Luis Vega (14 July 2024)
"STATUE OF LIBERTY - Priest of Mystery Babylon"

Masters of Deception

by Luis B. Vega

Thanks to a sister in Christ from the Revelation 12 Daily Blog, named Judi, she made one aware of Brother Tyler at Generation 2434 YouTube Channel about a Video Teaching on the Subject of the Occult Meaning of the Statue of Liberty. These sort of Topics beckons one's Inner-Spirit to not resist going down this Rabbit Hole, as they say. The purpose of this Write-Up is to Support Tyler in corroborating all that he taught.

Now, such a Topic has been discussed for Decades and most who study such Luciferian Themes are in Agreement of what has been ‘Exposed’. But what Tyler has done is bring an Exposure, not seen for a long while and has delved ‘Deep’ into these Luciferian Endeavors to a whole New Level of Discernment for the Body of Christ to not be ‘Ignorant of the Enemy’s Devices’, etc.


Realize that the 1st Book one wrote was about all this, 'Behind the Scenes' Satanic Agendas. It is entitled, 'The Secrets of Lucifer'. It is how the Luciferians use Numbers as a Code and Language with People, Places and Events. They use Numbers to Conceal or Reveal. It is Free to Download and see one’s Research that corroborates with what Brother Tyler at Generation 2434 has further Exposed.
Sacred Coordinates & Measurements
The purpose of this Book is to investigate and ascertain the possible Prophetic Mathematical Calculations that are related to People, Places, Events and Times related to the Work of the Luciferians. In particular, the Occult is examined to ascertain their Occultic Undertaking. A case will be made for how their Nefarious Motifs, Encrypted in Places, on People and Events, convey the ultimate Luciferian Agenda from those that Rule the World from 'Behind the Scenes' and will ultimately be embodied in the coming of Lucifer through his AntiChrist.
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One does find the Timing of the Topics, of the Masons and the Pentecost New Wine Theory rather interesting. But it is because they are all related. But it is sad that a Brother Brainard come after Tyler and Dr. Awe in this way to publically, practically accuse them of ‘Lying’.  This is in reference to Lee Brainard’s Video Teaching now how the Acts 2 Pentecost is Shavuot and not a New Wine Correspondence.

One sees Brainard as a 'Peter' in how he insisted Jesus not go to the Cross. Jesus had to rebuke Him as 'Satan', because it was Lucifer using Peter's 'Good' Intentions and 'Heart' to avert the sole Mission and Birth of Jesus. And that is Heavy to be found used by Lucifer to hinder the Work and Progress of Jesus, despite one’s Objections or rather Mis-Understandings.
So, one suspects this is what is occurring, sadly with the Attacks by Brainard insinuating that both Tyler and Dr. Awe are 'Lying' about what they are teaching regarding the Pentecost being on the Feast of the New Wine. And oneself included in that Teaching, aside from the difference in Calendars and Day Counts. But despite one’s Differences, by only about 2 Weeks, it is no way enough to basically call them ‘Liars’. It is a Sad Commentary of the lack of Unity and Fellowship among End Times Students.
Nonetheless, here is one's Response or Reaction to Tyler’s Video Teaching on the Mystery Babylon, here it goes. For the sake of New Readers perhaps, one will share what has been discussed here before as it pertains to one’s Research into Luciferianism and the Occult, etc. Tyler is 100% correct in how he surmises that the USA is the ‘Mystery Babylon’ described in Revelation 17 and 18. However, in one's Studies, one is more convinced, that as Prophecy is usually Multilayered and Multifaceted, there are actually 3 Iterations, at least that one could attribute ‘Mystery Babylon’ to.
1. Literal Babylon
There is the actual, literally Ancient City of Babylon in what is now Iraq. Saddam Hussein rebuilt part of it, mainly the Palace of Nebuchadnezzar. This physical City cannot be the Mystery Babylon of Revelation 17-18, as it is not by a large Sea, as in a Bay or a Body of Water. As it is, the Euphrates River has been diverted and it is Shell of its once former Glory. But it is where the Spirit of Babylon originated from. That Spirit persists and has been transcended down through Empires, right down to the USA, in one's Opinion.
2. Spiritual Babylon
There is the Religious Aspect of how the Spirit of Babylon has been passed down through the Ages as well. It is a Religious System that is the Tangible Aspect of the Spirit of Babylon. This is where the Ecclesiastical Orders come into play, as in the ‘High Priests’ of Babylon. And in this case, one does subscribe that the Roman Papacy, presently fulfilling also in Tandem, being the ‘Mystery’ Heir to the Babylon System.

