Rapture High Watch Times 2024, 2025, 2026 Matrix Tables
by Luis B. Vega
One would like to share a Paper done by a Brother, Allan A. from that has compiled the various Arguments for a New Wine Rapture possibility. Perhaps you all would appreciate it as it is Top-Notch Paper, and one agrees with 99.9% of what you have researched and presented in his Paper. It is Well Done. Here is the Link Online to the Paper.
The Feast of New Wine (True Pentecost) as a Rapture High Watch Time 2024, 2025, 2026 is the Best Assessment and Breakdown of the Theory and Calendar Debate one come across about the Pentecost New Wine Rapture Theory. It is rare to come across those that one can have a real Evaluation or Critique of one’s Theory as there is virtually no Research on the Topic. It is hard, thus, to gauge one’s Research and Rationale about it. But this Paper is a Top-Notch Research Resource in the Pentecost New Wine Debate. One will just reply in Blue Lettering in Response as some portions are already in Red.
______________________Man has been given 6,000 years of fallen history and then 1,000 years with the King of Kings reigning from Jerusalem – God created in 6 days and rested on the 7th day 2. It is proposed that there were 4,000 solar years before the crucifixion of Jesus andyear range of 2023, 2024, 2025 or 2026 as the Rapture Year. Agree. Good Foundation and Pattern to start from.Why the 32 AD (Sir Robert Anderson) versus 33 AD (Harold Hoehner) is the better supported crucifixion year. Agree. Even Chuck Missler wrote an article about the 32 AD Date, but he took from Anderson. Consider the Chinese Astronomers who calculated a 32 AD Crucifixion of the Man from Heaven who Died.
Year and Month of Jesus’ Birth, Crucifixion and Resurrection Pentecost occurred another 50 days after this at the Feast of New Wine and the end of the wheat harvest. Acts chapter 2 references a query about the disciples being drunk with New Wine in which Peter replies that it is not the third hour yet. At the Feast of New Wine the priest would at the third hour make a New Wine offering before anyone could drink the New Wine. Welcome to the ‘True’ Day Count and interpretation of Leviticus 23:15-16. Now, you are ‘Talking my Language’. But according to Lee Brainard, we are ‘Liars’ and spreading False Teaching about Pentecost.#1008: NEW WINE PENTECOST
DEBATES AND DISCORDSeeing the Day ApproachingIf the above proposal is true then the question becomes, “When is the Feast of New Wine” for 2024, 2025 and 2026?” A second question is “If the bride of Christ (the born again Church) was started on True Pentecost in the Crucifixion year would it make sense for the Groom (Christ) to return for his Bride on the Feast Of New Wine in 2024, 2025 or 2026?” Agree. That is part of the Theory of having the Rapture occur on the New Wine Anniversary outpouring of the Holy Spirit, etc. May it be so. I like the fact that we are in the ‘Final 4’, but really the Final 3 as 2023 Factor has passed now.The original Passover where Israel left Egypt was Exodus to Mt. Sinai 60 days (left Egypt on Nisan 15 arrived at Mt. Sinai in the third month Sivan 15) + 3 days preparation + 7 days Moses and Elders meet with God + 40 days and nights Moses was in the Mount with God = 110 days. (Exodus chapter 12, Exodus 13 v 1-10, Exodus 16 v 1, Exodus 19 v 1, Exodus 19 v 10-11, Exodus 24 v 13-18, Exodus 31 v 18, Exodus 32 v 28, Leviticus chapter 23) Some view the 3 days and the 7 days as inclusive to the 40 days therefore their calculation uses only 100 days. Others view the 3 days as exclusive and the 7 days as inclusive for a total of 103 days. Fair enough. One can work with a 3 Day or 10 Day Difference. The July 31 Option is also appealing for some Reason one cannot explain. So, one will be vigilant until then.
