"Then the Lord rained Brimstone and Fireon "Sodom and Gomorrah",from the Lord out of the heavens."GENESIS 19:24
Dear Saints,On 6/24/2024 I was led to review the Sept 1984 Prophecy of Dumitru Duduman which I hadnot looked at for several years. As a result the following never before seen Bible revelations came to light.
It was just on 6/22-23/2024 we posted the Kim Clement revelations involving his birthdate of 9/30/1956,and his Prophecy from 2007, that Donald Trump will be Two Term President !! See Kim ClementThat's when these never before seen discoveries were made.DumitruDuduman Kim Clementwas born on was born on7/14/1932 9/30/1956,!..............................exactly 24 yrs 2 months 16 days...........................!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "Lo, I will be with youTimeline reveals an exact ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ always even to theProphetic sync with the last ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ End of the Age."verse book of Matthew , vs # 24216 of the Bible > Matthew 28:20,Matthew begins with chapter 930 of Bible,Matthew ends in chapter 957+1071 vs of book = 2028,
Matthew beginning to end reveals the prophetic date 9/30/2028https://www.timeanddate.com/date/durationresult.html?m1=11&d1=23&y1=2016&m2=9&d2=30&y2=2028 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Dumitru ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
^^^^^^^>>Prophetic Parallel>>^^^^^^^^^^^Duduman Kim Clement ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^died on died on on ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^5/5/1997 11/23/2016, 9/30/2028!............exactly 7142 days......!....exactly 7 days 142 months.......!A key part of Dumitru's testimony from Sept 1984 is the Angel showed himCalifornia, Las Vegas, New York, and Florida, in like a vision, and told him they wouldall be destroyed by fire just like "Sodom and Gomorrah" were destroyed in the Bible.So here are the confirming prophetic syncs in the bible about this.See our "Sword" article > "SWORD" reveals 3 Stage Fall of Babylon Prophecy New Bible Revelations < to betterunderstand how word "Sword" syncs all 3 Stages Fall of Babylon Prophecy together in the Bible.https://www.newjerusalem.org/9881?from=Search(9881)..https://www.newjerusalem.org/Jude.1?from=Search(Jude.1.7)#7..............>< Jude 1:7 is the last place in the bible the prophetic phrase ><"For there are 3 >< "Sodom and Gomorrah" is seen. ><that bear witness >< ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ >< prophetic phrasein heaven: the Father, the >< "as "Sodom and Gomorrah", >< Babylon isWord, and the Holy Spirit; >< and the cities around them in a similar >< Fallen is Fallenand these 3 are one." >< manner to these, having given >< seen in bible here for1st John 5:7 >< themselves over to sexual immorality >< 3rd and last time,is the only vs in >< and gone after strange flesh, are set >< prophetic forthe bible with >< forth as an example, suffering the >< Stage 3 Fall of Babylona 9881 gematria ct >< vengeance of eternal fire." >< coming 9/30/20281st John 5:7 Jude 1:7 Revelation 18:2!............20+28 vs......................!.....................316 vs................................!! ! A=1,B=2 etc > 316 = Two Thousand Twenty Eight! !...............158+158 vs..............................!! A=1,B=2 etc > 158 = Day of Atonement ^^^^^^^^! Day of Atonement is 9/30/2028 in this yr.1st John 5:7 Revelation 18:2!..........................................182+182 vs to................................................!"and these 3 are one."Stage 1 3 Stages = One ProphecyFall of Babylon Prophecy Stage 3Twin II Towers Fall of Babylon Prophecy^Destroyed to be executed here.9/11/2001 1st John 5:7 9/30/2028!..................241 X 41 = 9881 days.....................................!!........................exactly 27yrs 19 days...................................!Strong's Hebrew concordance #2719 is the word Sword................................................^^^^^^^^^^.......................................................................................And here is how the same 3 Stage Fall of Babylon Prophecyis seen in prophetic parallel encoded in the book of Matthew.^^^^^^^^^^ Prophetic forIsaiah 21:9 chapter 700 bible Babylon is Fallen is Fallen seen > Stage 1 > 9/11/2001Revelation 14:8 chapt 1181 bible Babylon is Fallen is Fallen seen > Stage 2 > 3/6/2009Revelation 18:2 chapt 1185 bible Babylon is Fallen is Fallen seen > Stage 3 >9/30/2028
