Luis Vega (28 July 2024)
"DAYS OF THE LAODICEANS - How the Church Age Ends"

Exposing the Wickedness

by Luis Vega
Once a Person sets the Mind to a particular Worldview, it is hard to let go of it or change Perspectives based on new Understanding, Revelation or Evidence. This goes for any issue, really, like Biblical Doctrine. It can be a Good and Bad Thing. Change in one’s long-held World View, for example, can be Good if one is seeking ‘Truth’ and coming to a more accurate Understanding on a certain Topic or Belief System, etc. But it can be Bad in the sense that Change can be Detrimental.

This is what is happening now with the Last Days Church, in how many Non-Roman Catholic Denominations have abandoned Biblical Doctrine to be Socially Relevant. It is not that the Church should be affecting and changing Society. No, in these Last Days of the Laodicean Church, it is the Society that has changed it. It is astonishing to see how the Warnings of Jesus, and the Apostles have now all come upon this Last Generation of those that profess to bear the Name and Witness of Jesus on Earth. It is as the Days of Lot and Noah.

That is what precisely is happening now in Real Time before our very Eyes with each Passing Day. For Example, this ‘Departure’ of the Faith can be seen in how ‘Pastors’ and Denominations are split and have left many Christians questioning the Biblical Stance on Homosexuality, Marriage and what is a ‘Woman’, etc. Most Western Mainstream Denominations have basically affirmed such Lifestyle because, ‘It is about Love and Devotion’. This is what the Laodicean Types have knowingly done and are doing.

They ‘Know’ the Word and what Jesus expects of His Body and House. Yet the ‘Pastors’ motion to ‘Set all that Aside’. It is to not ‘Offend’ those type of People and to be ‘Societal Relevant’. In so doing, they seek to not Offend anyone but Jesus. Such Pastors and Denominations are the Modern-Day, Nicolaitans and the Jezebels that run the Churches. These types of People ruling the Denominations willfully fail, in these Last Days, to uphold the Standard of what it takes to give ‘Worship’, True Worship that Jesus seeks, ‘In Spirit and in Truth’. And also, to teach what is True Love, not Lust.
Who can approach the Holy Mountain of YHVH? Is it not those that have a Pure Heart and Clean Hands? In ourselves, this is impossible, save the Righteousness that is imputed or credited to those that turn from Sin and Call on the Name of Jesus. But in so doing, it is about a Relationship where those that ‘Call on the Name of Jesus, must depart from Iniquity’, In that case, all those Pastors and Denominations that affirm Sexual Perversion Practices, Lifestyles are Out-of-Order.

Spiritual Contamination
They are Gaslighting and being Self-Deceived in their own Sin as they encourage their Congregations to do the same. It is 1 Thing to remain in Sin and be Willfully Ignorant despite having heard and understood the Gospel that they are in their Positions to be doing. It is another Thing to then Stand in the Way or at the Door and impede others from Repenting and coming to Salvation that can only be found in Jesus. And to think that a Holy GOD will somehow accept what the Nicolaitans and Jezebels are doing in His Churches? No.
The Book of Revelation is where Jesus addresses the Core Problems and Sin within the 7 Churches of Asia. And on the whole, it has to do with Bad Theology and Sex. And it is about who you are having Sex with and what kind in these Last Days, etc. It is really the Symptoms of the Flesh and the Lies of Lucifer. But you cannot fool Jesus. He sees Everything and the condition of one’s Heart. The World can Live and Believe as they Please, and they do. But instead of the Church standing for what Jesus expects or requires, in His House…it is affirming Sin.
This Last Days Church, in general, has lost its ‘Salt’ and Light, as a whole. But one knows that this Spiritual Condition at the End of the Church Age. It was foretold and warned would occur and be a Sign unto itself that Judgment is coming. And that Judgement begins in the House of the LORD, etc. And as the Sign to the Church and the World, it will be concluded with the Rapture Event. That is what exactly will transpire, at some Point in Time that will conclude the Age of Grace.
The World does not know or realize just how ‘Good’ they have it now, not to take advantage of YHVH’s Clemency and Provision based on Mercy because of Jesus’. The Church Age has only been a Temporary Intermission. Jesus warned of the coming World Judgment, that it would be just like the End of that Age of Noah, due to the Flood of Noah and the End of Sodom and the surrounding Cities during Lot. They, The Powers-That-Be, know the Rapture Event is coming and they are ‘Priming the Pump’ to Condition the Masses in how they will explain-away the Rapture. It is the Great Deception, the’ Lie that will be Believed’.

Laodicea | The 7 Churches of Revelation
Our Daily Bread Ministries

Vengeance of Jesus
The purpose of this Book is to Chronicle the Reasons, Evidence and Events that will cause the Wrath of the Lamb to fall on Humanity. The Wrath of what Lamb? Jesus. One will present the Evidence and Clues of what that will look like as it is chronicled across the Daily News Wires and throughout the Bible. But also, how it has been foretold in detail in the Book of Revelation. What is the Wrath of the Lamb and who is the Lamb? In the Book of Revelation, specifically, the revealing of who this ‘Lamb’ is unveiled.
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Transitions of the Last Generation
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