They perpetuate the Dagon Fish God Priestly Order. The Pope and his Priests even have their Garments match what the Dogan High Priests wore, even to this Day. Then, the Vatican topographically sits on 7 Hills, as does its counterpart, Constantinople. These 2 Locations correspond to the 2 Legs of the Statue Nebuchadnezzar saw in a Dream that Daniel interpreted.

This cannot be said of the USA or New York, etc. It is this Papal Babylon Iteration that controls Kings, Queens, Nations, etc. The ‘Many Waters’ represent how the Roman Catholic System dominates many Nations, especially in Latin America. Her Wealth and Secrets acquired are unequally matched by any Secret Spy Agency, etc.
3. Economic Babylon
This is where one would agree that, Metaphorically, the Spirit of Babylon has been transferred, right down to the Greatest Superpower of the World. And that is the USA or was. One truly believes that upon the Rapture Event, the USA will completely Implode. And it is by Design. One subscribes to the Theory that goes back to Francis Bacon. He wrote 'The New Atlantis'. And in that Book, he saw how out of the Ashes of the former Atlantean Coast, a ‘New Rome’ would arise, etc. And that ‘Rome’ became the United States Republic.

The Young Republic that was Christian was hijacked by the Masons who, according to Manly P. Hall, a Luciferian, they instructed the Masons to pass for Christians. But the Republic’s ‘Birth’ was for a Luciferian Destiny. How so? It was and is to be Destroyed to allow for a New Phoenix or World Order to emerge. Now, many or all former World Empires did the same. They averaged about 300 Years. But what is spectacular about this 'Last One', that being the USA, will 'Birth the Beast', i.e., the Biblical AntiChrist. The Fall of the USA will shift the World Center back to Europe and Israel.
So, that is why this ‘Economic Babylon’ that is the USA, still encompassing the Spirit of Babylon fits the Imagery of Revelation 17 and 18. No other Nation on the Planet has made the Merchants of the World Rich as they see her Burn from afar, from their Merchant Ships. That could not have been said of Babylon in Iraq, Rome or even Mecca as some assert. This is why, it was befitting in how Tyler made the Inference to the Ishtar Gate, being the Golden Gate at the New York City Harbor. Realize that the Name Babylon means ‘Gate of the Gods’, or ‘Gate to the Gods’.
This is in reference to how the Husband of Ishtar, Nimrod attempted to scale Heaven's Gate, the Golden Gate and invade to dethrone YHVH. This was the Tower of Babel incident. This is what  CERN is all about. It is a means to pierce the Dimensions where the Fallen Angels are chained-up. Lucifer is outnumbered and needs more of his Kind. Eventually Lucifer will mount-up and initiate that Revelation 12 War. And that is why, through Pharmakeia, or the ‘Vaccines’, he is attempting to change the Genome of Humans. Why? Are they not to avert a ‘Pandemic’? No.

It is to conscript a Hybridized Humanity into his Army to Fight Jesus from returning and stripping his Kingdom on Earth that was lost at the Cross of Calvary. Only by having a Nephilim aspect to a Human Body can they perhaps withstand the Transitions and Transmutation of fighting in another Dimension, Heaven itself. This is not to insinuate that a Hybridized Human can pierce the Dimensions of Heaven.

Revelation 12 only asserts that Lucifer and his Fallen Angels fought and were cast down to Earth, forever Expelled from entering Heaven itself anymore. But what this Type of Hybridized Human can do is endure the rigors of War and Battle. Think of the Super-Soldier Secret Programs, etc. But it is what one believes Nimrod did accomplish. In one's Research the actual place of Babel was in Eridu to the South of Babylon in Iraq, etc. But notice how Nimrod is considered the 1st Mason, by the Masons.