7. This brings us to the difficult area of arriving at solid date for the end of the wheat harvest and the Feast of New Wine. My current conclusion is that it is somewhere mid-July to early August each year. My Feast of New Wine Rapture Zone! Yes, it is exciting to contemplate this possible Scenario. In one’s Mind, there is nothing in the World that is as Important or Pertinent to study than the Return of Jesus and the Things He is interested in. All else pales in comparison to devote one’s Time and Energy to: Career, having a Wife, Family, Ambition, Money, Fame, etc. Not that they are not Important and should be strived for, but in most cases, they drown-out being about the Father’s Business and in many cases, they become replacing ‘Idols’ of Worship, etc.1st Shavuot was the ascension. Agree.That Chart you made in Blue is like looking at what one would propose. Great. :)It is my opinion that a general date for the Feast of New Wine can be arrived at but an exact day would be difficult. True. I was thinking the same until this happened.A Year of Release?If the Date comes and goes for the Current Year, then one will defer to the same Scenario but for the next Year and so forth The issue is that the Fig Tree Generation will be beyond the Prophecy. One was asking and has been asking, ‘Will it actually be this Year?’ Finally? Can it be True? Is the July 23 Date off? Has one been off all along?And then this Thought came to Mind. One had forgotten about it. It was a Timeline that one wrote about in one of the Pentecost New Wine Books. One was reminded that the Jews left their Babylonian Captivity or it Officially ended by the Decree of Cyrus on a July 23.
That made perfect sense, as that is then an ‘End and a New Beginning’. This is how on the July 22nd, it marked the End of the Summer Wheat Harvest in the Middle East. And then on the subsequent Day, the July 23rd, that was then the Astrological Leo New Year.It would appear YHVH marked the End of Israel’s Punishment and Testing with that Time Marker. So, perhaps the Holy Spirit was assuring that, at least as far as the Month and Day, the July 23rd Date is substantiated. It signaled, Prophetically, how the Bride’s Captivity in this Parallel ‘Babylon’ System will release Jesus’ Chosen from its grip to return or enter the Promised Land.
In this case, the True on in Heaven, as the Rapture Event will be or can be likened to the snatching-out of Babylon. And Cyrus is called the ‘Anointed’ or Christ that decrees it. Then Babylon was Judged by YHVH thereafter.
So, perhaps this was a Divine Reply and a ‘Confirmation’ as they say. But what about the Year? Perhaps it was all-inclusive of the Confirmation and one is just a ‘Doubting Thomas’ of sorts.Table of Calendar Calculations. Did you notice how mine is the simplest? You know what they say about the Simplest Answer.For Boaz and Ruth his Gentile bride were married at the end of the wheat harvest and the time of the New Wine! This marriage event has long been linked to Christ and his bride the born again Church! Interesting to say the least? Agree. May it be so.Traditional Judaism from the 4th century onwards uses the Hillel II 19 Year Cycle adding a leap month in years 3, 6, 8, 11, 14, 17, 19 (Meton a Greek Scholar from Athens had developed this Metonic Cycle in 432 BC). Leap month is usually in Feb/March (Adar) and is named Adar 2. Impressive. You have done your Research and Homework. As mentioned, most End Time Students of Prophecy do not even come this close at delving deep into the Research.17th day of Nisan (Saturday) – this was the regular Sabbath – Jesus rose from the dead on 3 pm this afternoon – this equated to 3 nights and 3 days in the grave. Welcome to the Saturday, Sabbath Resurrection Camp. It is the Minority View, and like with the Pentecost New Wine Theory, we are in the Minority and seen as going against nearly 2000 Years of Church Tradition and Teaching.In Leviticus 23 v 5-8, Nisan 15 is identified as a holy convocation (a high Sabbath). So, there is disagreement about the Feast of First Fruits as to what day the “morrow after the Sabbath” is referring to in Leviticus 23 v 10-11? You got it. Most do not and that is why there is much Confusion on which Sabbath starts the Count on the ‘Day After’, etc.Though I could be wrong I am going to go with Nisan 18 for a couple of reasons. 