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A=1,B=2 etc >>> "GOD speaks with Prophetic Signs" = 335See Revelation 21:20 below > BERYL+Sardius+Sardonyx+BERYL= 335Number synced to Stone name in vs > 8th , 6th , 5th , 8th ^^^^^In Strong's Hebrew concordance number 8658 is BERYL ^^^^^The Prophetic Sign of the Total Solar Eclipse that passed over the ^^^^^USA on 4/8/2024, left the USA at the Maine Border at exactly 3:35 pm !! On a clock the 935th minute of the day is 3:35 pm .In math the 935th Prime # is 7333 Properties of the number 7333On a calendar 20yrs28 days is always 7333 days no matter whatday you start counting from. 2028 is the year where MASSIVE amounts of evidenceand many Prophetic Signs are now aligning for Jesus Christ Second Coming !! Noticein the pictures below, when HURRICANE BERYL entered Texas it followed the same path theTotal Solar Eclipse of 4/8/2024 traveled on !! This triggers amazing Bible revelations below.This article documents extraordinary evidence HURRICANE BERYL is a genuine Prophetic Signsynced in the Bible to the coming Great Tribulation 4/19/2025 >> 1260Days>> 9/30/2028.
"The fifth, Sardonyx; the sixth, Sardius; the seventh, chrysolyte;the Eighth,BERYL; the ninth, a topaz; the tenth, a chrysoprasus;Start book of the eleventh, a jacinth; the twelfth, an amethyst."Revelation Revelation 21:20!..............................376 vs to.................! Start Date End DateHurricane BERYL ^^^^^^^ Great Greatentered Texas and on ^^^^^^^ Tribulation Tribulationtuesday 7/9/2024 it ^^^^^^^ 4/19/2025 9/30/2028moved into !.......................................................284 Days...........!.......1260Days......!the path of the ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^Total Solar Eclipse ^^^^^^^ VS number 284 book ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^Prophetic Sign ^^^^^^^ of Daniel is Daniel 10:6 ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^that passed over the ^^^^^^^ with BERYL, in the text !! ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^USA on 4/8/2024 ^^^^^^^ 4/19/2025 9/30/2028!...................376 Days..............................................!.......1260Days......!
"His body was like BERYL, his face like the appearance of lightning,his eyes like torches of fire, his arms and feet like burnished bronze in color,and the sound of his words like the voice of a multitude."Start of Bible Daniel 10:6!..........................22022 vs to....................!Notice 2+2022=2024 !! So here we have a vs # with BERYL in the text thatnumerically syncs to YEAR 2024, while we have a record setting HURRICANE namedBERYL occurring in YEAR 2024 !! And this is the 7th and last time BERYL appearsin the Old Testament. And In standard gematria > BERYL = 827.And 7 X 827 = 5789So we're also being prophetically pointed to Jewish Year 5789 which begins in> Sept/2028 <BERYL became the earliest hurricane ever in a season to achieve the highest CAT 5 statuson 7/1-2/2024. Its max wind speed of 165mph also a record for earliest ever on July 2.(about midnight) ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^(Atlantic Standard Time) ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A=1,B=2 etc > 165 = Last Trumpet ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Start of 165 = = = = = = = = = 11x15^^^^^^^^^^ Revelation Rev 6:12 Revelation 11:15 is where the^^^^^^^^^^ !..............108 vs.....!........82 vs..................................! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 108 X 82 = 8856 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 25200 is the sum of divisors of 8856 7th Angel sounds the^^^^^^^^^^ 25200 = 10 X 5x7x8x9 7th and Last Trumpet^^^^^^^^^^ Jewish YR 10th day of 5789 is the Revelation 11:15From 7/1-2/2024 Day of Atonement date on our calendar > 9/30/2028!................................its 1552 days to..........................................!1st Corinthians 15:52 is also where the Last Trumpet sounds !! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the Last Trumpet.For the Trumpet will sound, and thedead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.1st Corinthians 15:52.more prophetic parallels in the Bible. A=1,B=2 etc > 165 = Last Trumpet ^^Start of 1552 gematria ct ^^^^^ Last vs of ChapterPSALMS PSALM 119:69 ^^^^^ PSALM 128:6!.............2028 vs to..........!.................165 vs to..............!Prophetic Sign BERYL 165 mph max winds.PSALMS is Book 19,48th chapter syncs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^to the YEAR 1948 when ISRAEL fulfilled ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Bible Prophecy becoming a nation again. So count ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^each chapter going forward as a prophetic YEAR and PSALM 128:6 =YEAR 2028 !!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Most significantly PSALM 119:69 has a Hebrew gematria count of 1552,matching a perfect sync with 1st Corinthians 15:52 whereas we see above the Last Trumpet sounds for the end timeRapture Resurrection of GOD's Saints synced to year 2028 in these Bible configurations.....................................................................................................................................................Matthew begins chapter 930 of Bible.Matthew ends in chapter 957+1071 vs of book = 2028,Matthew beginning to end reveals the prophetic date 9/30/2028"Lo, I will be with you always2028 syncs here From even to the End of the Age."PSALM 128:6 Matthew 28:20!........................................8083 vs to.......,,,.............................!