And it was he that experimented with his Human Genome and was able to change his DNA to become a Giant. Now how the Golden Door plays into where those Doors are placed in the USA, is that it not only is the Main Entrance to the Continent. One goes so far as to insinuate that it becomes a ‘Star-Gate’. But it is because the entire USA is topographically correlated to the Elements of the Tabernacle of the Old Testament.
Tabernacle Republic
United States of Babylon
American Continental Pattern of Resources
This is the Reason, one would assert, is why the Luciferian Masons ascribed that to the Gate, the Golden Gate is the Entry Way to the ‘Tabernacle Nation’. It is a ‘Knock-Off’ of the Biblical one. They are basically hijacking the Motif of the Mansion of YHVH in Heaven. They are essentially claiming and possessing the Door to the USA. If you have control of the Door or Gate, you have control over the People, etc. Also, consider that the Wife of Nimrod, Semiramis, or Ishtar was ascribed Divinity.
She became the Queen of Heaven as Tyler correctly pointed out. But this Imposition later was adopted and is even currently revered just as much by the Roman Papacy, as being 'Mary', the 'Mother' of YHVH. Which implies she, the Divine Feminine existed before YHVH. The Notion about the 'Imprisoned Light' that the Statue of Liberty represents in its Cup-Torch was extremely insightful. And it is true, the Statue of Liberty is Chained. See Pictures online for it from a Top close-up view. This is very telling.
It Prophetically Echoes the Fallen Watchers that are Chained in Tartarus for their mixing of their DNA with Human Women in the Days of Jared and produced the Giants of Old. However, these Fallen Angels are led by their Commander, which in Greek is called Apollyon or Apollo. This is why the Statue of Liberty has the Face of Apollo. This is why the Statue is a veiled Androgenous Mix of Apollo the Male and Ishtar the Female or Isis.

Realize that Ishtar was the Androgynous Goddess, who was said to 'Make Men Women'. All of her Priests in her Temples were Transvestic. And realize that it is because the greatest Transvestite is Lucifer. He was and is so Beautiful in Appearance and Abilities, that he is the Original Narcissists. He ‘Fell in Love’ with himself. And it is why, especially in the USA, in this Last Generation, the Gay and Trans Movement has been working overtime.
This Spirit of Isis, of Ishtar, of Baphomet has had much success and acceptance in the USA, in particular. Sadly, it is even now ingrained in the Professing Church who takes the Name of Jesus. With the passage of Same Sex Marriage under Obama and the LGBT+ Agenda now being taught at the Kindergarten Level is proof of this Spirit of Babylon. It is really a Spirit of Ishtar, or Isis. One also wrote a Book about this 'Transformation' of America. It is also Free to Download.
Transitions of the Last Generation
The purpose of this Book is to ascertain several Factors of how the Spirit of Baphomet has risen in the World and in the USA in particular. Of what does it look like and what that means Prophetically. It is a Spirit of Perversion that has reversed and undermined all Human Moral Institutions, Ethics and Values. It has been a ‘Spell’ to introduce a ‘New Morality’ based on redefinitions in preparation for the New Order. This Spirit of Transformation or ‘Reset’ is one of an Orchestrated Upheaval and 'Controlled Demolition'.
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The Book ties the 1st of the 3 Major Great American Eclipses back in 2017 as occurring in Tandem with the 'Rise of the Spirit of Baphomet' or Isis. And it was since around 2015 that the whole Gay Agenda pressed hard to impose their Will and Ways onto the USA. And it is part of the Orchestrated Implosion of the Phoenix that the USA is. Again, the Ultimate Goal is for the USA to make way for the ‘Birth of the Beast’. And this has World War 3 Implications.
This Scenario is based on another High-Ranking Mason, the Luciferian Albert Pike. Realize that the Aim of the Masons is to debut their Master Mason, Lucifer. It is to have Luciferianism be made-out to be the Religion of the World, once the Rapture Event occurs. The 2nd Beast, i.e., the Biblical AntiChrist who will be seen as Israel's Messiah will fuse the 3 Main Monotheistic Religions of Christianity, Islam and Judaism.
He will be the New Nimrod 2.0 and the 1st Beast will be the Human Vessel that will be possessed by Lucifer himself. It will mimic the Incarnation of Jesus. It will also come with a Fake Death and Resurrection. It is all to Replace Jesus. It will be the 2nd Beast, the False Prophet that will be as the 'Wife' or Ishtar to this False Messiah, etc.

