Nansings (28 July 2024)
"Reply to Donna Danna re Fallen Angels & Sons of God"


Reply to Donna Danna re Fallen Angels & Sons of God
    At the crux of the whole controversy is whether or not we believe God's Word - proven through the exact science of mathematics to be Divinely authored - or allow a mix of ancient literature (without the proof of Divine authorship) that defies certain scriptures.
    To be on the safe side I choose to hold to the Divine authorship of scripture as proven through the exact science of mathematics which states in the book of Psalms and Hebrews 1:5 that God never called angels His son.  They do not qualify as "sons of God."  If that isn't true, then how can one believe the Bible is Divinely authored?  Where does one draw the line?  Either the Bible means what it says or it doesn't.  And how would God decide which humans qualify to judge the angels in the life to come (I Corinthians 6:3) if angels are also "sons of God?"  
     To deny Divine authorship complicates salvation and opens God's word up to include a mix of whatever one wants to believe -- like the Mormons who want to believe the Book of Mormon is divinely inspired, even though it cannot prove Divine authorship via the exact science of mathematics and ask us to trust our feelings on the matter, or like the apocryphal books that also do not have proof of God's signature on them via mathematics as discovered by Ivan Panin.
     We have to draw a line somewhere and I choose to do so with what has been proven through the exact science of mathematics.  In Heaven we will have the mind of Christ which will settle this whole controversy.  It has been fun debating.  Thank you for your responses.  I hereby rest my case.