Luis Vega (21 July 2024)

Staged Events

by Luis Vega
It has been reported that the Shooter was in the High School Rifle Club of all things. And apparently wore Hunting Outfits for which he was teased about and bullied for. If anything, one can see a Pattern here, is that with all prior ‘False Flag’ shooters, they are Disturbed Psychological People. They are Prime Candidates for being set-up to do such things by Government Psy-Ops. Based on what one has seen, it was Trumps moving his Head to the Side that saved his Life.

One saw a Person breakdown the Frames, Second-by-Second and Mathematically calculated 1/15th of a Second to be that close to having had the Head Shot be on-target. What is disturbing is how, now, 2 Individuals have been interviewed On-Air testifying how they saw the Shooter. And the 2nd Witnesses saw the Shooter climb-up the ladder to the building. The Ladder to have been taken and placed there. And then, how the Eyewitnesses saw the Riffle on the Shooter’s Back who then crawled on the Roof to position himself facing Trump at the Rally.

And worse is that they alerted the Police on the Ground and were ignored. In one’s Opinion, it was a Kennedy Set-Up. Why? It is because if you study the Circumstantial Evidence, it is the Work and Fingerprints of the ‘Usual Suspects’. The USA is not governed by the ‘People and for the People’. The Question now is ‘Who Benefits?’ To a Degree, this Assassination Attempt has united the Nation. In term of Numbers, Consider what Corey, a Brother in Christ posted as an Observation Online. Then other Day Counts from the Great American Eclipse that that Nineveh National Judgment overtones.
Take a look at the specific time that Trump’s ear was shot. It occurred at 6:11 p.m [9-11]. In military time, it would be 1811. The act of Malchus’ severed ear perpetrated by Peter takes place in John 18:10-11.

April 8, 2024 3rd and Last Great American Eclipse and Nisan 1 to,
July 13, 2024 Trump Assassination Attempt
= 96 Days or 13 Weeks
April 8, 2024 3rd and Last Great American Eclipse and Nisan 1 to,
July 16, 2024 Daytime Meteor above Statue of Liberty
= 100 Days Or 144,000 Minutes
= 2400 Hours

Is Trump a Real Christian?
What is occurring in the USA is amazing. What has been happening all along and ‘Behind the Curtain’ had surfaced for all the World to see. Those on the ‘Fence’ about wanting to Vote for Trump will be doing so and it is a ‘Way Out’ for Biden. Biden is so far gone that Trump’s Win will ‘Cover’ and allow Biden to lose with a Measure of Dignity. Those in Power governing the USA and the World for that matter, realize that they cannot steal another Election with Biden’s Mental Deterioration to convince over half of the Nation that he is even Cognizant.
Now, as to the Question one was asked. ‘Does this have any bearing on a Rapture coming on New Wine? That is a Tall Order. For what it is worth, here are one’s Thoughts. One’s Pentecost New Wine Rapture Theory is, ‘Steady as she Goes’ regardless of Political, Financial, Social or Religious Factors that could and/or will have an impact on the Rapture Event. If one’s Year Calculation, being 2024 as the Best Candidate, to Date and only Days away, as of this Writing, then all issues and Problems will be irrelevant for one to even have to deal with or think about, which would be Wonderful.

But if Trump is not a ‘Real Christian’, then he will go on to win the Presidency and lead the USA during the 1st Half of the Tribulation Period. This could be a real possibility based on what one has heard him say about what ‘Being Saved’ means. In 1 Interview, he was specifically asked, ‘Are you a Chistian, are you Saved from your Sins?’ Trump replied, ‘I do not Sin, I try not to Sin’. ‘Why would I ask for Forgiveness?’
He basically believes all Humans are essentially ‘Good’. And by Good Works, that is earned to merit ‘Going to Heaven’. So, in one’s limited knowledge of having this Theological Disposition, Trump is not Saved in the Biblical Sense. But the Professing Church is full of these types of so-called ‘Christians’. If Trump is actually a Believer at the Core or Heart and is truly Regenerated, then Trump will not be here on Earth to carry out his Term as President Elect. And in that case, his Vice President will set-in, if not a Christian.