Now the discovery by Tyler of finding the actual Measurements of the Statue of Liberty in the National Library Archives was Amazing. That was Master's Degree Level Research and is to be commended for it. So, the actual Height of the Statue of Liberty was or is still the following based on Tyler's Finding from the Columbia University Library and the Library of Congress.
305 Feet, 6 Inches = 3666 Inches
Not 305 Feet, 1 Inch or 3661 Inches
Now the Luciferian Detractors will say and do say that over 'Time', the Sediment on which the Foundation the Statue rests upon has 'settled' and that is why there is a 5 Inch Discrepancy. Rubbish. This same argument has been used, is presently being used to justify now the Washington Monument is no longer 6660 Inches Tall. Consider the Numerical Factors also used for the Height and its Base.
555.5 Feet Tall Total Height from Base to Tip of Pyramidion.
55.5 Feet Width of Base of Monument.
555.5 feet x 12 Inches/Ft = 6666 Inches Tall
55.5 feet x 12 Inches/Ft = 666 Inches Wide
These 2 Measurements in comparison, placed on a 360 Degree Circle Compass correspond to the 5 Points of the Inverted Satanic Pentagram. Coincidence? No. Then consider that the Capstone or the Pyramidion is also 666 Inches in Height. Here are some related Charts one made, also exposes this Masonic Motif and What they use it for to harness, ‘Hidden in Plain Sight’.
Masonic Man of Columbia
Temple Man of Columbia
The Throne of Columbia
For sure, as Tyler mentioned, the Number 666 is the Luciferian ‘Calling Card’. It is calling for Lucifer to Manifest on Earth, as he once did. The Quest is to get all the World to willfully Worship the coming Beast, i.e., the Biblical AntiChrist as the True God, not YHVH and Jesus as the Messiah, the Son of GOD, etc.

But Tyler's Research into exposing the 'Daughter of the Dawn', the Origins of the Poem Dedications and the Masonic and Luciferian Connections that the Statue of Liberty has with Ishtar, Isis brought this Topic to a whole New Level of Discernment. As to the Topic of who and what is the ‘Spirit of Babylon’? One 1st got exposed to this Dark Subject when reading the Book, 'The 2 Babylons' by Alexander Hislop in the late 1980s as one was a Student at the University. So, 'Yes', one is in Total Agreement with the Teachings of Tyler at Generation 2424 about the Luciferian Origins and Purpose the Statue of Liberty Represents.
It is not Liberty from Sin or Satan. No, it is beckoning the Freedom of Lucifer’s Minions and his Spirit of Babylon over the Nation. And those ‘Poems’ are a Spell being cast over the Land. It is a Veiled Androgynous depiction of Apollo and Isis or Ishtar. It is about the Divine Feminine that is ‘Making Men Woman’ in the USA. And how the Statue is chained-up. It is about Lucifer in Drags as he is literally the 'King of Queens', etc. It is about the False Light that is contained in that Cup-Torch that seeks to be 'Freed', on the 4th of July. It is no coincidence on which Day the Independence of the USA was attributed to.
It has to do with the Astronomical Rising of the Dog Star, Sirius or Ishtar, the Queen to Heaven, whose Consort is Orion, etc. Here you can see the Duality of the Motifs fused as ‘One’. It is a total Luciferian Distortion of the Signs in the Sun, Moon and the Stars YHVH had set in motion to be Signs and for Seasons. So, Tyler's Finding about how the Luciferian Poems inferred to the Revelation 12 Sign was Spectacular. The following Charts are of those Bodies, Human Agencies, those Entities that have sadly sided with Satan.
They are the Elite Families of the World who have chosen the Wrong 'Christ'. Realize that Lucifer is a 'Christ'. It is described of him that he was the 'Anointed' Cherub, not just any Cherub. That is why, one suspects, is 1 of the Main Reason why Lucifer asserts, that he, as the True Christ that is to be the Inheritor of all that is in Heaven, in the Heavenlies, on Earth and below Earth, not Jesus.
And to that End, Generations of Wealth and Power have been transmitted through Empires, Kingdoms, Kings, Queens, and Popes to bring this about. What? As mentioned, the Full Manifestation of Lucifer on Earth, in as in a Human Man, i.e., the Son of Perdition, the Son of Satan. Refer to Genesis 3:15, etc. And it is the USA that has been 'Fattened for the Slaughter' to bring about this Transition. And how Great a Slaughter it will be, for Blood and Ashes is what is required to Birth the New Phoenix Order of the Beast.
The New World ORder
Skull and Bones Society
Synagogues of Satan

Lastly, many Brethren might rightly ask, ‘Why study this Dark Subject’. Well, if one has been in the Military, one will realize that a Key Component of defeating one’s Enemy is to study one’s Enemy. Realize that in the New Testament, it teaches that a Believer and Follower of Jesus is in Enemy and Hostile Territory. The Bride of Christ is Behind Enemy Line and Gates.
There are Enemies of the Cross and the Book of Galatians speaks about this War that is on-going, relentless and intensifying for some as the Rapture approaches. The Body of Christ on Earth need not be ‘Ignorant of Satan’s Devices’ or Methods of War. On the Contrary, because the Church has lacked Discernment on this Front, it has been Infiltrated and Weakened to the Point of Surrender to the Morals and Norms of the Society instead of it being the other way around.
Now, what one picked-up from Tyler’s Teaching on the Statue of Liberty is now in his Research, the Notion of the ‘Golden Gate’ came-up. This would not make sense without a Biblical, Historical and Esoteric familiarity or Background on the Subject. As mentioned, the core Motif and Inference pertains to the House of YHVH in Heaven. This is the New Jerusalem, or the Original one, i.e., Mount Zion on the ‘Sides of the North’, etc. This Golden Gate is then mirrored with the Earthly Jerusalem, and thus the Golden Gate, that is a Double-Gate in fact. So, how is all that related to New York City and its Harbor?

