Nansings (7 July 2024)
"Reply to:  Gino (30 June 2024) "Pictures of Jesus""

Reply to:  Gino (30 June 2024) "Pictures of Jesus"
    You mentioned that as a carpenter Jesus must have developed muscles.  He did.  I noticed when caught up to Heaven during an "open Heaven" in 2007, that as Jesus sat at a table His upper right arm appeared muscular with some bulging from underneath His white robe.  The left side of His body was turned away from me so that's why I only mention His right arm.  I wondered at the time why He let me witness that.
    It would seem to me that if Jesus didn't want any pictures of Him we wouldn't have the world's most famous painting and extraordinarily successful artwork of the 1940 famous portrait picture of Him known as "Sallman's Christ."
     Warner Sallman, an American artist (1892-1968), claims that in a vision Jesus appeared to him long enough to paint that picture - just for that purpose.  It was reproduced over half a billion times worldwide by the end of the 20th century.  Sallman produced 140 other pictures since then.
     Link to his collection: