Petr (28 July 2024)
"Feasts set by God"


Hello brother,

in the study below is explained from the Scripture that the high watch of the rapture is precisely on the day of Pentecost. It is clear from the Scriptures that precisely on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2) God the Father sent the Holy Spirit to the Earth.

Considering how powerful the signs in the nations and in the stars are taking place now (solar eclipse in America) it is obvious that 2025 canīt any longer be counted as the year of the rapture. We see a foreshadowing of today's situation in the events before the flood. Noah was in the ark for seven days and on the eighth day – the judgment came and it started to rain. I believe it will happen the same way now as it did in the days of Noah. This August marks 7 years since the first eclipse in the US on August 21, 2017. In the eighth year the tribulation will begin. Seven years of abundance, seven years of tribulation. 

Jesus bless you

Thanks for sharing, brother!

Feasts set by God


The Lord Jesus fulfilled the first three spring feasts at the time of Passover, he will also fulfill the last three autumn feasts at his second coming on the Earth. So how can Jesus personally fulfill the feast of Pentecost?


Sending of the Holy Spirit two thousand years ago was not the fulfillment of the feast of Pentecost, because Jesus did not personally participate in this event. God sent the Holy Spirit as the earnest  (2 Corinthians 5:5). It was the earnest (or foretaste) of the feast of Pentecost, the fullness of which is to come in the future.


The Feast of Pentecost can be fulfilled by Jesus personally only by his descent into the clouds at the rapture of the church. This is what we expect to happen. It makes a lot of sense and I don't know what other activity of the Lord Jesus could fulfill this feast.


The events connected with the three different comings of the Lord Jesus to the earth or near the earth in the clouds always took place or will take place on the feasts. This fact shows that the rapture of the church cannot happen on an ordinary day, but only on a feast day, namely the feast of Pentecost.


The feast of Pentecost is connected in time with the feast of Passover. The counting of the feast of Pentecost begins from the day when the priest lifts the sheaf of barley on Passover. The Feast of Pentecost is therefore movable and the day of the feast depends on when the Passover is in a given year. The counting of the feast of Pentecost is divided into two parts. In the first part, seven full weeks are counted (it does not correspond to 49 days as in normal seven weeks, but seven full weeks corresponds to approximately 59 days). In the second part, after the completion of seven full weeks, another 50 days are counted (it literally means Pentecost).


The foreshadowing of the feast of Pentecost is the events on Mount Sinai in the year when Israel came out of Egypt at Passover.

In the third month, when the children of Israel were gone forth out of the land of Egypt, the same day came they into the wilderness of Sinai. (Exo 19:1)


We assume that the time of the arrival of people of Israel under Mount Sinai is in time connection with seven full weeks, i.e. approx. 59 days. From the time they stood at Mount Sinai, events began to unfold on the mountain lasting 50 days (Exo ch. 19 and 24). Here the timeless connection with the feast of Pentecost is obvious.


Now we will focus on the events at Mount Sinai which lasted 50 days. At the beginning of the events on the mountain Godsī actions were accompanied by supernatural manifestations (heavenly trumpets, fire, lightnings).

(Exo 19:13,16,19)


We do not find other similar supernatural manifestations anywhere else in the Scriptures, only at Pentecost in Acts 2, when only a part of the supernatural manifestations took place, as on Mount Sinai - fire and wind (an earnest of manifestations). At the rapture, trumpets will sound (1Co 15:52 and 1Th 4:16) and lightning will flash (Luke 17:24) - the completion of the discourses from Mount Sinai. The Scripture says that this trumpeting is the last, and if the last, there must have been the same sometime before that. And that was only on Mount Sinai. The completion of the supernatural manifestations will therefore again be on the feast of Pentecost. Foretaste (earnest) was in Acts 2 and the completion of the supernatural manifestations will be on the feast of Pentecost at the resurrection and rapture of the church. This will also end the church's time on earth.


The connection with Pentecost is also shown by the final event on Mount Sinai. When Moses came down from the mountain to the camp on the fiftieth day, he found that the people had committed a grievous sin. As God's punishment, 3,000 people perished that day. On Pentecost - Acts 2, 3000 people were saved on the fiftieth day. From this it can be assumed that Moses descended into the camp on the day of Pentecost.


Now we will try to find out the approximate period, not the specific day, of the feast of Pentecost this year. We will be based on the events at Mount Sinai. The time Israel wandered in the desert from the time they left Egypt to the arrival under Mount Sinai in the third month was about 59 days. We will assume that they came under the mountain sometime around the 16th day of the third month of Sivan, which is June 22nd in our calendar this year. If we add 50 days to this date, it works out August 11, 2024. Due to the possible inaccuracies of this calculation, we consider that the Pentecost holiday will fall this year on the period from August 8 to 14.


One day stands out from the above-mentioned time period of the Feast of Pentecost, namely August 13, which is the 9th day of the fifth month, that is, the 9th of Av. On this day the first and second temples of God were removed. The third temple is now the church. When the church is removed from this earth, the third temple will also be removed. In the first, second and third temples, the divine service ordained by God was held. The removal of the third temple built of living stones will bring an end to the dispensational temple worship worldwide (worship in the temple of the Age of Grace).


Then the third temple for the antichrist will be built in Jerusalem.