Total > 3066 < As seen above ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Dumitru Duduman birthdate to ^^^^^^^^^^^^Matthew 22:27 with a 3066 gematria ct, Kim Clement birthdate 24 yrs 2 months 16 daysonly vs in the New Testament with this ct. syncs to vs # 24216 here.Matthew 22:27 Matthew 27:11 Matthew 27:52 ^^9/30/2028^^!............241 vs............!..........41 vs...........! Matthew 28:20!....................................................316 vs.................................!! A=1,B=2 etc > 316 = Two Thousand Twenty Eight!...............................................158+158 vs..............................!^^^^^^^ A=1,B=2 etc > 158 = Day of Atonement ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ Day of Atonement is 9/30/2028 in this yr.^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Matthew 22:27 Matthew 27:11 Matthew 27:52Verse #'s of bible 23900 + 24141 + 24182 = 72223In math the 7148th prime number is 72223^^^^^^^^And here is how it all syncs together in the bible, by divine revelation involving.............................................................................. ^^^^^^^^.......................................................Stage 1 Stage 2 ^^^^^^^^ Stage 3Fall of Babylon. Fall of Babylon Prophecy ^^^^^^^^ Fall of Babylon ProphecyTwin II Towers . S&P500 Fell to 666 ^^^^^^^^ encoded in BibleDestroyed . lowest low of this century ^^^^^^^^ for execution on9/11/2001 on 3/6/2009 ^^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!............2733 days.................!..............................7148 days........!^^^^^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^‘When your wares went out by sea, ^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^You satisfied many people; You enriched ^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^the kings of the earth With your many ^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^luxury goods and your merchandise. ^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^EZEKIEL 27:33 has a gematria ct of 3996 = 666 x 6 or 27x148......................................................................................................................................these TWO AMAZING Prophets !!The cattle were Verses propheticallyDumitru thirty-six thousand, synced to this dateDuduman Kim Clement of which the Lord's Revelation 18:2was born on was born on tribute was 72. Matthew 28:207/14/1932 9/30/1956 NUMBERS 31:38 ^^^^^ 9/30/2028!...exactly 24 yrs 2 months 16 days...!................................exactly 72 years.........!Vs # 24216 of bible, ! ^^^^^Matthew 28:20. ! ^^^^^! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ! ^^^^^! NUMBERS 31:38 is the only vs with 72 in text as a stand alone #.! NUMBERS 31:38 has a gematria ct of 2765.! Prophetic Sign in the Heavens ^^^^^^^^^! Revelation 12:1 describes 12 Stars ^^^^^^^^^ Start Date End Date! + Sun and Moon in an extraordinary ^^^^^^^^^ Great Great! prophetic alignment which occurred on ^^^^^^^^^ Tribulation Tribulation9/30/1956 9/23/2017 ^^^^^^^^^ 4/19/2025 9/30/2028!.......exactly 22273 days to............!...........2765 days....!.....1260Days....!"And all the firstborn males, according to the numberof names from a month old and above, of those who werenumbered of them, were 22273".NUMBERS 3:43 ^^^^^^^^343 divide by 22273 = = = = .015399.NUMBERS 3:43 only vs with 22273 ^^^^^^in text of Bible. ^^^^^^"Now Jesus stood before the governor. And the governor asked Him, saying,Start “Are You the King of the Jews?” Jesus said to him, “It is as you say.”of Bible Matthew 27:11 has a 15399 gematria ct.!........................24141 vs to.................! VS # 15399 of Bible is PSALM 91:3.
^^^^^ ^^^^ chapter of Bible 569 >>>>>> ^^^^^^^^^^9881 = 241 X 41 +vs # 1459 of PSALMS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ total> 2028 <^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Start Year timeline END Year^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Great Great Great^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Tribulation Tribulation Tribulation^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2025 + 1260 + 2028 = 5313^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Prime numbers are 241 and 41.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 9881 = 241 X 41.^^^^^^^ Stage 3
^^^^^^^ Fall of BabylonStage 1 ^^^^^^^ will be executed hereFall of Babylon ^^^^^^^ in sync withTWIN II TOWERS ^^^^^^^ END DATEDESTROYED ^^^^^^^ Great Tribulation9/11/2001 ^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!........................9881 days........!Another key part of Dumitru's testimony is the Angel points him to the Bible and quotesspecific prophetic phrases "One Thousand" and "Ten Thousand", which first appear togetherin Deuteronomy 32:30...
