Luis Vega (28 July 2024)
"9TH OF AV RAPTURE? - Calendar Calculations"

Thoughts and Reflections

by Luis B. Vega

Studying and Researching the Possible ‘Day and Hour’ of the Rapture, on this Side of Eternity is Nerve-Racking. This is why most Followers of Jesus do not devote such Time and Energy to it. But then, such Brethren do not live Life with the Rapture Expectation, every Day. Or does it have to? As to the Rapture’s Day and Hour? No. Not necessarily. But as to Watching for the Return of Jesus? Absolutely. That is the Main Reason for observing and needing to partake in the LORD’s Supper. But it has been a few Brethren, mainly Dr. Awe and Tyler at Generation 2434 that espouse the Rapture Event to occur on a 9th of Av. One will address this in the Study to argue that the Calendar they are using is skewing their Day Count by a Month.

This is just to point it out in the Spirit of ‘Iron Sharpening Iron’. And one supports their Efforts and has communicated one’s Alternative Rationale for it. But 1st, for Context of what one is wanting to point out, aspiring to know when the Bridegroom is to arrive, is not in vain. In fact, one would argue that this need to Watch and Wait was instituted by Jesus Himself in how He is expecting that His Bride will do just that. How so?  The Communion is that Watch Factor that one inadvertently does. One Testifies and watches and Proclaims that Jesus is to Return. That Return is essentially the Rapture.

But for many, one would dare say, for most Brethren in Jesus, Communion just becomes a Religious Ritual or Duty to perform or go through the Motions. Why? It is because it has nearly been 2000 Years since the 1st Communion that Jesus instituted and left it as a Token of how to be constantly reminded of the Promise, He made that he is to Return. However, there are also the Cares of Life that just happen, and that is expected. But it detracts from this Divine Endeavor of needing to ‘Keep the Watch’. In one’s Endeavor to Watch for Jesus’ Return, one has only sought in Prayer, Wisdom and Discernment to at least know the ‘Season’, perhaps.

But one realizes that one is but Dust and does not have that Capacity to sustain that Type of Attention to the Rapture’s Timing, etc. And perhaps no single Person is to know or will know the Rapture’s ‘Day and Hour’. Notwithstanding, one is not opposed to those that do attempt to discern more possible Details of the Year, Month, Day and Hour. If that be possible, one is assured that the Holy Spirit will speak and reveal that Information to many Brethren, not just ‘1’ Person. However, given the Spiritual State of the End Times Church, it would not hurt to have more in the Body of Jesus contemplate on such a Notion of leaving this World behind and its Cares. Imagine how effective the Evangelism would be and how that would impact one’s Family, City, State and Nation. But it is a Good Rehearsal then to go through when Rapture Dates come-and-go.

A Bride’s Expectation
It reminds one of how a Sister named Sheila who stated, that back in 2017, when most expected the Rapture to occur on September 23 because of the Revelation 12 Sign. On that Day, she went out to her House Porch, opened the Bible and waited for the Rapture as she looked up at the Stars, etc. That will forever stick in one’s Mind, seeing the Expectation one should have about it. Even though one spoke against that Revelation 12 Sign Rapture Theory or Scenario, it became a Good Rehearsal. However, many Christians just believe what Rapture Watchers state without Discernment.
They accept any Rapture Date-Setting just because and without any vetting. And this goes for one’s own personal Research and Discernment. The result is that many Brethren then get upset when Rapture Dates come-and-go, to the Point of leaving the Faith even. One then suspects, what Type of Faith was that? And as one often has said, the Hope and Faith, Expectation of the Church is not on the Rapture, but what the Rapture will bring, Jesus. That is whom the Expectant Bride is Watching, Waiting and Witnessing for. Can Jesus be ‘Mad’ or upset that His Bride thought on a particular Date He was returning, and it turned out not to be it?
Now, as for one personally, one is glad that one only has 1 Day out of the whole Year to worry about, a July 23 Date Count Theory. It helps with the Nerves, constant Rapture Date-Setting and False Alarms. One can see why many Brethren get burned-out from Rapture Watching. And there are many Watchmen that predict a Rapture Day on a Weekly or Monthly basis. One would go Mad. Based on one’s Years of Research and Study, one’s Theory only suggests a July 23rd connection to the Rapture. The issue is, ‘What Year’? The Theory is put to the Test each Year. And one’s July 23 Jerusalem Time, Pentecost New Wine Rapture Theory Timing is so far been Incorrect.

It just means that one does not have it all ‘Pieces’ of the ‘Rapture Puzzle’ figured-out. So, what is next? One will continue Watching and Waiting…Testing one’s Theories for what is up ahead and left of the Church on Earth still. One still has to be taught  about the Day Theory. The Year has to be Tested to see if it is the Correct Year or not. Here below is what a Brother in Christ posted Online that echoes one’s Sentiments about the July 23 Jerusalem Time, Pentecost New Wine Rapture Theory Timing.

