Luis Vega (28 July 2024)
"JESUS SO SURE A FOUNDATION - In Times of Trials and Tribulations"

Digging Deep to Refine with Fire of One’s Faith
by Luis B. Vega

‘The LORD of Hosts will shield them. They will destroy and conquer with Slingstones; they will drink and roar as with Wine. And they will be filled like Sprinkling Bowls, drenched like the corners of the Altar. On that Day the LORD their God will save them as the Flock of His People; for like Jewels in a Crown they will sparkle over His Land. How Lovely they will be, and how Beautiful! Grain will make the Young Men flourish, and New Wine, the Young Women’. -Zechariah 9:15-17
In Time of Trials one can rely and lean on Jesus because He promised to take one’s Burden, whatever that may be in one’s Life, ‘Rain’, ‘Torrents’ or ‘Winds’. Sometimes in one’s Walk of Faith with Jesus, when Life or ‘Things’ seem to be going ‘Great’, that is when one realizes or has a sense that ‘Something is Up’ or about to manifest on this Side of the Veil of Eternity. And sure enough, Trials come. If one may share, back when one was younger, one was involved in the College and Career Ministry at one’s Home Base Church, Laurelglen Bible Church.

The Church is Mennonite U.S. Conference and is situated in Bakersfield, California, etc. They have a Passion and Burden for World Missions. And one could not wait to jump onboard to go on Missions abroad almost every Year. That was before one then moved to work at Sonoma State, etc. In one’s Natural Reasoning, every Missions Trip one presumed one and the Team would be equipped to Teach, Build, Encourage the Brethren in all those various Places. And that was True. One had a chance to go to on those Missions Trips in South America, Europe, Asia and Africa, etc.

It was Amazing and a Privilege. However, if one has done Missions Work, one will realize that it is only ‘Half of the Story’. One would always return from such Missions, humbled at just how Jesus not only works to use Missionaries to help support the Work in others, but how He works to also do that in oneself. How in particular? What one learned, 1st hand is how during a Church Mission to Kenya in Africa, now 20 Years ago, amazingly, Jesus taught one a Life-Long Lesson.

It was about Foundations and what it means to ‘Be Still and how YHVH has put His Church upon a Rock’. It is about making ‘Realignments’. And the Church Body knows that the Rock is Jesus. And most importantly, it is about how Jesus is building and constructing His Bride like Building, like the School and Dormitory the Mission was to build, etc. And what was and is that Spiritual Lesson? It is that to build on the Foundation, as any Contractor would know and Understand, you have to 1st ‘Dig Down and Deep’ in order to ‘Build-Up’.

Will not Burden more than what One can Bear
Meaning that the Foundation of a Building is only as ‘Good’ as not only its Foundation, and what it is situated on, either ‘Sand’ or a Rock’, and what the Foundation is anchored to. This is the Key to a Strong Foundation and Building. One then correlated, Spiritually this Principle to one’s Faith in Jesus and how He was and is doing the same with His Bride, etc.

In Kenya, one’s Missionary Team was tasked to build a School and Dormitory. It was for Aspiring Local Pastors to be trained and sent-out. It was so that they then could be equipped with the Gospel and Evangelize their surrounding Communities in Kenya. The Mission Tean was located on top of Mount Elgon with spectacular views. The Men worked on the Building. The Women met with the Local Women to encourage and edify them in the Faith. One’s Church provided Resources for Widows to have Sheep.

This Small Measure helped so they could support themselves. One’s Church linked Arms with the Local Church and Pastors. They in turn were linked to the former efforts of Families coming from Holland through the Wycliffe Translation Agency. Their Missionary Effort was to have Bibles translated into the Local Dialog of the Tribe that was on the Mountain. The Wycliffe House is where the Team stayed during the Mission at mount Elgon, in Kenya, Africa.
This continuous Linkage in the Missionary and Evangelical Efforts taught one how the Layers of the Church Building of Jesus’ Bride have been laid down and built upon by Generations of Brethren since the 1st Pentecost. But as one can see in the Video, linked below, that one did to document the Mission, in order for Jesus to ‘Build-Up’ upon one’s Life’s Foundation of Faith in Jesus, He has to 1st ‘Build-Down and Deep’.

Laurelglen Bible Church
And this Hurts. But Jesus promised to take the Burden and will not give His People more than they can withstand. The mere fact that one has and is allowed such Fiery Trials in one’s Life is that one can, by the Grace of GOD, hold under them. Or else Jesus would not have allowed them into one’s Life. The Holy Spirit is using the Fire, deep within one’s Soul to refine the ‘Coals’ that are being transformed into the Precious Stones that 1 Day, Jesus will place in His Crown with.