"How could One chase a Thousand , And two put ten thousand to flight, Unlesstheir Rock had sold them, And the Lord had surrendered them?"Deuteronomy 32:30 is vs #5789 of the Bible.This exactly matches Jewish Year 5789 beginning Sept/2028 right where all Bible evidence syncs for execution Stage 3 Fall of Babylon Prophecy Sept/2028 !!.......................................................................................................................................................Another key part of Dumitru's testimony is the Angel points him to Jeremiah 51 andtells him America is the typology of Babylon in this chapter.
"Thus says the Lord of hosts: “The broad walls of Babylon shall be utterly broken,And her high gates shall be burned with fire; The people will labor in vain,And the nations, because of the fire; And they shall be weary.”
Jeremiah 51:58^^^^^ ^^^^^ This is the only place in the entireBible that has a 51><58 chapter verse combination.And 51 X 58 = 930+2028 preciselysynchronizing to the prophetic date 9/30/2028 !! We have already done tons ofdocumentation about SUPERBOWLS 51 and 58, as the only two SUPERBOWLS, inSUPERBOWL history to go into "Sudden Death Overtime" !! And GOD is using these twoSUPERBOWLS as Prophetic Warning Signs of coming Stage 3 Fall of Babylon Prophecy !!See prior article > https://www.fivedoves.com/letters/feb2024/stevew218-2.htm <Here is a new revelation of just how precisely these two SUPERBOWLS are encoded in the Bible.https://www.newjerusalem.org/3428?from=Search(3428) https://www.newjerusalem.org/2522?from=Search(2522)
The Final score of SUPERBOWL 51 was >< The Final score of SUPERBOWL 58 was34-28 >>>>>>><<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 25-22Here are all the chapter vs combos in the Bible that sync with these Final scores,and the amazing revelation that comes to light from the verse # Totals.
Genesis 34:28 is vs # 1009 of Bible. Genesis 25:22 is vs # 681 of Bible.Exodus 34:28 is vs # 2525 of Bible. Exodus 25:22 is vs # 2218 of Bible.Numbers 34:28 is vs # 4845 of Bible. Leviticus 25:22 is vs # 3492 of Bible.2nd Chron 34:28 is vs # 11962 of Bible. 1 Samuel 25:22 is vs # 7884 of Bible.Job 34:28 is vs # 13712 of Bible. 2 Kings 25:22 is vs # 10245 of Bible.Ezekiel 34:28 is vs # 21342 of Bible. 1 Chronicle 25:22 is vs # 11069 of Bible.Total > 55395 < 2 Chronicle 25:22 is vs # 11727 of Bible.^^^^^^^^^ Psalm 25:22 is vs # 14274 of Bible.^^^^^^^^^ Proverbs 25:22 is vs # 17136 of Bible.^^^^^^^^^ Jeremiah 25:22 is vs # 19557 of Bible.^^^^^^^^^ Matthew 25:22 is vs # 24031 of Bible.^^^^^^^^^ Acts 25:22 is vs # 27819 of Bible.^^^^^^^^^ Total > 150133 <^^^^^^^^^ >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^55395 + 150133 = 205528^^^^^^^^^^^^ADAM dies age 930 in Genesis 5:5.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^The Bible perfectly syncs together the prophetic date 9/30/2028 by using the precisedetails of prophetic SUPERBOWLS 51 X 58 = 930+2028 !!!!!!!Vs records Historical Start Book of End ChaptFirst time in Bible Destruction of Revelation Rev 1:20 Rev 2:28"Sodom and >< "Sodom and !......20vs.....!......28vs......!Gomorrah", >< Gomorrah" Stage 3 Fall of Babylon ProphecyStart of seen in text in text here Coming 2028 America Destroyed !!Bible Genesis 10:19 Genesis 19:24 Revelation 2:28!.........254 vs.......!...........228 vs..............!.........................12 X 2522 vs to.............! ^^^^^254th ^^^^^>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Prophetic Parallels >>>>>>>>^^^^^Day of Year Wearing number 12 >< 25-22 was the Final Score ofis 9/11. Jersey Mecole Hardman >< SUPER BOWL 58 !!Mecole Hardman - Wikipedia scored the final touchdown in Sudden Death overtime !!Mecole Hardman Prophetic Signswas born on SUPERBOWLS 51 X 58 = 930+20283/12/1998 9/30/2028!.....................................................................exactly 11160 days to.....................!Properties of the number 5944 ^^^^^^^^1932 + 1984 + 2028 = 5944 whose sum of divisors in mathL.A. California, L.A. California,L.A. California, equals 11160 !!Olympic Games,Olympic Games, Olympic Gamesheld in 1932 , held in 1984, coming 2028.....................................................................See more below..................................................................................See > About Dumitru Duduman...........................................................................................A key prophetic date in the life of Dumitru Duduman was when he arrived inAmerica for the first time ever on 8/3/1984. This was right in the middle of when the
Here are the amazing prophetic parallels this triggers.