^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^"And Moses was 80 years old and Aaron 83 years old ^^^^^^^^^^when they spoke to Pharaoh." ^^^^^^^^^^Prophetic Sign From Exodus 7:7 is vs # 1693 of Bible. ^^^^^^^^^^SUPERBOWL 58 ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^played on 2/11/2024 ^^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!.............................................its exactly 1693 days to............!See our SUPERBOWL 58 article > <and Dumitru Duduman article > <to better understand the prophetic revelations below.BERYL in Strong's Hebrew concordance is # 8658.^^^^^^^^^In math the first four perfect numbers are 6+28+496+8128=8658>>>>>>> ^^^^^^^^^ <<<<<<<on 2/11/2024 San Francisco appeared in its 8th SUPER BOWL in # 58 !on 2/11/2024 Kansas City appeared in its 6th SUPER BOWL in # 58 !^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Prophetic Signs > SUPERBOWLS 51 and 58, are the^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ only two SUPERBOWLS to go into Sudden Death overtime !!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 930+2028 = 51 X 58 precisely^^^^^^^^^^^^^ synchronizing to the prophetic date 9/30/2028 !!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "The fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolyte;^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the Eighth,BERYL; the ninth, a topaz; the tenth, a chrysoprasus;^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the eleventh, a jacinth; the twelfth, an amethyst."^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Revelation 21:20^^^^^^^^^^^^^ BERYL is seen only one time in the New Testament,^^^^^^^^^^^^^ in Vs # 376 of Book Revelation 21:20.
^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ SuperBowls SuperBowls
^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ 109=51+58 >< 930+2028=51X58^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ 109 Day of YR ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ is this date ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Prophetic Sign ^^^^^^^ Start Date End Date^^^^^^^^^^^^^ date ^^^^^^^ Great Tribulation Great TribulationIn Strong's 4/8/2024 ^^^^^^^ 4/19/2025 9/30/2028BERYL is !..................376 days to......!......1260Days......!# 8658. >><< Prophetic Sign >><< Prophetic SignProphetic Sign >><< in the Heavens >><< HURRICANE BERYL sets theSUPERBOWL 58 >><< Total Solar Eclipse >><< record for becoming the earliestwas played on >><< passed over USA on >><< CAT 5 storm in a season on2/11/2024 >><< 4/8/2024 >><< 7/1/2024!....................57 Days.....!.........84 Days to.................!These amazing Prophetic Signs are ALLhappening in Jewish Year 5784 we are in right now !!! This also means while BERYLwas still an active HURRICANE on 7/2/2024 it was synced to Jewish YR 5785/2025.And on on 7/3/2024 it was synced to Jewish YR 5786/2026.And on on 7/4/2024 it was synced to Jewish YR 5787/2027.And on on 7/5/2024 it was synced to Jewish YR 5788/2028.And on on 7/6/2024 it was synced to Jewish YR 5789/Sept/2028,ending time of the Great Tribulation.In other words all the time HURRICANE BERYL was an active HURRICANE ,and using the Prophetic Sign dates above, it prophetically passed thruall the Great Tribulation years of 2025 to 2028, by way of the equivalentJewish Years 5785 to 5789 !! Surely only GODcould be orchestrating all these real world events to so perfectly sync with the Bible !!.................................................................................................................................................................Lo and Behold...
"So Moses heeded the voice of his father-in-law and did all that he had said."
Exodus 18:24Exodus 18:24 is vs # 2024 of Bible with a 2579 gematria ct.And in math the 376th prime # is 2579. Again, as seen above theword BERYL appears in vs # 376 book of Revelation 21:20. And as a Prophetic Signwe have the BERYL HURRICANE here in 2024 !! Also quite revealing is the
Latitude line of 37.6 degrees passes thru the exact center of the X marks the spot,of the two prophetic Eclipses of 8/21/2017 and 4/8/2024 then 376 days to 4/19/2025.^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^We also have 47X8 = 376 Another Prophetic Signis Donald Trump is attempting to become the 47th ^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^President of USA at age 78 . ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Prophetic Sign Prophetic Sign Inauguration Day for Start Date End DateTotal Solar Eclipse Donald Trump New President USA Great Greatpassed over USA turned 78 on will be on Tribulation Tribulationon 4/8/2024 6/14/2024 1/20/2025 4/19/2025 9/30/2028!...............67 Days........!.................220 days.!..........89 days....!...1260Days.....!Prophetic ^^^^^ Prophetic ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ! ^^^^^^Parallel ^^^^^ Parallel ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ! ^^^^^^BERYL in text ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ! ^^^^^^Daniel 10:6 ^^^^^ Daniel 12:7 is vs # 22089 of Bible with the 1260 Day!.................67 vs............! Great Tribulation timeline in text of the verse !!4/8/2024 4/19/2025!..............................376 Days........................................................!BERYL appears in vs # 376 book of Revelation 21:20, and its path across USA synced with the4/8/2024 path the Total Solar Eclipse traveled across USA .....................................................................................................................................................Lo and Behold...Finally the most extraordinary prophetic syncs are BERYL still an active stormarrived in southern Illinois evening of 7/ 9/ 2024 right where the X marks the spot, of thetwo prophetic Total Solar Eclipses of 8/21/2017 and 4/8/2024 crossed paths !!And this triggers the amazing Bible revelations below.
