Luis Vega (14 July 2024)
"WORLD WAR 3 - Locality of Prophecy"

From the Throne of Satan in Berlin

by Luis Vega

The following study concerns how one was asked about how Germany is involved in possibly starting World War 3. And how one’s Notion of the Throne of Satan, being in Berlin, is where the Energies, Power and Authority of Lucifer are presently imitating from. Perhaps some reading this Supposition would consider it ‘Absurd’. But not if one knows one’s Bible. One will argue how Prophecy is also based on precise Coordinates, using simple Geography and Topography. It plays just as much of a Crucial Understanding of how Biblical Prophecy unfold and is fulfilled, in one’s Interpretations.
The Questions pertain to showing more Evidence of how the Altar of Zeus or what Jesus referred to as the Throne of Satan is doing in Berlin. How long has it been there? What is its connection to Russia, Israel and the Church Age even? As mentioned before, one is very limited in the Clues Scripture has allowed us to have, regarding such Topics. Consider it as a 100-Piece Puzzle. We only have 3-4 Pieces to figure-out the Image. Other People may have 1 or 2 Pieces, but together, the Image immerges.

However, in some Puzzles, not all the pieces are meant to be known or understood, at least on this side of the Rapture. That is why the Apostles stated correctly that we only ‘See and Know in Part’. It was the same Principle in the Old Testament where the Jews ‘Saw a little, here and there’, and had to put Precept upon Precept, etc. That takes Time and Effort, Study and Discipline to do. Most do not and that is why there was much confusion then about the Messiah, for example. And the same Conditions are in place currently with the Church Age. There is a lot of Error, Apostasy and Misinformation.

What one does is to try to keep to Scripture and hold-on to those few Pieces of the Puzzle as Clues. But from that Vantage Point, one can only Extrapolate from it and then base it on Conjecture. That is the Best one can do or should do as the Scripture plainly states, ‘Not to go beyond Scripture’. So, having a Reasonable Stipulation of such Topics of the Timing of the Rapture, for example, one will only expand on the Conjecture. One will do that by just then providing more Context of how Germany is involved in the World Wars and why. And it has to do with the very Throne of Lucifer, and where that is at.

Here is one’s Premise. Prophecy matters, not only what has been said of it, and when, but also where it was said. Realize that in the Bible, the Locale of where Prophecy has been proclaimed is also Sacred. This is to say that even Topography and Geography are just as important as the Prophecy itself. Evidence? Before one delves into that aspect of Prophecy, allow one to answer the Questions about Pergamos and the Altar of Zeus or the Throne of Lucifer in Berlin, Germany.

Hidden it in Plain Sight
The Topic of the Altar of Zeus has been discussed here before, but here are the Sources to reference for further Details about it. Presently, the Altar of Pergamon is in the Pergamon Museum in Berlin, Germany. Simple, they are not hiding it, but they are. This is their Language of Deception, ‘Hide it in Plain Sight’, etc. Here are some Online Sources to read-up on it. From what one can assess; one is a bit confused if the Museum is still Open or not. Wikipedia announces that the Museum is Closed, from 2023 for ‘Repairs’ and will not open for 14 Years. Yet on the Museum Website, it states that it is ‘Open’ So, not sure. Perhaps some portions are Closed and others are Open.



Or of Zeus, or as Jesus referred to it as the Throne of Lucifer

If one had a chance to visit Germany, this Museum Site would be Number 1 on the List. The Museum also houses the Amazing Star-Gate of Ishtar. This was the Main Gate to enter Ancient Babylon. The following is a Brief Timeline of how the ‘Throne of Satan’ ended-up in Berlin, Germany. The Journey starts in the late 1800’s when Germany was allied with the Ottoman Turks. The Leaders of Turkey commissioned a German Engineer, named Carl Humann to design and build some Roads to improve their Infrastructure.

In the course of his Work, Carl started Official Excavations on the Acropolis of Pergamon, an effort that lasted until 1886.
Based on an Agreement between the Ottoman Empire and the German Government, the Relief Panels from the Pergamon Altar were transported to Berlin and into the possession of the Collection of Antiquities.

Museum opened to the Public for the 1st Time but closed 7 Years later due to World War 1.

Reopened but then abruptly closed again due to World War 2 pending. Note that from 1879 to 1930 was 33 Years.

The Museum closed because of World War 2. Then 2 Years later the Reliefs were taken down and stored elsewhere.

The Soviet Red Army that captured this part of Berlin took the Reliefs of the Altar of Zeus as a War Trophy to Leningrad. One is not sure if the entire Alar was disassembled and taken also. Here is the Russia Connection. This was the Height of Soviet Communism’s Power.
The Altar Reliefs were transferred back to East Germany. It has remained there ever since and survived the Collapse of the Soviet Empire and the Unification of Germany in the 1990s.

