Dear Saints,David Eibeck sent me some calculations on USA Presidents 41 thru 47, which triggered thefollowing collaboration between us of prophetic discoveries...
In reverse simple gematria Z=1,Y=2,X=3 etc their full names are >
41st President USA in Z=1,Y=2,X=3 etc > George Herbert Walker Bush = 36842nd President USA in Z=1,Y=2,X=3 etc >>>> William Jefferson Clinton = 35743rd President USA in Z=1,Y=2,X=3 etc >>>>>>>> George Walker Bush = 25544th President USA in Z=1,Y=2,X=3 etc >>>>> Barack Hussein Obama = 32345h President USA in Z=1,Y=2,X=3 etc >>>>>>>>> Donald John Trump = 22046th President USA in Z=1,Y=2,X=3 etc >>>> Joseph Robinette Biden = 32547h President USA in Z=1,Y=2,X=3 etc >>>>>>>> Donald John Trump = 220Total > 2068 <^^^^^^^^End Date Great Tribulation ^^^^^^^^9 / 30 / 2028 ^^^^^^^^Book name> 1Samuel, Amos , Proverbs, Hosea ^^^^^^^^Book number> 9 , 30 , 20 , 28 ^^^^^^^^
Total verses in book>810 + 146 + 915 + 197 = = = = = = = 2068^^^^^^^In Donald Trump's assassination attempt shots ^^^^^^^were fired at exactly 6:11 pm which is 18:11 military time. ^^^^^^^simple math reveals 1811 + 257 = 2068^^^^^^47th Book of Bible Second Corinthians has 257 verses. We have documented^^^ much evidence now Donald Trump is encoded in the Bibleas the 47th President of USA !! See prior Donald Trump assassination article.^^^41+42+43+44+45+46+47=308^^^^^A=1,B=2 etc > 308 = Last Seven Presidents of USA^^^^^In math the 308th prime # is 2029 ! This is a perfect sync sinceTrump as 47th Prez term would be ending 1/20/2029! Notice also from the the start ofH.W. BUSH 41 presidency 1/20/1989 its 40 years to 1/20/2029!^^^^In the Bible GOD had ISRAEL wander 40 years <<< Right now all the evidence isin the wilderness as a typology of the coming <<< pointing to the Great TribulationGreat Tribulation of 1260 Days. See the <<< timeframe running from"Forty Years" article for more details. <<< 4/19/2025 >1260Days>9/30/2028Now when we synchronize this number order 41+42+43+44+45+46+47To book numbers and names of the Bible we get the following amazing revelations.
Remember with the 47th book Second Corinthians when simply adding up its New Testamentchapters 150 thru 162 = 2028. And we've already documented in detail how this booksynced with other Bible points, syncs Donald Trump and Grover Cleveland together,confirming in very unique ways Donald Trump is indeed encoded in the Bible as the 47th President.
In standard gematria book 41 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> MARK = 151In standard gematria book 42 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LUKE = 355In standard gematria book 43 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JOHN = 128In standard gematria book 44 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ACTS = 304In standard gematria book 45 >>>>>>>>>>>> ROMANS = 341In standard gematria book 46 >>> FIRST CORINTHIANS = 985In standard gematria book 47 >>> SECOND CORINTHIANS = 802Total > 3066 <^^^^^^^3066 is the KEY prophetic numberin the Bible synced to the 3 Stage Fall of Babylon Prophecy as documented in the
prophetic phrase seen in text.Isaiah 21:9 chapter 700 bible Babylon is Fallen is Fallen seen > Stage 1 > 9/11/2001Revelation 14:8 chapt 1181 bible Babylon is Fallen is Fallen seen > Stage 2 > 3/6/2009Revelation 18:2 chapt 1185 bible Babylon is Fallen is Fallen seen > Stage 3 >9/30/2028
Total > 3066 < As seen in article ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Dumitru Duduman birthdate to ^^^^^^^^^^^^Matthew 22:27 with a 3066 gematria ct, Kim Clement birthdate 24 yrs 2 months 16 daysonly vs in the New Testament with this ct. syncs to vs # 24216 here.Matthew 22:27 Matthew 27:11 Matthew 27:52 ^^9/30/2028^^!............241 vs............!..........41 vs...........! Matthew 28:20!....................................................316 vs.................................!! A=1,B=2 etc > 316 = Two Thousand Twenty Eight!...............................................158+158 vs..............................!^^^^^^^ A=1,B=2 etc > 158 = Day of Atonement ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ Day of Atonement is 9/30/2028 in this yr.^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Matthew 22:27 Matthew 27:11 Matthew 27:52Verse #'s of bible 23900 + 24141 + 24182 = 72223In math the 7148th prime number is 72223^^^^^^^^.............................................................................. ^^^^^^^^.......................................................Stage 1 Stage 2 ^^^^^^^^ Stage 3Fall of Babylon. Fall of Babylon Prophecy ^^^^^^^^ Fall of Babylon ProphecyTwin II Towers . S&P500 Fell to 666 ^^^^^^^^ encoded in BibleDestroyed . lowest low of this century ^^^^^^^^ for execution on9/11/2001 on 3/6/2009 ^^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!............2733 days.................!..............................7148 days........!^^^^^^ ^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^‘When your wares went out by sea, ^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^You satisfied many people; You enriched ^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^the kings of the earth With your many ^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^luxury goods and your merchandise. ^^^ ^ ^^^^^^^EZEKIEL 27:33 has a gematria ct of 3996 = 666 x 6 or 27x148......................................................................................................................................"Now Jesus stood before the governor. And the governor asked Him, saying,Start “Are You the King of the Jews?” Jesus said to him, “It is as you say.”of Bible Matthew 27:11 has a 15399 gematria ct.!........................24141 vs to.................! VS # 15399 of Bible is PSALM 91:3.