Prophetic Sign Total Solar Eclipse passed over USA on4 / 8 / 2024Book name> Numbers, Ruth, Proverbs, JeremiahBook number> 4 , 8 , 20 , 24Total vs's in book> 1288 + 85 + 915 + 1364 = = = = = = = = 3652++++Prophetic Sign ++++HURRICANE BERYL synced with Total Solar Eclipses at ++++ X marks the spot, on
7 / 9 / 2024 ++++
Book name> Judges, 1Samuel, Proverbs, Jeremiah ++++
Book number> 7 , 9 , 20 , 24 ++++
Total vs's in book> 618 + 810 + 915 + 1364 = = = = = = = = 3707
++++Start Date Great Tribulation ++++4 / 19 / 2025 ++++Book name> Numbers, Psalms, Proverbs,Lamentations ++++Book number> 4 , 19 , 20 , 25 ++++
Total vs's in book>1288 + 2461 + 915 + 154 = = = = = = = = 4818
Grand Total > 12177 <^^^^^^^^^451 X 27 = 12177 <^^^^^^ 27th Book of Bible is DANIEL, where^^^^^^ Great Tribulation timeline of^^^^^^ 1260 days is seen in text first two times^^^^^^ in Bible in DANIEL 7:25 and DANIEL 12:7.BERYL >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And ^^^^^^ DANIEL 10:6 is where BERYL is seen !!DANIEL 10:6 vs # 284 prophetically syncs ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^
the prophetic timeline together from ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^7/9/2024 its 284 days to 4 /19 / 2025 ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^A=1,B=2 etc > ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^> April Nineteen ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^Two Thousand Twenty Five = 451 ^^^^^^^ End Date^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ GreatStart Date Great Tribulation 451 = = 41x11 Tribulation4 / 19 / 2025 ^^^^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028!..............................exactly 41 months 11 days to.........!!..................................same as 1260 days.....................!............................................................................................................................................
And when we sync together ALL of the key dates above we get this amazing Bible revelation.
Prophetic Sign Total Solar Eclipse passed over USA on8 / 21 / 2017Book name> Ruth, Ecclesiastes,Proverbs,EstherBook number> 8 , 21 , 20 , 17Total vs's in book> 85 + 222 + 915 + 167 = = = = = = = = 1389++++Prophetic Sign Total Solar Eclipse passed over USA on ++++4 / 8 / 2024 ++++Book name> Numbers, Ruth, Proverbs, Jeremiah ++++Book number> 4 , 8 , 20 , 24 ++++Total vs's in book> 1288 + 85 + 915 + 1364 = = = = = = = = = 3652++++Prophetic Sign ++++HURRICANE BERYL synced with Total Solar Eclipse at ++++ X marks the spot, on
7 / 9 / 2024 ++++
Book name> Judges, 1Samuel, Proverbs, Jeremiah ++++
Book number> 7 , 9 , 20 , 24 ++++
Total vs's in book> 618 + 810 + 915 + 1364 = = = = = = = = 3707
++++Start Date Great Tribulation ++++4 / 19 / 2025 ++++Book name> Numbers, Psalms, Proverbs,Lamentations ++++Book number> 4 , 19 , 20 , 25 ++++
Total vs's in book>1288 + 2461 + 915 + 154 = = = = = = = =4818
++++End Date Great Tribulation ++++9 / 30 / 2028 ++++Book name> 1Samuel, Amos , Proverbs, Hosea ++++Book number> 9 , 30 , 20 , 28 ++++
Total vs's in book>810 + 146 + 915 + 197 = = = = = = = = 2068Grand Total > 15634 <
^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^ 6th ^^^^^ 7th and^^^^^^^ Trumpet ^^^^^ Last TrumpetStart Book of ^^^^^^^ sounds here ^^^^^ sounds hereRevelation ^^^^^^^ Revelation 9:13 ^^^^^ Revelation 11:15!.................156 vs to........!.................34 vs to........! ^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^2028 = 913 + 1115......................................................................................................................................................Its in the MANY QUADRILLIONS to ONE odds all the above real world Prophetic Signs could soperfectly sync in the Bible and point us multiple confirming ways to the Great Tribulation dates!!.......................................................................................................................................................See Pearl Harbor article how 4/19/2025 is so perfectly synced in the Bible as theStart Date of the Great Tribulation > <......................................................................................................................................................GOD BLESS....comments welcome to Stephen Wilkins > <