Now this following portion will address why Jesus said what He said about Pergamon and how He pin-pointed the precise Location of Lucifer’s Throne. It is because, as stated, Prophecy is also important to note, not only what was said, but when and where. Topography is everything as one will attempt to show why.
One will set the Context of why Pergamon was the ‘Pinnacle’ and Important, as it is 1 of the 7 Churches of Asia. They are in what is called Asia Minor or Modern-Day Turkey. A few Years Ago, one did a study on the very issue of the Topography and Geography of the 7 Churches of Asia. And what one found was astonishing and very interesting if one is into Ancient Archaeology and Astro-Archaeologic. How so?
Using Google Earth, one contemplated, if one started from Ephesus, how long would it take to get to Laodicea, by just walking, as in the Ancient Times? That is how People would travel, aside from Horses and Carriages, etc. How much of a Distance was it? Interestingly, by just using the Ground Length as a Tool from Google Maps, it is exactly 300 Miles from Ephesus to Laodicea. But when factoring the 60 Mile Distance from Ephesus to Patmos, that equates to 360 Miles. Coincidence? No. The following are several Charts that depict this Concept and Correlation, in one’s Mind.


Hyades Pattern of the Constellation of Taurus – 7 Churches of Asia Minor

A 360 Mile Walk

Divine Pattern of the 7 Churches of Asia Minor

Location, Location, Location
If one superimposes a Circle onto the 7 Churches of Asia, from Ephesus to Laodicea, the Coordinate of Laodicea is at the Approximate 120 Degree Node. And? This is the same Position that one has shown also corresponds to the Timing of the Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine Event. This is when one uses Months and Days as 360 Degrees. That is, the July 23 Date or Tammuz 4th Month of the Jewish Calendar, etc. It is also related to the 120 Apostles and Company specifically mentioned in the Bible, etc.

Then, what is more astonishing is how if one superimposes the Earth-to-Moon Ratio in Size and incorporates that Template from Patmos as the Smaller Circle corresponding to the Larger Circle of the 7 Churches, the Smaller Circle corresponds to the Size of the Moon, and the 7 Churches corresponds to the Size of the Earth. Coincidence? No. All that, by way of presenting a Topographical Context, was to show how Location, Location, Location of Prophecy is also Extremely Important.

Here are 2 Biblical Examples that further elaborate on this Matter. Consider when the Ark of the Covenant was captured by the HAMAS of Ancient Israel. It was due, in part, to Israel's Carelessness and Unfaithfulness and of how the High Priest also neglected the Precepts of YHVH. The High Priest was Eli. He allowed this Sons to abuse their Power and swindle the People of YHVH out of their Money, by Profiteering from the People’s Sacrifices and had Sexual Relations with the Women, etc. It is much like the Modern Churches in the USA. Consider the following examples of Geography.

Temple of Dagon
So, the Ark of the Covent went to Gaza and it was placed next to their Luciferian False God, Dagon, the Fish-God. The Ark was the Trophy of War. And what happened? YHVH caused some Epidemics to break-out. What occurred at the Temple of Dagon is that every Morning, the Statue of the Fish God would be discovered laying prostrate in  front the Ark of the Covenant. This kept occurring and the Palestinians, or rather the Philistines had to prop-up their God back up. Imagine that.
What type of God needs Humans to not let it fall over. It is reminiscent of how the U.S. President Biden has to be also in the Last Days of the USA. The Point is that the Priests of Dagon realized that the Ark of the Covenant, the Throne of YHVH was Sacred and more Powerful than their God. So what did they do? They recommended sending the Ark back to Israel, with Offerings and on a Cart, as instructed by YHVH. But notice in the Scripture how they avoided the Space around the Ark, they made sure not to set foot on it and avoided this Spot, Geographically. Why? It became Holy Ground. The Fallen Angels and Demons have no Power within it.

Thus, wherever the Throne of YHVH was, that was Sacred and Holy and Untouchable, upon the Penalty of Death. This is why Location matters. The Throne Chair represents all the Power and Authority of that King. It is the same Principle with the Throne of Satan. When it moved from Turkey to Germany, the Rise of Germany occurred and in World Wars came of it, because of where that Power and Authority of Lucifer was coming from.