As it was conveyed, NYC was the Port, or ‘Portal’ as in Gate and Gate-Way into the ‘House’ of the United States, to the rest of the Containment, as if it was the ‘House of YHVH’, the Tabernacle and later on the Temples, etc. That is how the Statue of Liberty, greeting the New-Comers to the ‘Land of the Free and Home of the Brave. The He-She is a Sentinel to the Door, or rather the Star Gate. In this case, Esoterically, the Ishtar Gate with its connection to Babylon. How so? The Ishtar Gate on Earth, at Ancient Babylon not only conveyed the Entrance to that City, but it transposed it Star-Gate to Open and Close the Interdimensional at that Point and Time.

So, is there a Golden Gate or Portal in New York City Harbor? Yes. Realize also that in terms of Earthly Star Gates or Portals, a Port is a natural Entry Way into the Nation and People that Spiritual Entities can traverse to-and-from, etc. This is one’s Working Theory based on over 500 such Ciconia Triangulation Sites on Earth that one has documented so far. Below is that Star-Gate at New York City Harbor that encompasses the Environs of the entire Harbor. It is very elaborate and planned to be ‘Hidden in Plain Sight’. How so? The following will be one’s Interpretation of this Triangulation that also is fashioned according to the Triangulation found on Mars. That is for another Write-Up. But realize that one also has 4 Books on this Cydonia Mars to Earth ‘Star-Gate’ Connections.

In the case of the Statue of Liberty, that Site at the Harbor corresponds to the Face of Ala-lu on Mars. It even has its accompanying Small Oval that is characteristic about it to the side. This is the Tell-Tale Sign of who this ‘Ala-lu’ Person is. It is he that bears the ‘Light of Illumination’, the Light-Bearer. It is not Jesus, the True ‘Light of the World’. No, it is their Master Mason, Lucifer, inferred. Then the D&M Giant Pentagon corresponds to the Fort Jay installation that is on a much larger Island in the Harbor. It faces the edge of Manhattan Island. That is where one finds the 3rd Structure that completes this Triangulated ‘Star-Gate’. The Cydonia Pleiades 7-Pyramid City corresponds to the area called the ‘Battery’.

It is highlighted by the Clinton Castle National Monument. But note that due to Topographic changes, the Orientation of the Structures mirrored on Earth are Modified to follow the Natural Landscape in many cases. What is astonishing is that with each Modification, it follows a Mathematical Rotation in certain Degrees, 45, 90, ,180 that are exact. This cannot be occurring, ‘Naturally’.  One will be comparing that NYC Cydonia Star-Gate with the actual one in Ancient Babylon. Notice the striking resemblance in all Aspects. What is also stunning, is that during the U.S. Invasion of Iraq, it is believed by some that the Main Reason for the Invasion was to acquire Ancient Relics.
One of the Ancient Relics was the ‘Key’ from the Baghdad Museum of Antiquity. They were instrumental in the attempts to open the Star Gates that were, specifically at Babylon and Ur, the birthplace of Abraham of the Bible., etc. To this End, a U.S. Army Base was erected right next to the Palace of Nebuchadnezzar. The Military Base was purely an Intelligence Gathering Operation. It is about Ancient Technology that existed and still does, but only those Privy to such Supernatural Intelligence are allowed to know. Nonetheless, the Statue of Liberty is but a small Component in the ‘Lock’ that opens the Gate, the Door at the Port of NYC Harbor, dedicated to the Ancient Gods of Mystery Babylon, alive, well and to return to Earth 1 Day. 
New York City – Cydonia Star Gate!AvJEVlv5W43x9n8GOuPL3IYuqXhX?e=2CmoLp

Babylon – Cydonia Star Gate!AvJEVlv5W43x9wok6PjdgXVS7wUj?e=zuLlD1
Free Cydonia Mars Online Resources
Catalog of over 500 Cydonia Star-Gates on Earth