And likewise, if Trump’s Vice President is a Christian, then he too will be Raptured-out. This will now leave a Political Chain of Command that is in place that will follow. What one does see, Politically as a very interesting Parallel is how Trump, like Reagan truly became a ‘Believer’ or put his faith in Christ Jesus after his Assassination Attempt as well. Reagan became ‘Untouchable’ and perhaps also by Divine Providence was spared his Life. And it was from that Point going forward that Reagan did some Amazing Things, unhindered by the Powers-That-Be, who wanted him Assassinated and out of the way.
As to the Rapture Window? Noah and his Family were instructed to ‘Get in the Ark’ 7 Days prior and just ‘Wait’. Perhaps there is a 7-Day Waiting Period the Body of Christ has also entered before the Rapture Event is to occur, if it is this Year and based on one’s Pentecost New Wine Rapture Theory. And again, it is only one’s Theory and 99.9% of the Church Body does not know about it or agree.

A Year of Release?
For every Year, the Theory will be Tested on the 23rd of July. And realize it is assuming a ‘0’ Hour, Jerusalem Time. This then has to be adjusted for Time Zones. So, it will be the 22nd for those in the Western Hemisphere, etc. If the Date comes and goes for the Current Year, then one will defer to the same Scenario but for the next Year and so forth The issue is that the Fig Tree Generation will be beyond the Prophecy. One was asking and has been asking, ‘Will it actually be this Year?’ Finally? Can it be True? Is the July 23 Date off? Has one been off all along? And then this Thought came to Mind. One had forgotten about it.
It was a Timeline that one wrote about in one of the Pentecost New Wine Books. One was reminded that the Jews left their Babylonian Captivity or it Officially ended by the Decree of Cyrus on a July 23. That made perfect sense, as that is then an ‘End and a New Beginning’. This is how on the July 22nd, it marked the End of the Summer Wheat Harvest in the Middle East. And then on the subsequent Day, the July 23rd, that was then the Astrological Leo New Year. It would appear YHVH marked the End of Israel’s Punishment and Testing with that Time Marker. So, perhaps the Holy Spirit was assuring that, at least as far as the Month and Day, the July 23rd Date is substantiated.

It signaled, Prophetically, how the Bride’s Captivity in this Parallel ‘Babylon’ System will release Jesus’ Chosen from its grip to return or enter the Promised Land. In this case, the True on in Heaven, as the Rapture Event will be or can be likened to the snatching-out of Babylon. And Cyrus is called the ‘Anointed’ or Christ that decrees it. Then Babylon was Judged by YHVH thereafter.

So, perhaps this was a Divine Reply and a ‘Confirmation’ as they say. But what about the Year? Perhaps it was all-inclusive of the Confirmation and one is just a ‘Doubting Thomas’ of sorts. Here is one’s Personal Assessment of why this is a Win-Win Situation for both the Democrat and Republican Wing of the same Political Vulture. As mentioned, the Trump Election Victory will provide a Way Out to Safe Face for Biden. It will also go Hand-in-Hand in how Prophetically, Trump will win and Return as Netanyahu did.
Based on the Presidential Debate between Biden and Trump, it was allowed to be shown just how fragile Biden is. His Health and Mental Faculties are Deteriorating by the Day. Even if he won the Election or had been stolen from Trump again, one would be hard pressed to believe that Biden would be functioning and lasting through 4 more Years in that Deteriorated Mental Capacity. As of this Writing, it appears that the Biden-Harris Democrat Ticket will remain. And is because to appoint a ‘White Male’ over a Sitting Vice President that is Female and Half Black would go against all the Woke Mentality or Degeneracy the Democrat Party now Represents.

As many End Time Students of Prophecy have noticed since Trump was elected U.S. President, is how much the USA and Israel as Nations and their Leaders parallel each other. Here below one will list the Comparisons.

-Both Nations have had a ‘9-11’ Incident, and of which one is convinced were ‘Inside Jobs’. The Incident was allowed to occur to unite a Divided Nation.
-Both Leaders were and are hailed as ‘Saviors’ or Kings, etc.
-Both Economies took off under their Administrations.
-Both were instrumental in rolling-out the COVID Kill-Shot and sold-out their People to the Big Pharma Corporations.
-Both Leaders lost their Positions of Office. A Leftist Coalition emerged that placated to the Globalist Agendas.
-Both Nations where associated with the Number 13. The USA had 13 Original Tribes. Israel had 12 Tribes but with the 2 sons of Joseph, it totaled 13.
-Both Nations are split down the Middle in all aspects of Society as both fought a Civil War that were delineated by a ‘North’ and a ‘South’, etc.
-Both Nations were or are again at the Edge of a present Civil War that threatens to tear the Nation apart. In the case of Israel, it was the Judicial Reform.
-Both Nations were and are being overrun by Migrants or People crossing their Borders.
-But in the case of Israel, Netanyahu appeared to have ‘Resurrected’ and came back to Office. If the Comparisons are Prophetic, and if any ‘Prophecy’ one could correlate, and one is not a Prophet, is that Trump will Return as President.
One’s Point is that if both Nations are linked Prophetically in these Last Days, and like Netanyahu returned to Office, then it would follow that Trump will return to Office, just the same. And as Netanyahu is clearly not a Believer in Jesus as the True Messiah, he will be left behind with the entire World after the Rapture Event. If that will be the Prophetic Pattern, with regard to Israel, then Netanyahu’s Wish to hand over the Keys to Jerusalem to the Sanhedrin’s False Jewish Messiah will have been accomplished.