‘That is why, to this Day, the Priests of Dagon and all who enter the Temple of Dagon in Ashdod
do not step on the Threshold’. -1 Samuel 5:5

Syrian Leper
The next example of how Geography is just as important to Prophecy of the ‘Where, When, What, and Why?’ has to do with the Syrian Commander who had Leprosy. His Name was Naaman, who was the Commander of the Army of the King of Syria. A captured Jewish Girl mentioned that there was a Prophet in Israel that could cure the Leprosy of Naaman. The King of Syria diplomatically then sends a Letter to the King of Israel. But this Faithless Jewish King gets frustrated that he can do Nothing. Elisha, the Prophet at that Time heard about it.

In Hind-Sight, this Lesson was to show Israel that indeed, a Prophet was among their Midst, but was dismissed because Israel, at that Time and Place had hardened its Heart. The King and People no longer Believed and Trusted the True GOD, YHVH, etc. So, Elisha sent for Naaman and he came to Elisha’ House but did not even answer the Door. Elisha sent his Servant to tell Naaman to ‘Just go down to the River Jordan and dip into the Water 7 Times’.

Upon hearing this Antidote, Naaman became furious and set to go back to Syria. However his Servant persuaded him to be Humble about it and did it anyway. It worked. Naaman was cured of his Leprosy. Naaman was so ecstatic that he wanted to give Elisha all the Gifts he had brought but Elisah declined them all. However this is the Point. Observe how Naaman asked to carry 2 Mule-Loads of the Earth from Israel of where his Miracle happened. Why?

It is all about the Geography of the Prophecy. That Ground was now Sacred and Naaman had enough Common Sense to pour-out this Earth, the Dirt from Israel to surround his House for Protection. It is not that the Dirt from Israel itself is now something ‘Holy’ and Sacred, but that the Power and Authority is transferred over wherever that Piece of Ground or Throne is relocated to another Geographical Location.
‘So Naaman said, then, if not, please let your Servant be given 2 Mule-Loads of Earth; for your Servant will no longer offer either burnt Offering or Sacrifice to other Gods, but to the LORD’. 2 Kings 5:17

So, if one looks at the Chart and the 7 Churches of Asia from a Top View, one can see how the Configuration of the 7 Churches is like a Pyramid. And at the Apex? It is the Acropolis Fortress of Pergamon. Realize that these 7 Churches, prior to Paul introducing the Gospel and establishing a Testimony to Jesus there, were Pagan and Satanic Strongholds. One conjectures that the Apostle Paul and his Missionary Companions, were as Joshua in the Old Testament, capturing and clearing-out all the Giant Nephilim Residual Effects of the Promised Land. In the case of the Apostle Paul, he was doing it by ‘Demolishing the Stronghold’ and taking Captive the Fallen Angelic Stronghold throughout the Known World by the Gospel of Jesus. Why?

It is the same Principle Whenever a Person surrenders to Jesus, the King, and the Holy Spirit comes in to Indwell a Believer, that Person is now as a Human Throne, by Proxy of Jesus. And that Believer now has the same Power and Authority given by Jesus to go out the likewise, like Joshua, like Paul to ‘Attack’ with the Gospel of Jesus and Demolish the Throne of Satan’s Strongholds around the World. It can start in one’s very own Home, Neighborhood, City, State and Naton, until the King Calls for his Army to ‘Retreat or Fall Back at the Rapture Event. That is what will close-out the Church Age.

From then on, is a Personal issue between Jesus and Lucifer that Jesus will take care of by Himself to Finish what He started. Nd so, what was at the Pinnacle of this 7-Church Pyramid? It was where Satan or Lucifer set-up his Throne on Earth. So, that is why he moved it to Germany, then to the USSR for a bit of Time and then back to Germany. It is from that place where Lucifer emanates his Power and Authority to do what is next in his Agenda. And that is? World War 3.

Cydonia Mars Triangulation on Earth


End Times Apocalypses
The purpose of this Book is to present Evidence of how what Jesus warned about in the Last Days, is upon this World now. It is about ‘Wars and Rumors of War’. Granted, Wars and their Rumors have plagued Humanity since Cain and Abel in Eden. But what this Book wishes to stress is that the Synchronization of World Events are now wholly in Tandem with what Jesus warned would be the Signs of a pending Nuclear Holocausts due to multiple World Wars to come

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Then Sudden Destruction
The purpose of this Book is to chronicle the Collapse of the End Times World Wars that are coming, according to the Bible. The Topics will focus on the Geo-Political and Spiritual Contention between the Muslims and the Jews. In particular, one aspect of the Conflict will center around the War between Israel and Iran. The book will also look at the  Astronomical Signs above  that accompany such Geo-Political Events below on Earth. Lastly, the Book will delve into how the Church Age plays in all this and how Israel will resort to a False Messiah that will promise them a false sense of Peace and Security.  ​

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