Neil Lipken (28 July 2024)
"The Rapture and Sudden Destruction!"

Late in these End Times the Rapture and "sudden destruction" draw ever closer!  From the establishment of the State of Israel in May of 1948, we are now 76 years into these End Times.   And "this generation shall not pass"!

I won't elaborate here on all the associated Scripture.

Be ready to go Uppity-Uppity!

P.S.  To have your "ticket" to the Rapture you must know Israel's long rejected Messiah (Jesus) as your Lord and Savior!   If you have not already done so, invite Him into your heart today with a simple prayer!   You do not want to be on earth during the coming terrifying 7 year Tribulation Period!

P.P.S.  It is a credit to any pastor who will not be afraid to speak about end time Bible prophecy from his pulpit!  Sadly many pastors these days want to stay away from this topic, not wanting anyone in their congregation to "get upset"!   I ask those pastors, do we please men or do we please God?!   The truth always needs to be spoken!  I have spent many years witnessing to my Jewish brethren, and I have taken a lot of heat because of that!   But my commitment is to the Lord, and we are to warn people of what is to come!   With love, yes, but we must speak the truth!

P.P.P.S. (almost running out of "P's"!)   If you have not already done so, go to "google" and type in "Rapture dreams and visions".  You will be amazed at how many Christians are now having dreams and visions about the upcoming Rapture and subsequent events!

Finally you have my permission to send this email to any friends and family members should you choose to do so!   See you in the Air!