Luis Vega (28 July 2024)
"PURIM BLOOD MOON TRIAD - Book of Esther 2.0 Repeating"

Book of Esther 2.0 Repeating

by Luis B. Vega

The Spirit of Esther and the Spirit of Haman will contend once again in the 2nd Half of the Tribulation Period. Well, the up-coming Blood Moon of 2025 that occurs in the Feast of Purim is just 1 of 2 Blood Moons in 2025. The 3 Blood Moons that will make-up the Triad, occurs in 2026. But it is the 1st Blood Moon and the Last Blood of the 3 in the Series that will occur on Purim. Now as to being asked what they would or could possibly mean or signify?

The only High Watch Year one has dared to look at, post 2024 is the Year 2029. It is because that is what would correspond to the Mid-Point of one’s current 7-Year Tribulation Timeline, being from the Fall of 2025 to the Fall of 2032, perhaps. But in Principle, there are 3 Purim Blood Moons in-play currently, as one has occurred already in 2024. In fact, one would suggest that the 3 Purim Blood Moons are a Countdown to how the Book of Esther will be repeating itself during the 7-Year Tribulation Period. Here are the Dates for the 3 Purim Blood Moons.

1. March 24, 2024
2. March 13, 2025
3. March 02, 2026

One would hope that the Bride of Christ is long gone by then. But one surmises that it is really about a ‘Retelling’ of how the Spirit of the Prince of Persia or Iran is rising and will confront the Jews during the Tribulation Period and the Gog-Magog War. It will be about a ‘Plot’ or Conspiracy to Genocide the Jews. That is what the False Jewish Messiah will be all about once he breaks the Covenant made with the ‘Many’ or the Sanhedrin. And he will stop the Daily Sacrifices at the 3rd Temple. This all will correspond to the Mid-Point Time Marker. Here below is the Article one wrote about the Purim Blood Moons.
Possible Observations and Interpretations
Now, by themselves, Blood Moons are said by the Jewish Talmud to pertain to Bad Omens concerning Israel. And that has been the case. If you all remember the Blood Moon in Scorpio in 2021, one attributed that to a pending Attack on Israel by its Muslim Enemies. That is what Scorpio represents, ‘The Enemy’. And sure enough, that translated to how HAMAS struck a Blow with the Stinger that was deadly against Israel. In Hind-Sight one could and can see the specific Details be identified.

War of the Seeds
Consider this Article that predicted a Palestinian Attack on Israel, like a Scorpion. Since the U.N. Partition Plan of 1947, it has been they, the Palestinians that have rejected the original 2 State Solution. Since 1948, the constant War against Israel has been a Sad State of Affairs in how Palestinians had lost Face and Favor with most of the World. 

This was because they chose a Path of Terrorism in an excuse to have a ‘State of their own’. That Notion has all been turned around since the October 8, 2023 HAMAS Attack on Israel. The whole World is now on the Side to the Terrorists. In every Political Effort to come to a Nexus of relinquishing ‘Land for Peace’, the Palestinians have gone back on their Word and have continued to attack Israel’s Civilian Population, indiscriminately.

Pseudo Blood Moon Tetrad of 2021-22

Israel gave back the Sinai Peninsula, gave back Gaza and has allowed the West Bank to be essentially Autonomous. Yet, the Deal was, ‘No more Violence’! No more barrage of Rocket Attacks, no more Border Infiltration, Murdering, Stabbing and Killing of Israelis. This has not stopped the Palestinians from attacking Israel. And the Point is that it will not stop, no matter how much Promised Land the Jews ‘Give Back’. The Point is that the Palestinians do not want a Jewish State, side-by-side in ‘Peace and Security’ with a Palestinian one. So, perhaps the pseudo-Tetrad of 2021-22 was indicating it as a Celestial Sign that Israel is in for an intense situation that will be pressed-out. How so?

Consider where the Blood Moon pseudo-Tetrad starts? It is in the midst of the ‘Claws’ of Scorpio. In the Ancient Rendition of the Mazzaroth or the Zodiac, Scorpio was part of a Star Depiction that rendered it as a Dragon. Then later on, it took the form of an Eagle. In general, regardless of the Celestial Motif, the meaning of the Star’s Names has been the same, that of the ‘Enemy Under Foot’. Scorpio represents the ‘Enemy’ of YHVH and thus also of His People, both the Earthly and Spiritual ones.

Scorpio is one of the 4-Star Markers of the Quadrants of the Universe. It is part of the Divine Motif that is found mirrored from the very Throne of YHVH in Heaven. There is the Lion, the Man, the Eagle and the Bull, etc. These are the Divine Representations of the Messiah, Jesus and His 4 Facets. They are a Depiction of His Nature and Mission. These 4 Celestial Aspects also show how the 4 Gospels of the New Testament explain Jesus’ Dimensions; that of a Man, a King, a Servant and GOD, etc.

The Sign of Scorpio also echoes the Eternal Struggle that is presently taking place on Earth, as it is in Heaven. That is seen between the Jews and the Palestinians in how it is about the Birth-Right, the Promised Land, the Inheritance and Blessings of YHVH. No small matter. It is essentially, ‘Winner Takes All’. This Prophetic Echo of a War and Struggle is seen in Genesis 3:15 where the ‘War of the Seeds’ is declared by YHVH. It is between the Seed of the Woman, Jesus and the Seed of the Serpent, Lucifer, which will eventually be also a Man, the coming AntiChrist. But sadly, this Man of Sin will be the one Israel will cling to for Deliverance from the coming Crucible and Bloodshed.