‘According to Wikipedia… (7/23) is a Jewish Fast Day commemorating the breach of the Walls of Jerusalem before the Destruction of the 2nd Temple. It falls on the 17th Day of Tammuz and marks the beginning of the 3 Week Mourning Period leading-up to Tisha B' Av. Additionally, the DAY also traditionally commemorates the Destruction of the 2 Tablets of the 10 Commandments and other Historical Calamities that befell the Jewish People on the same Date’. 

What caught my Attention is that from 7/23 to 8/12-13 (9th of Av) = 21 Days or 7-7-7, which made me think of Flight 777. If the Rapture happens…or on the 9th of Av, this would be a huge Sign for the Jewish People for obvious Reasons. The only Reason I bring this up is because there may be a connection between 723 and 9th of Av that we don't fully understand. 
Bob D.

Is the New Wine Feast even in the Bible?
Also, one submits this very detailed and excellent Paper by Allan. He did a Comparison of the various Theories of when the Pentecost New Wine is to occur for the subsequent Years, based on the New Understanding about when is the Feast of the New Wine. Please study it carefully and see what you all think. The Paper Online Link is as follows.

The Feast of New Wine (True Pentecost) as a Rapture High Watch Time 2024, 2025, 2026
Now many Brethren have connected one about how that the Feast of New Wine is not mentioned in the Bible. It is only the Essenes that have. And that it should be Pentecost instead the New Wine that is mentioned in the Bible. That if the Pentecost of Acts 2 was the Feast of New Wine, why did not the Apostles subsequently mentioned that at all?
Well, remember that perhaps this New Wine Feast Correlation was Understood in the 1st Century Church. Also realize that not all Details are declared in the Bible. But the 3 Feasts of 50-Days, to include the New Wine are indeed mentioned in the Old Testament. See the following List below. These are 7 References in the Book of Deuteronomy alone. There are other Books in the Torah that mention ‘New Wine’ also.

Book of Deuteronomy
1- Deuteronomy 7:13
He will Love you and Bless you and increase your Numbers. He will Bless the Fruit of your Womb, the Crops of your Land—your Grain, New Wine and Olive Oil—the Calves of your Herds and the Lambs of your Flocks in the Land He swore to your Ancestors to give you.
2- Deuteronomy 11:14
Then I will send Rain on your Land in its Season, both Autumn and Spring Rains, so that you may gather in your Grain, New Wine and Olive Oil.
3- Deuteronomy 12:17
You must not eat in your own Towns the Tithe of your Grain and New Wine and Olive Oil, or the Firstborn of your Herds and Flocks, or whatever you have Vowed to give, or your Freewill Offerings or Special Gifts.
4- Deuteronomy 14:23
Eat the Tithe of your Grain, New Wine and Olive Oil, and the Firstborn of your Herds and Flocks in the Presence of the LORD your GOD at the place He will choose as a Dwelling for his Name, so that you may Learn to revere the LORD your GOD always.
5- Deuteronomy 18:4
You are to give them the First-Fruits of your Grain, New Wine and Olive Oil, and the 1st Wool from the SHEARING of your Sheep,
6- Deuteronomy 28:51
They will devour the Young of your Livestock and the Crops of your Land until you are Destroyed. They will leave you no Grain, New Wine or Olive Oil, nor any Calves of your Herds or Lambs of your Flocks until you are Ruined
7- Deuteronomy 33:28
So Israel will live in Safety; Jacob will dwell Secure in a Land of Grain and New Wine, where the Heavens drop Dew.
‘For the Sons of Israel and the Sons of Levi shall bring the Contribution of the Grain, the New
Wine and the Oil to the Chambers; there are the Utensils of the Sanctuary, the Priests who are Ministering, the Gatekeepers and the Singers.  Thus we will not Neglect the House of our GOD’.  -Nehemiah 10:39
‘Therefore I will return and take back My Grain in its Season, and My New Wine at its Appointed Time, and I will snatch away My Wool and My Linen for covering her Nakedness’. -Hosea 3:11

As to the possibility, of the Rapture Event occurring in a particular Year and on the 9th of Av? Sure, it can happen, but that would go against the Sinai Day Count one had formulated. Of course, one could have mis-counted the Days. The Main Reason why one does not hold to that Av 9 Theory that Dr. Awe espouses, is that the present Rabbinical Calendar is off by 1 Month. It has a 13th Month that is skewing the Day Count by that extra Month to an August ‘Pentecost’. See Quote by another Brother in Christ named Allan who notes this Detail. See what you think.
‘You know the Rabbinical calendar by adding Adar 2 in 2024 results in a seasonally late Passover of April 22, 2024. In one's opinion it is far into the Barley harvest. So in one's opinion Tyler and Dr Barry are working with a skewed calendar that is helping that stretch to August 13th. So, at present, I am thinking they are off by quite a bit and July is more on the mark’.
Best regards
Allan A