Remember in Dumitru's testimony the first place the Angel shows him that'sgoing to be destroyed in America is California.Lo and Behold... Massive Bible evidenceDumitru Duduman points to Stage 3Dumitru recieves Angelic Prophecy Fall of BabylonDuduman... in the year 1984 Prophecy beingwas born yr 1932 America will be destroyed executed in 2028 !!!prophetic parallel prophetic parallel prophetic parallelSame yr 1932 Same yr 1984 Same yr 2028SUMMER OLYMPICS SUMMER OLYMPICS SUMMER OLYMPICSare held in Los Angeles are held in Los Angeles to be held in Los AngelesCalifornia. California. California.^^America set the record in these^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^OLYMPICS with 83 Gold 61 Silver medals. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^prophetic parallel with Bible. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"they had as king over them ^^^^ Babylon ^^^^ Babylonthe Angel of the ^^^^ is Fallen ^^^^ is Fallenbottomless pit, ABADDON, ^^^^ is Fallen ^^^^ is Fallen(which means Destroyer ) ^^^^ in text of vs ^^^^ in text of vsRevelation 9:11 ^^^^ Revelation 14:8 ^^^^ Revelation 18:2!.....................83 vs to...........!..................61 vs to...............!
9/11/2001 3/6/2009 9/30/2028
... Lo and Behold...![]()
These were and will be the 10th , 23rd , 34th Olympic Games held in L.A. California.
^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^10 + 23 + 34 = 67^^^^^^6th Trumpet ^^^^^^ 7th Trumpetsounds here ^^^^^^ sounds hereRevelation 9:13 ^^^^^^ Revelation 11:15!.....................34 vs to..............!913 + 1115 = 2028.....................................................................................................................................................
GOD is using Dumitru's life from birth to death as an END TIME Prophetic Revelation !!!!!!!
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ https://www.newjerusalem.org/15873?from=Search(15873)Dumitru DumitruDuduman Dudumanwas born on died on7/14/1932 5/5/1997!.............exactly 777 months 7+7+7 days to..............!In math 777777 = 49 x 15873^^^^ 15873 vs # of Bible is Psalm 118:3,^^^^ last vs in Bible with 1260 gematria ct,^^^^ Great Tribulation 1260 Days ending^^^^ > 9/30/2028 <Leviticus 25:8 is the only vs in Bible with number 49 years in text. ^^^^^^^^^^‘And you shall count 7 Sabbaths of years for yourself, 7 times 7 years; ^^^^^^^^^^and the time of the 7 Sabbaths of years shall be to you 49 years." On the Jewish calendar
this date is the rare comboNotice also 7X7X7X7 = 2401 of a Sabbath DayIn standard gematria> ^^^^^^ and Day of Atonement>Sabbath Day+Day of Atonement= 2401 >>>>>>>>>> 9/30/2028
And Leviticus 25:8 is vs number 3478 of the Bible. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Amazingly the 34th ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^OLYMPIC GAMES are scheduled ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^to have its Opening Ceremony in ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^L. A. CALIFORNIA on ^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^7/14/2028 < ^^^^ ^^^^^ 9/30/2028!...................and its exactly 78 days to.........................!^^^^^^^^ The Seventh Angel sounds the^^^^^^^^ 7th and Last Trumpet^^^^^^^^ for Second ComingAnd from Leviticus 25:8 vs number 3478 of the Bible, of Jesus Christ hereits exactly 27410 verses to >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Revelation 11:15The 274th day of year in this rare leap day year is 9/30/2028.And on the Jewish calendar 10th day of year is the >>>>>>> Day of Atonement.See more prior article > 4/18/2024>ManhattanNY+REV 11:15+Olympics2028+Pope Francis=1626 days to 9/30/2028 <................................................................................................................................................On June 26, 2024 right as I was finishing up the above article to be released on the weekend,This headline news from RUSSIA came out > Medvedev says "America will Burn" <Steve Quayle took notice its the same quote as the DUDUMAN "America will Burn" Prophecy !!GOD BLESS...Comments welcome to Stephen Wilkins > wilkste@aol.com.....