck".Strong's Greek: 2296. θαυμάζω (thaumazó) -- to marvel, wonder
The unBelievers will be astounded, amazed and awed by this evil man coming back.  And I think they will be glad he's back!   He "was" - dead; he "is not" - maybe telling John he wasn't alive during John's time? - and "yet is".  He did something in his mortal life that these evil people approved of.  We have many warmongers today.  Many that hate the state of Israel and the Jewish people.  We have many that hate God. We have many that hate Christians.  These people will unite behind this man.  A historical figure suggested has been Nero; but I believe a better historical candidate is Adolf Hitler.  There are many that would follow this man if he came back - fascists, neo-Nazis, Nazis, warmongers, Jew-haters, those who hate Israel - he 'accomplished so much and came so close' - maybe satan will be given a second chance with him?  Hmmm.
  I believe this man actually dies as most do... But Revelation 13:3 says, "One of the heads of the beast seemed/appeared to have a mortal wound - beyond recovery."....But I don't think a recovery will "astound" the world or make people "marvel" at his recovery.  And he comes out of the I wrote above - to become the eighth king.  So he's dead.
Just a couple thoughts on this...for now.
But what the AC is like in his mortal life will be a shadow of what he will be in his "Antichrist" life.  I'm sure he's an evil man before the wound, before he is given 'the eighth kingdom', but after....WOW!  