As with the Physical Ground in Kenya, the Hard Ground of one’s Soul has to be ‘Pierced’ and Broken-Up. The Team used Pik-Axes and Shovels to tear into the Body of the Earth. But Jesus uses the Gentile Hands of no less than the Creator of the entire Universe and of Humanity. And Jesus knows that we are but Dust in this Fallen Condition, for now. And the Bible teaches that Jesus is the Great Physician. Jesus, after all, grew up working in a Carpentry Shop, no less with His Earthly Father. But all that Deep Dig then provided the sites to place the Anchors that are set there and buried deep. And the Anchor or Primary Rock was/is the Corner-Stone.

The Bible teaches that Jesus is the Corner-Stone on which the Bride ‘Building’ is being built. When the Team surveyed the Lot of Land to build the Pastor’s School and Dormitory, the 1st Corner had to be Identified. That is where the Rock or the Corner-Stone was placed. It was and is from that Corner-Stone that all the Lines went out from to ‘Square’ the Building. If no such Corner-Stone exists or is laid down, the Walls would not be, could not be Straight. And as a result, when the Trials of Life, the Wind, the Rain or Floods will come, the entire building will collapse and slide down the Mountain.
Such is the Spiritual Application with our Faith in Jesus. As His Bride, His Building is being Built-Up, read Job 28 for Spiritual Perspective. It speaks about how there is ‘Fire’ deep in the Earth. It is how Deep Down in the Ground, the Diamonds, Gold or Silver, Precious Onyx Stones or Sapphires come about and are then extracted Up. It speaks of how ‘Fiery Trials’ produce those in His Bride to Refine her and be made Ready for Jesus. Rapture Ready.

Book of Job

This is what Jesus did to Adam in building Eve with. This is what Jesus did at the Cross of Calvary to build His Bride Up with. The Bride is about ‘Done’, one would say. So, in one’s Trials and Tribulations, consider the Spiritual Lesson and Application that Jesus is doing a ‘Deep-Work’ and only setting you on His Rock. Jesus is ‘Realigning’ all Things pertaining to one’s Faith to that Corner Stone. So that when the Trials of Life, the Wind and the Floods of the Enemy come, one’s House will not slide-off and Walls collapse.

‘Therefore, everyone who hears these Words of Mine and acts on them is like a Wise Man who built his House on the Rock. The Rain fell, the Torrents raged, and the Winds blew and beat against that House; yet it did not fall, because its Foundation was on the Rock. But everyone who hears these Words of Mine and does not act on them is like a Foolish Man who built his House on Sand’. -Matthew 7:24-26

Whoever a Brother or Sister is suffering and hurting, Physically, Mentally, Financially, one’s Heart brakes. For some Brethren, they seem to not get a Break in this World. One has been in that  same Situation many Times before and perhaps will in the Future until Death or  the Rapture comes. One cannot help but see that one becomes as a ‘Job’ going through Fiery Trials. But the Body of Christ knows then, that if that is the case, it is because Lucifer has pointed one out. And Jesus is allowing this to occur to Test one’s Faith’s Foundations and Alignments in one’s Life, etc.
But it is to not Destroy one’s Faith, but to Refine it as Pure Gold and Preciouses Stones that reflect Jesus’ Work and Glory. Consider what a Jeweler once said to me. A Diamond is really not that valuable as Rubies, for example are far more Rare and Valuable. What gives a Diamond its Value, aside from how many Carats it has, but how many Cuts it has. Realize that the more ‘Cuts’ it is given, the more Light it Reflects. This Principle and Procedure goes the same with one’s Spiritual ‘Diamond’ of one’s Faith. The more ‘Cuts’ the Great Physician makes, and it will hurts.

Strengthening the Brethren
But that is how one is made by Jesus and becomes more valuable to Jesus. It is something so Mysterious in that the Bible alludes to how then Jesus takes those Precious Stones and puts them on His Crown for all to behold. Why? For every Trail that one overcomes, that is a Reflection of the Victory Jesus bestowed and showed Himself Faithful to one’s Faith. So, on this Side of the Rapture, Lucifer has perhaps pointed-out many if not all of the Body of Christ at 1 Time or another, that like the Apostle Peter, Lucifer want to sift Jesus’ Bride as Wheat.
But then if so, remember what Jesus said. When it is done, ‘Strengthen the Brethren’. Notwithstanding, if one finds oneself in Fiery Trials, and one will, Chin-Up Be Still and Know that YHVH is GOD. Jesus stated that He has us in the Palm of His Hands and Lucifer will not have us and our Family as we plead the Blood of Jesus to protect and surround one’s Healing and Recovery. That one’s Faith be Refined and Strengthened as one will then Strengthen others with. We have Peace in the Eye of the Storm because we know Jesus, or rather it is because now, Jesus knows us.