However, some Brethren from the Czechia and Slovakia sent a Study about initially agreeing with a July 23 Pentecost New Wine Association. But they too are now ‘Jumping Ship’ and echoing a 7-7-7 21 Day Count from July 23 to the 9th of Av. But again, one cannot seem to reconcile the Day Count to accept that the End to the Summer Wheat Harvest is to occur in Mid-August. It just does not make Agricultural/Seasonal Sense. Barley does not extend well into August. But one is just going off of one’s Agricultural Understanding. YHVH has His own Timetable and as stated, the Rapture, when it will occur, will be at the Perfect Time.

Feasts by GOD

However, the Stress and Burden one has regarding one’s only High Watch Time, as mentioned, comes only once a Year. However, that is one’s Disposition to Presume. And that in itself could be totally off too. So, now off to other Topics of Research to concentrate on and see/observe the other Rapture Timing Possibilities that other Brethren have. As mentioned, perhaps Dr. Awe’s Day Count is right after all for a 9th of Av Pentecost New Wine Rapture Timing, etc. But so true that it is only the Small Remnant that awaits Jesus’ Appearing. But one can only accept the Results of one’s July 23 Date Study and Research, if at least it has been a Great Dress Rehearsal. One Cannot argue with that.
And as a Wise Man or Woman once said, ‘Practice Makes Perfect’, no? One Thing is for sure, Jesus is Perfecting His Bride. So, she will not be done until the Father says He is Done perfecting her and is done, as His Timing is Perfect. But as a Reminder, one is not 1000% ‘Guaranteeing’ that the Resurrection-Rapture is to occur or has to occur on one’s Speculated Date and Model. And that is all it is, based on Typologies that one has perceived and interpreted. One would hope so, but as to Prophecy and the Rapture Timing, one can only see Portions, Pieces through the ‘Foggy Mirror of Prophecy’.
However, 1 Day all such Perceptions and Prognostications will be made Sight. One cannot wait for that Day. So, one’s July 21-23 may come-and-gone. Well, if so, then ‘Back to the Drawing Board’, as they say. One will just have to keep studying, researching and spending Time before the LORD for Reflection, Meditation to hopefully acquire any Intel. But in all honesty, one has exhausted all Angles and Possibilities of how the increasing Years are looking more like the Best Year Candidate for the Rapture Event to happen. If not, one cannot imagine how 'more' Crazy the World is to get. It is unbearable.

Philadelphian Door of Escape
The purpose of this Book, the 4th in a Tetralogy is about expounding on the Notion and Theory that the Pentecost of Acts 2 was and is on the Feasts of the First-Fruits of the New Wine. It is not on the Traditional Church and Jewish Teaching that it was on the Feast of the First-Fruits of the New Grain. And that in fact there are 3 'Pentecost' or Shavuot First-Fruit Feast of the Wheat, Wine and the Oil. One has developed this Theory over Years of Research that started with a fresh look and Interpretation of Leviticus 23:15-16. ​
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Rendezvous at the Lion's Gate
People often say the following when asked about, ‘When is the Rapture to occur?’ They say, ‘No One Knows the Day or the Hour’? Does that Verse in the Bible really pertain to the Rapture Timing? The purpose of this Book is to delve deep into this Question that has been Contemplated, Contested and Consternated for nearly 2000 Years, since the Church Age began or was Initiated with ‘Power from on High’ in Acts 2.
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Summer White Wheat Wedding
The purpose of this Book is to provide a Compilation of Articles over several Years of ‘Discovery into the Journey of Identifying where and when the True Count of Leviticus 23:15-16 occurred, i.e., the Feast of New Wine, precisely at a 99th Day Count. The challenge that his Book tackles is what is the Start Date? Why? This initial Start Date will determine the exact Day in which the Feast of New Wine, on a July 23 Date.
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​Conclusion of the Commission
A study of the Astronomical and Mathematical Patterns heralding the End of the Church Age and the coming Transference of Testimony and the witness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The 7-year Sabbatical Cycle of time suggests that the Church Age is about to conclude and transfer the Gospel Witness back to the Dispensation of Israel to finish the 70th Week of Years. This specific time is predicated on the Convergence of several Prophetic Timelines will be presented to highlight this time of the Synchronization of Biblical prophecy.
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