And if there is intelligent life out there, what are the spiritual implications? When the aliens die, can they be resurrected to eternal life? And what would be the criteria for them to be "saved" on their planet? With the relatively new James Webb space telescope, our astonomers are finding many planets orbiting nearby stars, some of them at the proper distance from their star to harbor life.
P.S. But considering all the wars through history that humans have perpetrated against humans, who's to say there is really any intelligent life on earth?! Truly intelligent beings (those without a sin nature) would not go around slaughtering their own kind!
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In John 10:16 Jesus says, "And I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; I must bring them also, and they shall hear My voice, and they shall become one flock with one shepherd." We alway sermise about this verse that Jesus is referring to the gentile nations apart from Israel, but could it mean something more relative to this huge universe that we are living in?