Nansings (14 July 2024)
"Reply to Donna Danna (7 July 2024) re "Fallen Angels That Aren't Chained Up""

Reply to:
Donna Danna (7 July 2024)
    Thanks for responding, Donna.  I suspect we are so close to going up in the Rapture that we could be caught up at any moment and find ourselves in God's presence for eternity.  We will then have the mind of Christ through which we will know all the answers to such difficult issues.  What a wonderful thought!  I look forward to meeting you and all the others from 5 Doves who will make up the "Bride of Christ" who have labored long and hard in His vineyard here on Earth till now and are ready to enjoy the fruits of their labors in Heaven.  "What a day that will be when our (awesome) Jesus we shall see, when we look upon His face, the One who saved us by His grace, when He takes us by the hand and leads us to the Promised Land, what a day - glorious day - that will be!"
    I got a chuckle out of the title above.  ;)  As you know, I'm not convinced there are "fallen angels that aren't chained up."  The Bible doesn't give any indication of that in 2 Peter 2:4 and Jude 1:6.  To my knowledge that concept came from the Book of Enoch that poses contradictions to God's Word in numerous ways and doesn't bear the proof of God's Divine signature on it.
    I do recall, however, reading reports of alien beings who speak of an alien named Semjase.  For all we know it could have been an ancient alien instead of an angel.  That would make more sense since angels do not have seed for reproductive purposes, and therefore, could neither mate with women physically, nor create life in a test tube as they do not have sperm for that purpose.
     The Bible never tells of angels marrying, nor of pregnant angels, nor of angels giving birth.  Nor is there any mention of a nursery in Heaven for baby angels.  It does mention cherubs that were created - not by angels - but by God.  To the contrary, Jesus told His disciples in Matthew 22:29-30 "Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures nor the power of God," by thinking there was giving and taking in marriage in Heaven because there isn't.
     The purpose for marriage is to create a "godly seed" for reproductive purposes.  We get that from Malachi 2:15 that says that through the union of two people God is seeking a "godly seed."  And don't you think that if God got mad at the 1/3rd fallen angels for destroying His initial Earth that He would be even more furious with them if they tried to mess with the humans He had created and would later come to die for?  Many aliens have seed for reproductive purposes, and those who don't are able to create life in a test tube, but not the angels as, per Jesus, they do not have sexual organs, nor do they have sperm for creating life in a test tube.  Humans who accept God's plan of salvation are destined for the throne in Heaven to rule and reign with Christ someday -- but not the angels.  Instead, the Bible says redeemed humans will rule over the angels someday [I Cor. 6:3].
    With regards to Dr. Eby, the author of that article who viciously spoke out against him, I suspect is going to, himself, need a great deal of mercy from God on Judgment Day for God has told numerous people that He hates fingerpointing.  The confused critic also gives a link to a Dr. Eben Alexander who isn't Dr. Richard Eby.  As you can see below, the picture he gives on the left is not the same as that of Dr. Richard Eby and his wife.
    God told someone there is really no such thing as "death."  Instead, our "energy just changes form."  He provided us with an example of this through the visual of a caterpillar whose creepy, ugly form morphs into a cocoon - like a grave - then changes into a beautiful butterfly that flies away.  The caterpillar is alive through the whole process.  It is true that Dr. Eby will still be alive when the Rapture (a two-part process) happens, for in the Resurrection - which occurs first - his spirit, which will still be alive, will be transformed with his physical body into an eternal being.  The critic's mind is too narrow to understand such concepts.
    The reference made to Revelation 12:13-17 paints a picture that appears as all one incident but is actually made up of several.  It says, "And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the Earth he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child."  In this prophetic scenario time periods between events aren't specified.  It is told as though it is all one story.  How long was it after the dragon was cast to the Earth that he began to persecute the woman (Israel)?  Since he was cast down at the beginning there is a long stretch before the nation of Israel is created and the 'end times' scenario plays out.
     I didn't say that Satan was chained up with the fallen angels.  Here's what I said, "Because the Bible says the fallen angels are being "held in chains of darkness, reserved unto Judgment Day."  [2 Peter 2:4 / Jude 1:6].
     We've covered the following before; you said:  "The unchained Satan also goes into the presence of God along with the sons of God according to Job 1:6 & 2:1."  One minor note is you also mentioned 1 Colossians 1:13-16.  There isn't a "1 Colossians 1:13-16." 
