Luis Vega (14 July 2024)
"CYDONIA MARS - Big Horn Medicine Wheel Star Gate"

Wheel of the Little People

by Luis Vega

The following study is how the Big Horn Medicine Wheel is Triangulated to mirror the one built in Cydonia, Mars. This study will show the Evidence that this Sacred Site on Earth had Direct Connection to Beings that came, precisely from Mars. And it was through such Sacred Sites that function as the Portal or Star-Gates to get to-and-from Mars to Earth. One’s Martian Motif Theory stipulates that Earthlings are not alone on Earth as Beings go But that prior to Biblical Times and Places, Mars had a Civilization, an Atmosphere and Architecture that is replicated on Earth.

And 1 such Sacred Site is found on Big Horn Medicine Wheel. The Site on Earth served as an Astronomical and Religious Observation that one conjectures activated the Star-Gate or Portal where such Beings from Mars and other Places, that pierced interdimensional Space, used to traverse through. Big Horn Medicine Wheel is also one example of how it was not overlayed with buildings that then grew out due to Urbanization. To a large part, it is because of the Remoteness of the Sacred Site.

It is situated atop a Clip on a Mountain high-up and is very remote and desolate. What is rather spectacular is when, according to Ancient Legends, it was the ‘Little People’ that built this Site. And that it dates back to about 10,000 Years. This Time-Frame would put it in the same Time Period as when the Pyramids of Egypt were being built also. As one who subscribes to the Gap Theory of there being a Time and Place that existed between Genesis 1:1 and 1:2, that World and Civilization on Earth had communication and pathways to Mars and perhaps other Planets.

This is what the Luciferians of Today called the Golden Age. It is the Time where they believe 1 of those Beings, was Lucifer, the God of Earth, at that Time. Perhaps it was before his Fall as the Anointed or ‘Christ’ Cherub, having 4 Wings. And most astonishing, if the Gap Theory is True, it was a Time and Place before the Creation of Humanity, that started with Adam and then Eve in the Garden of Eden.

This could account for the ‘Little People’, that to this Day are sighted in very Remote and Desolate Places on Earth. For example, there are regular sightings of these ‘Little People’ that surface from Under the Earth at night. Or it could be the result of the Genetic Manipulation of various Species, after Adam that used Humans to cross ‘Kinds’. And in that case, not only where there Giants produced but also ‘Little People’. The following is the Technical Information and Background, for Context of the Site taken from the Wikipedia Page, abbreviated.

Big Horn Medicine Wheel is a Medicine Wheel located in the Big Horn National Forest, in the U.S. State of Wyoming. The Structure is located at an Altitude of 9642 Ft (2939 meters), near the Summit of Medicine Mountain. This large Stone Structure is made of local White Limestone laid upon a Bedrock of Limestone. It is both a place of Sacred Religious Ceremony and Astronomical Inquiry. It dates back over 10,000 Years. No Indigenous People have publicly claimed to have built the Big Horn Medicine Wheel.

The Crow stated that the Wheel was already present when they came into the area. However, the Wheel rests within the Crow homeland. The Crow say was given to them by the Creator. Accordingly, it was when their Leader, named ‘No Vitals’, (Circa 1400–1600 AD), had his Vision. The Vision was of Stars descending into Tobacco Blossoms. There is also the Oral History from several other Indigenous Nations. They tell of how the Big Horn Medicine Wheel was already there. And that it was built by ‘Ancient Ancestors’ or ’People without Iron’.

The Wheel was built high above the Big Horn Basin, and the climb up from the basin takes effort. There is a wide and deep cut Ancient Trail that takes Traveler directly to the Wheel. Then there is the story of Burnt Face, Crow that attested that the building of a Medicine Wheel in the Big Horn Mountains was done with the help from the Little People. It is a Pre-Columbian Structure, built from roughly loaf-sized stones gathered from the surrounding area. The structure consists of a Circular Rim, 80 Ft (24.3 Meters) in Diameter.
It has 28 Spokes extending from the Rim to the Center. There is then a series of 7 Stone Circles (Cairns) about it. The Big Horn Medicine Wheel is 1 of 4 or 5 Astronomically Complex Wheels that are publicly known to exist in the Rocky Mountain Region. The Wheels have Astronomical Significance, such as Solstice Alignments and East-West Orientations. The larger Complex Wheels are capable of tracking several different Cosmic Cycles, including the Precession of the Equinoxes, the Moon's Phases, Lunar and Solar Eclipse Cycles, and Planets' Orbital Cycles.

These Astronomical Wheels mirror the North Ecliptic Polar Region of the Sky and are useful as Celestial Grids to track changes over Millennial Time Periods. In 1972, Astronomer John Eddy investigated the Big Horn Medicine Wheel's structure. He made a number of important discoveries and published his findings in a Book, ‘Astronomical Alignment of the Big Horn Medicine Wheel’. He found that there are Alignments in the Direction of Summer Solstice Sunrise and Sunset. Other Alignments correspond to the Rising Points of the Stars Sirius, Aldebaran, and Rigel.

Thus, if it was established that this Medicine Wheel Complex ‘Mirrors’ the Sky, why could it not also ‘Mirror’ that which is on Mars also? The following is how one interprets this Cydonia, Mars Triangulation mirrored on this Earth Sacred Site called Medicine Wheel. The most prominent and notable Structure is the actual ‘Medicine Wheel’. This site corresponds to the massive Mars D&M Pentagon Fortress.

Then there is the smaller Medicine Wheel that is overlooked at the Site. That smaller Medicine Wheel corresponds to the Face of Mars. Then the 3rd Configuration in this Cydonia, Mars Triangulation is that of a Pleiades City Complex that on the Earth Site is an Open Area. However, the Borders of the semi-enclosed area exactly match the dimensions of the Pleiades Star Cluster. Coincidence? No.

What is extremely significant and important to highlight is how the Crow, the Indigenous Americans that came there to settle the area admit that they did not build the Medicine Wheel. The Triangulation, mirrored to that of what one finds in Cydonia, Mars was there for 1000s of Years before it was settled by the Crow. That is Amazing and the Narrative is repeated countless Times, all up and down the Americas.


Main Source

Medicine Mountain National Historic Landmark   


Possessing the Portals
This Book will show how such Martian Motif Triangulations served and served as ‘Gates’ and/or ‘Portals’ on 1 Level and Luciferian ‘Spiritual Strongholds’ in another. As a type of Jesus to come, Joshua conquered such ‘Gates’ of the Guardians as they entered the Promised Land. This Book suggests that the Triangulations were points of Contention as a Euphemism for the Spiritual Warfare over the Strongholds that are in the World, in general but specifically in the Promised Land, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

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Unmasking of the Rebel King Ala-Lu
The purpose of this Book is to present a case for ‘Unmasking’ who is behind the ‘Face of Mars’ from a Biblical Point of View. The Book will incorporate a Comprehensive Array of Astro-Archeological Studies compiled using Motifs of the Pyramid on Mars that are replicated on Earth’s Sacred Sites. This study will hopefully help explain what the coming Deception that the Bible speaks about will be in part, the ‘Return of the Martian Saviors’.

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When Martians Ruled on Earth
The purpose of this Book is to ascertain the Cosmic Motifs of the Pleiades and Orion as they pertain to the Pyramid Designs of the Ancient Sacred Sites on Earth, Past, Present and Future. The various illustrations will attempt to demonstrate that there is an on-going Cosmic Conspiracy regarding what is the True Narrative of the Interpretation of such Sacred Designs that are Aligned to the Stars. The study will involve Astro-Archeology, pertaining to the coming of the Celestial Gate Keepers.

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