Whenever there is a loss of a Loved One or one has comes through the Testing of Trials, the Healing begins, and it will take many Stages. One has found, as many know, that Music helps to Heal. It has to do with its Resonance and how our Bodies are in-tune to its Frequences. If one may share also, here is a Song by Jon Foreman that one put together to a Collage of Images, a Montage, etc. One particularly likes this Song because of how it penetrates to the Soul, as that is what Music does. The Name of the Song is called in ‘The House of GOD Forever’.

Its Theme is based on Psalm 23, that although one may experience Dark Days and Valleys of Shadows, Jesus is leading His Flock. He is going before His Bride as the Good Shepherd. One is reminded of Jesus’ Promises when listening to this Song as one is going through Trials to get Perspective and Purpose. It is because this Leading through the ‘Valley’ is ultimately to the Father’s House, forever. The Bride of Christ will 1 Day be joining her Savior, Husband as many Loved Ones that have gone on ahead. They are waiting now for those that ‘Remain Alive’ and are cheering-on.

Music Video
As one shared the Video Music Collage above, here is another one based on the Rapture Event, interpreted in various Pieces of Animation. It is for those suffering from ‘Rapturitis’ and/or the ‘Rapture Blues’. The Song is well known, but one associates it with the Rapture as the Lyric, in Italian, speaks about a Maiden wanting to Depart with her Lover to Lands unknown. It speaks of the Heart’s Longing. It is a True Italian ‘Opera’ Romance, and just like Jacob and Rachel, Issac and Rebekah, David and Abagail, Boaz and Ruth, Jesus and the Church, etc. Here below is the Link to the Video Montage about it.

Music Video
Opera is very Beautiful. And another very moving Song that captures the Notion of Undying Love is with ‘Nessun Dorma’. It does capture that ‘Undying Love’ that moves a Man to Love a Woman to such a Degree. It was and is how Jesus demonstrated that He loved us; and He proved it unto Death. Although one is perplexed in comparison to that Undying Love.
It is how one’s Spouse and those of others, on both sides, did not Love in such a Way as Vowed and abandoned what Little Love that was, on their part. And how ‘Love’ is so Cheap in these Last Days, as foretold it would ‘Grow Cold’. But the Story behind the Meaning or ‘Plot’ of the Song, Nessun Dorma, which in Italian means, ‘Let not one Sleep’ is spectacular.
It made me think of how 1 Day, when we do get into Glory, in the Father’s House, how the Worship of the Angels will be like. Their Singing will pale in comparison to even these Songs of Human’s Best efforts on Earth. And we will be there to join them.



Coming Tribulation Period
The purpose of this Book is to provide a Comprehensive Study of the Political, Social, Religious and Biblical Factors demonstrating just how close the End of the Church Age is and ready to Transition into Daniel’s 70th Week of Years to include a time of ‘Great’ Tribulation for the World and Israel where Faith will be under Fire. The Last Sabbatical Cycle of 7-Years will be the most intense time in Human History.
For details and the way to ‘Depart’ or escape from such a Time, refer to the Book of Revelation. His Name is Jesus. 
Purchase a Hard Copy at Lulu Books.
The Great Escape
The purpose of this Book is to chronicle the last days leading up to the Rapture event and what that will look like. There will be a variety of topics discussed and presented from political, social, religious and esoteric sources in the context of how they contribute prophetically to the timing of the Rapture. It would appear that the world is vastly different now and going through an apparent 'reeducation, redefinition and reset'. The book will consider how the present transformation of Humanity will see it come through on the other side of the Rapture. 
Purchase a Hard Copy at Lulu Books.
Conclusion of the Commission
A study of the Astronomical and Mathematical Patterns heralding the End of the Church Age and the coming Transference of Testimony and the witness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The 7-year Sabbatical Cycle of time suggests that the Church Age is about to conclude and transfer the Gospel Witness back to the Dispensation of Israel to finish the 70th Week of Years. This specific time is predicated on the Convergence of several Prophetic Timelines will be presented to highlight this time of the Synchronization of Biblical prophecy.
Purchase a Hard Copy at Lulu Books.