     You also said:  "All the other angels were created by the Lord Jesus Christ."  Are you implying Jesus is an angel?  Psalm 8 says He was "created a little lower than the angels but is crowned with glory and honor."  From there on out in the rest of the paragraph you go into all the issues we've discussed before but apparently still do not agree on.  1)  God never called angels His "son(s)."  That changes everything that is debated thereafter.
     What we haven't debated, I don't believe, is the story of Sodom & Gomorrah.  That's another very interesting, tangled topic.  You said, "The two angels who appeared to Lot in the city of Sodom in Genesis 19:1-5 looked like men to the men of the city of Sodom & Gomorrah who wanted to have sex with them."
     My youngest brother attended Bob Jones University for a while.  While there hstudied the Bible in the original Mazoretic text of the Pentateuch and looked back at the original transcript of the story about Lot and his two daughters.  That version about the men of the city wanting Lot to hand over the two angels to them is not in the original transcripts, nor is it true that Lot offered his daughters to them instead.  
    The KJV Bible we are reading today is not the Bible of the 1800s which had no verses against gays.  The Roman Catholic church, via a monk named Damian, changed the text to create story lines that didn't exist previous to the King James.  The scriptures were thus perverted by creating homosexual stories in the Bible so gays -- like King James who was also gay -- would be charged $5K to $50K (if they were rich) to make 'penance' for their sins.  That's how the Roman Catholics came up with money to build their huge cathedrals.
      In the original manuscript there is no mention of homosexuality, nor of Lot offering his daughters to rioters and no lust for visiting angels, but it does mention that Lot carved idols for a living which apparently was considered too much of an embarassment to the translators, and therefore, for reasons of religious correctness was omitted from the story we have today.
     Additional evidence that the Sodom & Gomorrah story was changed from the original manuscript lies in Ezekiel 16:48-50 below.  Since the translators didn't have computers to cross-check the Bible for any possible related connection to what they were doing, they completely missed Ezekiel's reference to why God punished Sodom.  It, therefore, remains to this day as proof the Sodom & Gomorrah version we have is a gross concoction/mis-
representation of someone's overactive imagination, a need to fit an agenda, or both.  Had they known Ezekiel's reference to the sins of Sodom existed, and would prove their story wrong, they would, no doubt, have removed it, or changed it to match their concocted version.
     So, what really happened?  The original language tells a rather different story.  It tells how Lot's daughters were what we would call nurses today.  They would go outside the city walls and help the poor, lame, sick and elderly, showing hospitality to desert travellers by giving them food/water, etc.  This type of hospitality was against the rules of the city, especially after hours as the city would lock up at a particular time each night for the safety of all.  Lot was told by the guard at the gate -- who saw his daughters arriving after hours -- that as a result of what they had been doing, and for coming in late, they were going to be tried in a court the next day for breaking the law.  That was why Lot fled the city with them.  Also, Lot's daughters didn't commit the "sin of incest."  The Law wasn't given until Moses.
    Here is more information that may surprise you about the story of Sodom & Gomorrah:      Sodom's sin was not for homosexuality.  The real reason why God punished Sodom:
    Ezekiel 16:48-50 "As I live, saith the Lord GOD, Sodom thy sister hath not done, she nor her daughters, as thou hast done, thou and thy daughters.  Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fullness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. (Ed., Instead, the city of Sodom was punishing Lot's daughters who helped the poor and needy.)  And they were haughty, and committed abomination before me: therefore I took them away as I saw good."  Note, this occurred before the laws of Moses had been given to mankind by God.  Hospitality was considered very important.  Even Abraham found favor with God by showing hospitality to the Trinity that visited him one day.
     "Also, per the Torah, the Biblical reference to the "corruption of all flesh" (Gen. 6:12-13) meant something else other than angellic sexual relations with mankind," per Rabbi Avraham Kahn [Ed., as angels and Satan do not have seed for reproduction.  It meant the wasting of human seminal fluids.)
