"There are many false Messiah's warned of in scripture, but Judaism's false Messiah is very unique. The Rabbis say he will officiate the Red Heifer Sacrifice 2024, which will allow the Daily Sacrifices to begin. He will also build the Third Temple, and rule the entire world from Jerusalem." This supports what God told someone during their recent NDE, that the antichrist will be a Jew who will do like King Solomon to rebuild the temple and resume animal sacrifices. Who would have suspected it would be a direct descendant of King David? Very interesting!The requirements in Judaism for Moshiach/Messiah (NOT JESUS IN THEIR EYES) are very strict. The candidate must be from the lineage of King David, this is non-negotiable. It then gets even more strict, he must be a patrilineal descendant (father to son), "verified" all the way back to King David, from the tribe of Judah.
Geneologists and Rabbis as far back as 1933 concluded that only one family in Israel meets those strict qualifications, the Dayan family. -- Article: