LUCIFERIAN MOCKING OF LORD’s SUPPERPredictive Programming of the Coming ApocalypseThe Summer Olympics started on July 26, 2024, in Paris, France. One was forwarded 2 Articles about the Opening Ceremony by a Brother in Christ named Mark from the USA. This is what he stated.‘Sports Ceremonies seem to be a favorite venue for Predictive Programmers. We saw Hospital Beds and Syringes before the Covid Scam... Now are they showing the coming Death of all the Shot-Takers? Also, mocking the LORD’s Supper. They forget (or don't care) about the coming Wedding Supper. Do the Programmers know that it will be soon? In any case the Mockers will not be there. And they will then be very sorry’.My Goodness. As one that does not have TV, so one cannot see the Games, unless one finds a Free YouTube Channel to watch it. As a World Traveler, one usually likes to see the Open Ceremony and the Parade of Nations. It reminds one of how after the Rapture, the Bema Seat Review will perhaps be like that. It will be how all the Believers throughout the Church Age will parade before Jesus, in Triumph over Sin and Satan. But one agrees with the Assessment that even the Media has picked-up the Mocking.
All these Globalist Get-Togethers are nothing but a Luciferian Show and opportunity to Mock Jesus and Christians with. Why is it that the Luciferian Globalists mock Jesus and Christians only? Why not Mohammed? Buddha? Krishna? Consider how this also happened in Brazil when Luiz Lula Da Silva, a Marxist regained Power. When the Conservatives won the Presidency under Jair Bolsonaro, Carnaval was suspended.Upon the return of the Leftist Marxist and Luciferians, Carnaval was restored. And guess what they Mocked 1st? They had a similar Mocking of Jesus being Hand-Bound and dragged by Demons. Jesus was then paraded in the Street Venue of the Carnaval Route. Then shortly thereafter, the largest Floods in Brazil's History occurred near and around Rio. One hates to see what will happen to Paris and France because of this open Drag Queen Mockery of the LORD’s Supper. GOD will not be Mocked.And was it no coincidence that it rained on their Parade? Surely a foreshadowing. One fears for what France is to suffer as a Consequence for insulting the Creator of Heaven and Earth. No Offense to the French People, but if there is any Excuse to hold a Worldwide Celebration or Exposé, it will be ‘Gay’. So, no surprise that the Opening Ceremony included a Reflection of what the ‘Signs of the Time’ are like now on Planet Earth. It is now like Sodom and just as Jesus warned, ‘As in the Days of Noah’. One’s Point is that the French knew that the World’s Eyes would be fixated on the Ceremony.
It Rained on their Gay Paris Parade
One would have hoped that the French would have been more Discrete. No. It was their Prerogative to send a Message to the World. And what Message is that? It was 2-Fold. It was that the Leftist Luciferian Globalists are in charge and do as they will by Mocking Jesus’ Wedding Table. And that the coming Horsemen of the Apocalypse are about to Ride. The Pale Horse was selected to highlight. The Rider on a Pale Horse is known to some People, mostly Christians. It is known as the Iconography of such a Depiction, related to what the Pale Horse of Revelation represents. That Pale Horse brings Death, Disease and Destruction upon Humanity after the Rapture Event.‘And I looked, and behold, a Pale Horse! And its Rider’s Name was Death, and Hades followed him. And they were given Authority over a 4th of the Earth, to kill with Sword and with Famine and with Pestilence and by Wild Beasts of the Earth’. -Revelation 6:8So, what will the French Olympics for 2024 be famous for and remembered? That it had opened-up with ‘A Group of Provocatively Dressed Drag Queens behind a Long Table, appearing to recreate the LORD’s Supper’. What was alarming is what was reported also of who was also present at the Mocking of the LORD’s Table. To the Christians, the LORD’s Supper Table is a Wedding Event Prophetically. But to have what was reported, a Child was incorporated into it? That is what the Leftist Luciferian LBGT+ Agenda is all about. They seek to capture the Minds and Bodies of the up-coming Generations.One finds it rather hypocritical how the LGBT+ Community complains and Gaslights about being Hated. It is they that Hate and are Intolerant of those that do not ‘Celebrate’ their Perversion. And then they go ahead and openly hate and mock Christians? Even Elon Musk chimed-in and posted this on X.
‘This was extremely disrespectful to Christians’.
-Elon Musk (@elonmusk)
July 26, 2024So why mock the LORD’s Supper? Realize that the Event, Jesus celebrating the Passover Meal with His Disciples was about a Marriage Contract, a Covenant Promised. The Promise was that on 1 Day, Jesus would come back for His ‘Bride’. This is understood, as the Collective Body of Believers and Followers of Jesus throughout the Church Age. And this Church Age is about to conclude its Commission. The past, nearly 2000 Years has been a Reprieve from Jesus’ Judgment upon a Perverted World that most or many Humans have rather chosen.And the fulfillment of Jesus’ Promise will occur at the Resurrection and Rapture Event. This is how Jeus will come back to usher His Bride to the Father’s House. Jesus is looking for a Faithful, Pure and Kept ‘Woman’ that values the Covenant. That it is a Holy Vow to be kept and how she keeps herself only to Jesus and not gives herself to the World ‘Lovers’. So, one is totally in agreement with the Brother’s Assessment that the Globalist Luciferians also know the real Purpose and Promise of the LORD’s Supper. They think they will Rule on Earth unhindered after Jesus’ Bride is removed from Earth. This is True. But what Perversion brings is eventual Chaos and Destruction to Societies.
The Luciferians have warned the World about it, Hidden in Plain Sight. And although the Organizers of this Luciferian Gay Paris Parade of the Olympics would have wished it would have occurred on a hot Summer Day full of Sunshine, how ironic that it rained on their Parade. That too was Predictive Programming. Perhaps on the Part of Jesus who they Mocked for His Wedding Supper that He too is longing to have and Parade this Bride with.___________________
SourcesSocial Media Users Point to Revelation 6:8 After Paris Olympics Open Up With Rider on Pale Horse (VIDEO)DISGUSTING: Drag Queens Mock Lord’s Supper At Paris Olympic Opening CeremonyArticle#131: PARIS STAR MAP
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