So I'm sure almost everyone has seen the supposed assassination attempt? The narrative from Trump about being pierced in his ear brought to mind multiple things.
There's something mysterious and historical about having a piece of your ear cut off.
When they came for Jesus, Peter drew his sword and cut off a piece of Malchus's ear. Jesus healed him and said he who kills by the sword must Die by the sword.
Then, Vincent Van Gogh, the artist who painted the famous Starry Night which was about Joseph and his 11 brothers (12 stars in the painting), is famously known for cutting off his ear. He later committed suicide.
Don McLean's famous song Vincent is about Van Gogh too.
Then there's avid Jesus follower Johnny Cash singing Folsom Prison Blues. The song literally mentions "cut off a piece of my ear."
This feels very odd from a spiritual standpoint. Donald did not wince in pain from being hit in his ear, but to me looked more like he felt a raindrop or something, not consistent with being shot and nicked by a bullet.
Here's the Trump link:
Steve M
It's not Folsom prison blues but A boy named Sue that mentions the part about the ear being cut off