Once-in-a-Year Rapture Watch Person
But Israel’s False Messiah will only promise a Temporary Relief as Israel will be double-crossed and betrayed by this False Messiah Savior. As to the possible Rapture Timing? One just has to narrow-down the Year more so. But in one’s Estimation, the Anna Code is a significant Clue pertaining to the Year, aside from one’s 32 AD Crucifixion Year. One considers these 2 Factors or Variables as the 2 Witnesses needed to establish a Matter. It is just that one is on a Personal Journey of Discovery, just as other End Times Students all are as well. In one’s case, it started back at Cal Poly, SLO.

One can even remember the exact Situation and Circumstances. It was 1984, 4 Years after coming to Faith in Jesus in the Middle School Wood-Shop, during Lunch on April 9, 1980. The Teacher that led one to Jesus later-on Discipled me, all the way to the End of the Year for about 2 Months. Then one went-off to High School. But it was not until one got to the University, at Cal Poly, SLO that on 1 Day, while reading one’s New Testament on the Bed in one's Dorm, Sequoia Hall Room #333, that one 1st started to dig deep into Biblical Doctrine. And then one read about the Rapture and the Holy Spirit coming Down on Pentecost in Acts 2. It was surreal. Since then one sensed that the Timing of the Year and Circumstance was tied to the Rapture’s Timing at a Pentecost.

Since then, it has just been a Journey of Discovery for the Details, as much as possible to ascertain the Rapture’s Timing. But a lot is based on Conjecture and Circumstantial Evidence. However, you do not need to be a ‘Biblical Scholar' to ‘know’ such Things. Peter and the Disciples were mere ‘Smelly’ Fishermen. They were considered ‘Stupid’ by the Jewish Religious Sanhedrin. It was to the Shepherds out in the Fields that the Angles declared that Jesus, the King of the Universe had been born in Bethlehem. Shepherds were considered ‘Ceremonially Unclean’ by the Religious Jews and could not approach the Temple to Worship YHVH as other ‘Ordinary’ Jews could.

Remember that Believers in Jesus do have the Holy Spirit, not behind us, but in us. It does take Discipline to read 1st the Scriptures, and then study them and allow the Holy Spirit to Teach. This takes Time and it can take Years, Months, Weeks or Days for some Brethren to Comprehend. And it also depends on the Motive. In one’s Case, one is not looking for Crowns. One is not the Type that seeks the Lime-Light or Fame. It is those  that seek and long for Jesus’ Return that will get the Crowns.
On the Contrary, one is extremely shy and would prefer not to be all Public about all what one Researches, etc. So, in one’s case pertaining to Biblical Prophecy, Astronomy, Israel and the Timing of the Rapture, it is a matter of just not being able to ‘Un-See’ what one has Seen, in Scripture and in the Spirit, perhaps. And even after 40 Years of Studying all this and more, one can only just present a Triangulation of how one’s Stance about a Summer Wheat Rapture Timing could be strengthened, but not ‘Guaranteed’.

A) The Acts 2 Pentecost is a Double Count of 50 Days.
B) The Acts 2 Pentecost was on the Feast of the New Wine.
C) The Acts 2 Pentecost commemorated the End of the Wheat Harvest.

And with each Level of Understanding, one dedicated 4 Books about the particular Notion of how the Acts 2 Pentecost was a Double-Count and correlated to the Feast of the New Wine and on the Astrological Leo New Year, etc.

1. END OF THE CHURCH AGE                    - Conclusion of the Commission

2. PENTECOST NEW WINE                          - Summer White Wheat Wedding

3. LEO NEW YEAR RAPTURE THEORY      - Rendezvous at the Lion's Gate

4. NEW WINE RAPTURE THEORY              - Philadelphian Door of Escape


​Blood Moon Omens
The purpose of this Book is to provide a Retrospective and Comprehensive study of the Tetrad and Blood Moon Sequences that occurred since 1949 that suggest a Prophetic Reconstitution of Israel, the End of the Church Age, and Start of Daniel’s 70th Week. The various studies provided will look back how the Blood Moon Phenomena sparked a renewed interest in Biblical Prophecy of the Last Days.
Purchase a Copy at Amazon Books.
Philadelphian Door of Escape
The purpose of this Book, the 4th in a Tetralogy is about expounding on the Notion and Theory that the Pentecost of Acts 2 was and is on the Feasts of the First-Fruits of the New Wine. It is not on the Traditional Church and Jewish Teaching that it was on the Feast of the First-Fruits of the New Grain. And that in fact there are 3 'Pentecost' or Shavuot First-Fruit Feast of the Wheat, Wine and the Oil. One has developed this Theory over Years of Research that started with a fresh look and Interpretation of Leviticus 23:15-16. ​
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Rendezvous at the Lion's Gate
People often say the following when asked about, ‘When is the Rapture to occur?’ Thay say, ‘No One Knows the Day or the Hour’? Does that Verse in the Bible really pertain to the Rapture Timing? The purpose of this Book is to delve deep into this Question that has been Contemplated, Contested and Consternated for nearly 2000 Years, since the Church Age began or was Initiated with ‘Power from on High’ in Acts 2. One will present the Circumstantial Evidence of one’s Research, spanning Decades worth of Study and Inquiry.

Purchase a Copy at Amazon Books.
In the Midst of the Tribulation
What happened to the Sign of Revelation 12? Is it still a Prophetic Warning? What if it is a 7-Year Countdown to the Rapture? What if it Marks the Mid-Point of the Tribulation Period? The Book is a Critical Review of the Status of the Revelation 12 Sign Encrypted Celestially and suggesting a Timeline alluding to the Rapture Event and the Mid-Point Marker of the Tribulation. When? One will argue that the Revelation 12 Sign is the Midst or Mid-Point Sign of the 7-Year Tribulation Period.
Purchase a Copy at Amazon Books.