^^^^^ ^^^^ chapter of Bible 569 >>>>>> ^^^^^^^^^^9881 = 241 X 41 +vs # 1459 of PSALMS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ total> 2028 <^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Start Year timeline END Year^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Great Great Great^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Tribulation Tribulation Tribulation^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 2025 + 1260 + 2028 = 5313^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Prime numbers are 241 and 41.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 9881 = 241 X 41.^^^^^^^ Stage 3
^^^^^^^ Fall of BabylonStage 1 ^^^^^^^ will be executed hereFall of Babylon ^^^^^^^ in sync withTWIN II TOWERS ^^^^^^^ END DATEDESTROYED ^^^^^^^ Great Tribulation9/11/2001 ^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!........................9881 days........!Also see our "Sword" article. How one Bible word Sword syncs all 3 Stages of the...........................................................................................................................................Keep in mind in this section below , Revelation 17 is very deep and may very well haveMULTIPLE levels of prophetic interpretation that apply and are valid here. We're onlyfocusing on one level of prophetic typology here in how America has taken on theprophetic typology role of Spiritual Babylon in recent years.
"And on her forehead a name was written:MYSTERY, Babylon the Great, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTSAND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH."“Here is the mind which has wisdom:The Seven heads are Seven mountains on which the woman sits."
Revelation 17:5-9On 1/17/1991 America invaded and defeated the place of ancient Babylon IRAQ.By doing so America took on the prophetic typology role of Spiritual Babylon.
It was called Operation Desert Shield headed up by commander and chiefPresident George H.W. Bush our 41st President.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^A=1,B=2 etc > Operation Desert Shield = 241 ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^9881 = 241 X 41^^^^^^^ Stage 3
^^^^^^^ Fall of BabylonStage 1 ^^^^^^^ will be executed hereFall of Babylon ^^^^^^^ in sync withTWIN II TOWERS ^^^^^^^ END DATEDESTROYED ^^^^^^^ Great Tribulation9/11/2001 ^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!........................9881 days.........................!Worlds End State Park - Wikipedia
The name "Worlds End" arose from the topography of the place. Seven mountainranges converge on the point and one does receive the sensation of being at theultimate ends of the earth.
How remarkable is it that these Seven mountains perfectly sync with the Seven mountains of Revelation 17:9. And even more remarkable these Seven mountains are in the same state of
PENNSYVANIA where the recent assassination attempt was made on Donald Trump 7/13/2024,in BUTLER PENNSYLVANIA, who is on his way to becoming the 7th President in line counting fromBUSH 41. This makes Trump a perfect sync as the 7th King of the Seven Kings ofRevelation 17:10 !!Lo and Behold ... Presidents = = = = 3081 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 This is vs # 308 book of Revelation.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "merchandise of gold and silver,"There are also Seven Kings. precious stones and pearls, fine linen and purple,Five have fallen, one is, silk and scarlet, every kind of citron wood,and the other has not yet come. every kind of object of ivory, every kind ofAnd when he comes, object of most precious wood,he must continue a short time." bronze, iron, and marble;
Revelation 17:10 Revelation 18:12^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^This is vs # 30986 of Bible + verse number 31006 of Bible = 61992^^^^^^^^^108 X 82 X 7 = 61992^^^^ ^^^ ^^^Donald Trump will be exactly 108 days and 82 years age on 9/30/2028^^^^ 6th Seal ^^^ ^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Start book of Revelation ^^^^ Rev 6:12 ^^^ ^^^ Revelation 11:15!..............108 vs.....!.........82 vs...............................! ^^^^^^....................................................................................................................................................108 X 82 = 8856 ^^^ is where the25200 is the sum of divisors of 8856 7th Angel sounds the25200 = 10 X 5x7x8x9 7th and Last TrumpetOn Jewish calendar 10th day of 5789 in Revelation 11:15Jewish Year is the Day of Atonement date on our calendar >>> 9/30/2028The Pentagon - Wikipedia
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Stage 1 Fall of BabylonConstruction began on George H.W. Bush 41 gave his TWIN II TOWERSthe PENTAGON on New World Order speech on DESTROYED on9/11/1941 ..... 9/11/1990 9/11/2001!........................exactly 49 years...!...exactly 11 years....................!"Binding his donkey to the vine, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
And his donkey’s colt to the choice vine, ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
He washed his garments in wine, And ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
his clothes in the blood of grapes." ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Prophetic Bible sync with GENESIS 49:11. ^^^^^^^This is the first vs in the Bible with a 3066 gematria count.^^^^^^^^......................................................................................................................................................As seen above 3066 is the KEY prophetic numberin the Bible synchronzing the 3 Stages of Fall of Babylon Prophecy together as seen also
America invaded the land ^^^^^^^ Stage 3 Fall of Babylonof ancient Babylon IRAQ ^^^^^^^ Prophecy begins execution heretaking on the typology role of ^^^^^^^ END DATESpiritual Babylon as a result ^^^^^^^ Great Tribulationon 1/17/1991 ^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!.....................................exactly 13771 days.............................!"It is drawn, and comes out of the body; ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^JOB 20:25 ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Yes, the glittering point comes out of his gall. ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Terrors come upon him;" ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^13352 + 419 = 13771 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Vs # of Bible 13352 is JOB 20:25. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Prophetically synchronizing with START DATE END DATEGreat Tribulation Great Tribulation4/19/2025 9/30/2028!....................1260 Days..........!...........................................................................................................................................GOD BLESS...Comments welcome to Stephen Wilkins > <......................................................................................................................................