     We know angels can't have sex with mankind because Jesus said in Heaven the angels don't give and take in marriage.  The purpose of marriage as defined in the Bible is to "replenish the Earth" and to create a "godly seed" out of their union (Malachi 2:15).  Angels don't need to replenish Heaven as God can create them anytime He wants to.  However, God told Adam and Eve to "re-plenish" the Earth that had been *destroyed by satan and his "fallen angels," per God to Dr. Richard Eby during his life after death experience, and therefore, God gave Adam and Eve reproductive capability.  [*This destruction occurred between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2] 
    These words below were based on a talk given by Rabbi Avraham Kahn, the Rosh Yeshiva and Founder of Yeshivas Keser Torah in Toronto. --
    "We know that there are no extraneous words in the Torah.  It, therefore, seems strange that the Torah repeats that G'd saw the Earth was corrupted.  However, the Hebrew word for corruption, "hashchasah," has two meanings:  (1) corruption and (2) destruction.  The Zohar (Noah 61a) explains that the "corruption of all flesh" is really referring to the  destruction and wasting of the seminal fluids.  This teaches us that the root of the corruption, and the lack of respect for other people, started with the lack of respect for their own ability to reproduce.
    "In their indulgence of physical self-gratification, they had no interest in having large families, but wanted to minimize the number of children they had (see Midrash Hagadol 10:5).  Rashi (Bereishis 4:19) quotes the Midrash Rabbah (ibid 23:2) who relates how they would marry two wives:  One for childbearing who was despised and would be living on her own as if she was a widow; the other one would be a beautiful woman whom they would marry just for pleasure and enjoyment, and they would, therefore, medically make her barren to preserve her attractive appearance.  This lack of respect for the potential of future life eventually brought about bloodshed as well (see Jerusalem Talmud, Bava Metzia 4:2)."
    Regarding "same sex" relations - where the Bible presently says 'man shall not lie with man,' is not what the original manuscripts said.  It actually meant "man shall not lie to God Almighty as the heathen do."  The meaning changed over the centuries as you will see below.
    For instance, it said:  "Ish (man) shall not lie with Zakar."  The most current translation said "Zakar" meant a minor who hadn't gone through his bar mitzvah yet -- a pre-12 yr. old, meaning a man should not molest a child / should not lie with a minor / avoid appearance of evil.  An earlier translation than that said "Zakar" was a nobleman, mayor, governor, rulers:  Keep your hands off young boys to avoid appearance of evil.  A discontinued version of Strong's & Young's Concordance said "Zakar" is a young prince.  300 years earlier - Babylonia era - they said "lie" = you shall not lie to the princes who represent the king.
    (Note that St. Jerome who wrote the Bible did not know Hebrew or Aramaic, or Koine Greek which would explain how some of the translation errors occurred.)
    600 years before that "Zakar" was a fine, handsome young man.
    Then in the Phoenecian era (identical to the time of Leviticus) it says Zakar is the name of God Almighty = Man shall not lie to God Almighty as the heathen do.  What a difference, huh?  Jesus is the only one who can reveal where all the translators goofed over time and what the real stories are.  This He will do during the Millennium when the knowledge of God fills the Earth like the waters of the sea.
    You said:  The giants were not already on the Earth before the sons of God went in unto the daughters of men.  Per a Jewish scholar, Genesis 6:4 says, "There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came . ." this means the giants were already here when the sons of God came.  Now, if you go with the Book of Enoch, it says the giants were the offspring of the Gregorians, a military race of men, who left their first habitation (apparently from another dimension), came to Earth and mated with women, creating the giants.  It doesn't say they were giants, just that the result of their mating with Earth's women resulted in giants being created.  We won't know, of course, until we get to Heaven.
    You said, "Job and no human people were around when God laid the foundations of the Earth when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy according to Job 38:4-7 which must mean the sons of God were the angels that the Lord God had directly created before He created Earth and mankind."
     You are entitled to your own conclusion, however, I arrived at a different conclusion based on Jeremiah 1:5 which says "Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee..."   Near death experiences people have had also indicate we existed before we came here.  One lady who was killed by her husband was told by God she had to return to Earth to fulfill a contract she had signed with Him before coming here the first time.  Apparently God knew it would take that contract to get her to return as no one in their right mind would want to go back that had been murdered.  That would mean we are the "sons of God" who were with God when He created the heavens and Earth and we shouted for joy at His incredible handiwork.  That also makes more sense since we know angels are not heirs to salvation (which is who the "sons of God" are, descendants from the sin seed of Adam/Eve, who by believing in Jesus become the "sons of God").
    I'll meet you in the Rapture and we can celebrate with Heaven's wine at our new knowledge and understanding of all that puzzled us before.  See you soon!  ;0