Dichotomy of Delusion and Illusion of Choice
by Luis B. Vega
The Heart of the Wise is at his Right Hand but the Heart of a Fool at his Left’. -Ecclesiastes 10:2
One would concur that Michelle Obama will most likely replace Joe Biden for the Democrat Party Ticket in the 2024 Presidential Elections. And that Kamala Harris will be side-lined. Michelle, by far would be the most appropriate Person to carry the Democrat Ticket, solely from a Political Scientist Point-of-View. If one was a Democrat, and one is not, the Michelle Strategy would the ‘Hail Mary’ Play, as they say. But here is one’s Theory. What happened at the Trump-Biden Debate was exactly what was meant to happen. It is the classical ‘Bait-and-Switch’.
Realize that the Rank-in-File Democrats were just as aghast and appalled at how the USA and the World saw the ‘Raw’ Biden attempt to debate, if one could have called that it, without any Script or Tele-Prompters, etc. The Democrats and the Media that have propped-him-up, literally for so long just got too tired of their own Façade. Biden was thrown to the Wolves, as the Blacks in America have been. They have been now replaced with the Millions of Illegal Immigrants. That is part of the Globalist Plan. Even Biden provided a surprising Talking Point that Trump would have made himself.That is in regard to the Illegal Immigrant that murdered a Pregnant Mother of 5. And then for Biden to say that he is working hard to ‘Kill Medicare’? If that did not send Shivers and Shingles down the Elderly in the USA, not sure what could. One’s Point is that it is the Elite, the Luciferians at the Top that are really the ones running this Nation and the World that have had to allow this. They were the ones, in one's Assessment, instructing those at the Top of the Democrat Party to throw Joe to the Wind. Why? If the Democrat Leadership, i.e., like the Nancy Pelosi’s, the Clinton’s, Schumer’s and Obamas would have supported Michelle to rather have been chosen to replace Joe, there would be too much of a ‘Conspiracy’ and Suspicion, that the Fix was in.
This Debate Debacle assured that the Michelle Obama Substitution, or whomever will be Selected, would be warranted and justified and most importantly supported. And that by having a Female, a Black that is Pro-Abortion, Pro-LGBT+ as a Candidate, the Blacks would be brought back in-line and have them remain in the Democrat constructed Plantation. So, perhaps the next U.S. President will be Female, will be Black, but will not be Harris, in one’s Estimation. Perhaps. But the USA is again being Played. It is all about an Illusion of Choice. In reality, it is a Dichotomy of Delusion as mere Symptoms of a ‘Roman’ Republic imploding from within. This is how the American Empire ends._____________________Books
Zero Hour U.S.A.
The purpose of this Book is to chronicle the Collapse of the USA. The various chapters will be based on one’s Political Science background but incorporated and interpreted through a Biblical Lense and Prophetic Filter. What does '72 To Monkey' means? It is hat in a period of 72 Hours, ‘All Hell will Break Lose’. It is, that after a Period of 72 Hours from a given Time Marker, an unavoidable and certain aftermath is to occur. And that is why one chose that Title for the Information one is providing pertaining to the coming ‘Zero Hour’ USA.
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Celestial Omens of Judgment
The purpose of this Book is to present over a Decade-Worth of Research since 2015, into the 3 Great American Eclipses that Crisscrossed the United States of America. They started in 2017 and culminated in 2024. One will present a Compilation of Articles suggesting that these Eclipses were Celestial Omens of Pending Judgment upon a Nation, that much like Nineveh of the Old Testament was given an allotted Time to Repent of her Sins, etc.
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Transitions of the Last Generation
The purpose of this Book is to ascertain several Factors of how the Spirit of Baphomet has risen in the World and in the USA in particular. Of what does it look like and what that means Prophetically. It is a Spirit of Perversion that has reversed and undermined all Human Moral Institutions, Ethics and Values. It has been a ‘Spell’ to introduce a ‘New Morality’ based on redefinitions in preparation for the New Order. This Spirit of Transformation or ‘Reset’ is one of an Orchestrated Upheaval and 'Controlled Demolition'.
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Orchestrated National Collapse
The Fall of the Phoenix chronicles the Code of the 33 Sabbatical Cycle Countdown since 1792 for America’s Demise. Various Celestial Signs are taking place that appear to also be Signaling a Prophetic Countdown to the coming Fall of the Phoenix, America. This Book will also focus on Key Spiritual Signs of the Times that appears to have also 'Clocked' America’s Destiny that have sown the Seeds of its own Destruction. It appears that the Fall of America, the Fall of the Phoenix in Biblical Prophecy will be the Resetting of this New Beginning.
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