Luis Vega (14 July 2024)
"PSALM 83 WAR - 7 Front Combined Offensive"

Fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy

by Luis Vega

In late June of 2024, Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held a meeting with a Delegation of the Jewish Institute for National Security in America. The American Jewish Delegation met former Generals and Admirals in Israel. During the course of Meeting, he emphasized the following.
‘The 7-Front War being waged against the State of Israel, is about the Core Actor, namely: the Islamic Republic of Iran. It is about Iran, and Iran is fighting us on a 7-Front War, obviously
4-Militias in Iraq
6-Judea and Samaria – West Bank  

They would like to topple Jordan, and
their Goal is to have a Combined Ground Offensive from various Fronts, coupled with a Combined Missile Bombardment. We have to… We have been given the opportunity to scuttle it, and we will. The 1st Requirement is to cut that Hand: Hamas’.  


Can it not be any clearer in how the Psalm 83 is being set-up? Some End Times Teachers assert that the Psalm is just a Prayer, which it is but it is a Prophetic Prayer as so many that have been said of Godly Men and Women have come true. Consider the Prayer of Hannah with Samuel, etc.
The Point is that the Key in determining its Timing is how it is about ‘Remembering Israel no more’. Since 70 AD, with the Destruction of the Temple, the City and finally thereafter the Nation, the Roman Diaspora made sure the Name of Israel was literally wiped-off the Maps of the then Known World. The Name was replaced by Syria-Palestina, etc.
So, for exactly 1,948 Years from 70 AD, Israel celebrated its 70th Year Anniversary, since 1948. Coincidence? No. It is Prophecy. But up to 1948, the Name of Israel was not Known as a Nation among the World Sovereign States. Thus, the Point is that no one could say, the ‘Remembered’ Israel.

Muslim Menace
It was only after 1948, that the Muslims surrounding Israel could say that, and have. They want the Name of Israel wiped-out the Maps. This is why the Psalm 83 Inner-Ring of Muslim Nations are presently attempting to do just that, and they will fail. But not without major losses in Israel in terms of People and Infrastructure, etc. The 7-Front War was waged against the State of Israel in 1948 as well.

It was as if the Red Dragon with 7 Heads, echoes of Revelation 12 Sign Imagery of the 7-Muslim Military Coalition attempted to devour Israel as the Man-Child to be born back then. But YHVH. As in the Revelation 12 Sign Episode, there was a Miraculous Deliverance and the Man-Child or Modern Israel was ‘Born’ in a Day as Isaiah66 foretold. On July 4, 2024, a Jerusalem Post came out that stated in their Headline: ‘It is Time to Warn the People’.

The IDF Intel. Offer’s, October 7 Warning was Ignore – N12 Report. In this Article, the Reporter basically asserted that the Israeli Government knew in advance of the pending HAMAS Attack across Israel's Gaza Border on October 7, 2023. One was asked, Will a conspiracy of complacency be uncovered? One answered. One sure believes it. It is called 'Trickle-Truth'. There is nothing better that works, for the most part, that to have a False Flag to 'unify' a Nation. If you remember, Israel was on the brink of Civil War, with all that Judicial Reform effort.
They all knew, at the Top. It was allowed to happen so they can get the People behind the Government. Like when the Palestinians accused the IDF of striking the Gaza Hospital, full of Patients and Civilians. The IDF then had a Press Conference showing, demonstrating that by hearing all of the Cell Phone Conversations of the HAMAS Fighters, they were questioning themselves if they had done it instead. If the IDF can hear every Cell Phone Conversation the Gazans have, surely, they knew and listened to the Conversations of the HAMAS Hight Command and their every move. And the intention of them is to attack Israel. 
My Word, the HAMAS and Gazan Civilians were all livestreaming the Attack. And for the IDF to look the other way, bragging it is and has the most 'Sophisticated' Surveillance Systems in the World? All those other Nations that have deals with all their High-Tech Spy Firms should be getting their Money back. Now, based on one’s 723 July 23, ‘White Wheat Wedding’ Rapture Scenario? Say it does pan-out to be this Year? Then it makes absolutely Astronomical Sense what is happening in Virgo and at the Golden Gate this Fall, September and October.

Realize that on Earth, the Golden Gate is the Entrance to the Earthly Jerusalem. It is Ophiuchus, the Sentinel that stands Guard there. It is he, a Metaphor for Jesus, that is preventing Lucifer, the ‘Snake’, Serpens from reaching in to take hold of the Crown, Corona Borealis. It is the Symbol for the Kingdom, on Earth as it is in Heaven. One surmises that after the Rapture and the Man of Sin, the Lawless One, who comes in his own Name, is revealed, he will be crowned King by the Jews, or at least by the Religious Sanhedrin.

Debut of the Despot
Remember a few Years back, these same Religious Leaders had commissioned and made the Crown for Messiah to be crowned with. And after the Rapture, since a large concentration of Bible-Believers will have been in the USA, America will no longer protect and provide for Israel. To the Jews, they will have no Cover and will be looking for someone to do that for them. One can say, with certain certainty, that all these Astronomical Events are Signs of the Debut of the coming AntiChrist.

So, they will gladly accept that Promise to protect and provide for Israel made by this Man, Come-on-the-Scene. He will gladly work out a 7-Year Peace Deal with the ‘Many L’Rabbim’, which one has presented Evidence will be with the reconstituted 70 Elders of Zion or the Sanhedrin. But one’s Conjecture is that after the Rapture, say if it is in July, you will have about 2-3 Months, wherein the Psalm 83 War Invasion of Israel occurs. All those 100s of 1000s Rockets will be unleashed at Israel, and from all 7 Sides.
So, thereafter, to deter this Annihilation Attempt by the Muslims, Israel will be forced to show its Nuclear Teeth. This is when one surmises the Isaiah 17 Destruction of Damascus is to occur. This Scenario is the one that one sees is most plausible that Israel will have to use to deter any further Muslim Menace. And this is what is occurring to Israel, Astrologically. How so? Israel is the Motif of the Constellation of Virgo. And there is a Missile Bombardment, in the Heavenlies as it is on Earth at this Time. How so? It is in the form of the Comet C/2023 A3. See Write-Up about it.
‘Birth’ of the AntiChrist and Division of Israel​ ​

During this September and October Time-Period, it would appear that Israel will be heavily bombarded by Missiles, as it were, by Comets. In this case, one tracked how Comet C/2023 A3 crisscrosses Virgo as if it was ‘Bombarding’ the Constellation. The Imagery is very ‘striking’, to say the least. Thus, one could correlate this Comet, ‘attacking’ Virgo or Israel as being Invaded by those 7-Front Paramilitary Islamic Factions. So, one is surmising that after the Rapture, the 7-Front Islamic Inner-Ring attacks Israel.

Then Isaiah 17 will occur as Israel will need a Nuclear Deterrent to stop any further Military Escalations. And note that Damascus is not the only Muslim City that will be Destroyed. There are Biblical Passages that allude to Ammon, Jordan also being obliterated, etc. All these Prophetic Scenarios are just one’s End Times Interpretation. And again, that is if one’s 723 Pentecost New Wine Rapture Theory proves to be True for 2024. If so, then the Bride of Christ will not be on Earth to assess or regress what just happened. If one’s Pentecost New Wine Rapture Theory does not coincide with 2024, then the Rapture Watch continues.

Israel Deploys Additional Forces to its North; U.S. hopes for De-Escalation
TV7 Israel News 28.06.24
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