But based on one’s Military Experience and as a Political Scientist by Degree, the Set-Up that occurred at Trump’s Rally is what also occurred in Israel on October 7. Here is what another Brother in Christ had to say about it when reading one of Amir Tsarfati’s Telegram Account Posts.

‘[Israeli] Intelligence was gathered that 14 SIM Cards were activated not long
ago and GPS shows that there was a Border Crossing into Israel’.

So Israel knows the Location (maybe the Owner too) of every Sim Card
in and near Israel
....Seems to blow out-of-the-water the Arguments about being taken by
‘Surprise’ on October 7.

And how can the IDF send all those Texts to Civilians to 'Move out of the Way', when Bombs are going to be dropped? They can pinpoint a Cell Phone and it Owner to the precise Building Floor and Apartment Number. And as posted prior, when the IDF was accused by the World and HAMAS of bombing the Gaza Hospital, they released Cell Phone Conversations of what the IDF know who, what, where and when of the Details that occurs in Gaza.

And you mean the IDF did not know of what HAMAS was about to Attack and roll into Israel? Also, it was reported, even the Egyptian Intelligence warned Israel of a Pending Cross Border Attack. The IDF was intentionally told to Step Down as it was for Trump Assassination Attempt. ‘They’, the Powers-That-Be want a Desired Outcome. It is the Play Book Strategy of the Hegelian Dialectic, Problem-Reaction-Solution, etc.
So, it will also then lead to have one be more convinced that, if the Prophetic Pattern is legitimate, then Trump will also be left behind to hand over the USA to the Globalists. So, all this to say, in an around-about way, that one is not a Prophet to know what is exactly going to happen. But these are one’s Thoughts about it that can help to understand one’s Rationale and Point of View about the Assassination Attempt on Trump and what the Prophetic Ramifications might or could be because of it.


Zero Hour U.S.A.
The purpose of this Book is to chronicle the Collapse of the USA.  The various chapters will be based on one’s Political Science background but incorporated and interpreted through a Biblical Lense and Prophetic Filter. What does '72 To Monkey' means? It is hat in a period of 72 Hours, ‘All Hell will Break Lose’. It is, that after a Period of 72 Hours from a given Time Marker, an unavoidable and certain aftermath is to occur. And that is why one chose that Title for the Information one is providing pertaining to the coming ‘Zero Hour’ USA. ​

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Celestial Omens of Judgment
The purpose of this Book is to present over a Decade-Worth of Research since 2015, into the 3 Great American Eclipses that Crisscrossed the United States of America. They started in 2017 and culminated in 2024. One will present a Compilation of Articles suggesting that these Eclipses were Celestial Omens of Pending Judgment upon a Nation, that much like Nineveh of the Old Testament was given an allotted Time to Repent of her Sins, etc.

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Transitions of the Last Generation
The purpose of this Book is to ascertain several Factors of how the Spirit of Baphomet has risen in the World and in the USA in particular. Of what does it look like and what that means Prophetically. It is a Spirit of Perversion that has reversed and undermined all Human Moral Institutions, Ethics and Values. It has been a ‘Spell’ to introduce a ‘New Morality’ based on redefinitions in preparation for the New Order. This Spirit of Transformation or ‘Reset’ is one of an Orchestrated Upheaval and 'Controlled Demolition'.

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Orchestrated National Collapse
The Fall of the Phoenix chronicles the Code of the 33 Sabbatical Cycle Countdown since 1792 for America’s Demise. Various Celestial Signs are taking place that appear to also be Signaling a Prophetic Countdown to the coming Fall of the Phoenix, America. This Book will also focus on Key Spiritual Signs of the Times that appears to have also 'Clocked' America’s Destiny that have sown the Seeds of its own Destruction. It appears that the Fall of America, the Fall of the Phoenix in Biblical Prophecy will be the Resetting of this New Beginning.

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