1 Corinthians 15 v 20 says Christ is our “First Fruits” of those who rise from the dead. One agrees, as you know that it is ‘more correct’ than what others who are teaching about the New Wine Feast Day are convinced of.My thoughts (just sanctified speculation) were to use the nearest Thursday (Creation week day 5) to the Spring Equinox as this was the first day that the Sun, Moon and Stars were fully functioning. This would make Nisan 14 always on a Wednesday in order to give the same days of the week as the “Passion Week of Jesus”. Agreed, but hard to prove as the Online Year Calculators have Monday as Aprill/Nisan 14, not a Wednesday.That Torah calendar has Thursday July 4 (Tammuz 27) as the High Watch Rapture Day. Well, we can exclude this Calendar Count to be incorrect.For 2024, 2025 and 2026 the Date would be July 23. That is also the start of the Astrological Leo New Year per Luis B. Vega. Luis has decided to cut the Gordian Knot on all these various close but conflicting calendars and just anchor the Feast of New Wine to the Leo New Year. Thanks for incorporating my Research and Rationale in the Matrix. Truly appreciate it. Most that one has come across this Type of Research attribute the Work to themselves and with minimal mention of one’s Research.Birth of Christ lifespan = 32 AD + 2000 (2 Day Pattern) – 7 Year Tribulation = 2025
Agree. This is one’s Foundational Layer that one’s Pentecost New Wine and Crucifixion Year is based upon.There has always been sanctified speculation that the Rapture would be on a special day (an appointed time) not a random day. That God the Father would tell God the Son to go get his Bride on a predetermined and special day. This would follow Jewish Wedding traditions where the Father would decide the day that the Son could go get his bride once all preparations were in order (John 14 v 1-3). From the betrothal date to the Groom going to get his Bride was about 1 year. Agree. The Rapture Event cannot be Imminent. Consider the Law of the Newlywed Israelite Groom. Before an Israelite Man could go to make War, he had to spend 1 Year to ‘Make his Wife Happy’. If one transposes this as a Prophetic Template, say if the Rapture Event took place in 2024, then about 1 Year would follow. This would then mean that Jesus would not ‘Make War’ with His Enemies until that 1 Year was over, and then he would Make War, i.e., Break the Seals and have that correlate to the 7-Year Tribulation War then.____________________
If it is this Year and based on one’s Pentecost New Wine Rapture Theory. And again, it is only one’s Theory and 99.9% of the Church Body does not know about it or agree. For every Year, the Theory will be Tested on the 23rd of July. And realize it is assuming a ‘0’ Hour, Jerusalem Time.
This then has to be adjusted for Time Zones. So, it will be the 22nd for those in the Western Hemisphere, etc. Here are some Charts that provide Evidence, if not Proof of why Jesus could only have been in His 33rd Year in the Year 32 AD. It is based on the Triple Conjunction of Jupiter with Regulus. There will be other Charts for Reference as well.Chart
BooksNEW WINE RAPTURE THEORYPhiladelphian Door of EscapeThe purpose of this Book, the 4th in a Tetralogy is about expounding on the Notion and Theory that the Pentecost of Acts 2 was and is on the Feasts of the First-Fruits of the New Wine. It is not on the Traditional Church and Jewish Teaching that it was on the Feast of the First-Fruits of the New Grain. And that in fact there are 3 'Pentecost' or Shavuot First-Fruit Feast of the Wheat, Wine and the Oil.One has developed this Theory over Years of Research that started with a fresh look and Interpretation of Leviticus 23:15-16. Free Download PDF Online Version.LEO NEW YEAR RAPTURE THEORYRendezvous at the Lion's GatePeople often say the following when asked about, ‘When is the Rapture to occur?’ They say, ‘No One Knows the Day or the Hour’? Does that Verse in the Bible really pertain to the Rapture Timing? The purpose of this Book is to delve deep into this Question that has been Contemplated, Contested and Consternated for nearly 2000 Years, since the Church Age began or was Initiated with ‘Power from on High’ in Acts 2.Free Download PDF Online Version.PENTECOST NEW WINESummer White Wheat WeddingThe purpose of this Book is to provide a Compilation of Articles over several Years of ‘Discovery into the Journey of Identifying where and when the True Count of Leviticus 23:15-16 occurred, i.e., the Feast of New Wine, precisely at a 99th Day Count. The challenge that his Book tackles is what is the Start Date? Why? This initial Start Date will determine the exact Day in which the Feast of New Wine, on a July 23 Date.Free Download PDF Online Version.END OF THE CHURCH AGEConclusion of the CommissionA study of the Astronomical and Mathematical Patterns heralding the End of the Church Age and the coming Transference of Testimony and the witness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The 7-year Sabbatical Cycle of time suggests that the Church Age is about to conclude and transfer the Gospel Witness back to the Dispensation of Israel to finish the 70th Week of Years. This specific time is predicated on the Convergence of several Prophetic Timelines will be presented to highlight this time of the Synchronization of Biblical prophecy.Free Download PDF Online Version.