Martian Motif TheoryDid Angels or Angelic Beings once rule over Earth, Eden and Humanity? Do they still do? Is there a Direct Connection to such Beings from Mars? From Heaven itself? Is there Physical Evidence? Are there Dimensions unknown in which such Beings exist and traverse in-and-out of into the Domain of Earth and the Plane of Human Mortality? To this End, this Book is about one's Martian Motif Theory suggesting that the Cydonia, Mars Pyramid Complex is a Triangulation mirrored on Earths Sacred Sites, both Ancient and Modern ones. And that such Locales appear to serve as a Nexus Point built upon Earths Energy Ley-Lines and Vortexes to produce Portals or Star-Gates.They appear to facilitate these Entry Points on a Spiritual Level that provide Interdimensional Transitions, even to Heaven itself where one Postulates, the Triangulation has its Source in YHVH Himself and how Heaven is laid out itself, etc. Thus, these Triangulations, in Heaven, on Mars and on Earth are based on Sacred Gematria, configured to be hidden in Plain Sight. It is part of a Forbidden or Well-Kept Knowledge and Technology that the Book of Enoch speaks about on one level. One will provide a Biblical Point of View.
Such Triangulations also serve as a Claim of Dominion over such Territory by those that wield its Power, from behind the Spirit Realm and its Secret Connections and Access on Earth as it was on Mars and is in Heaven. Realize that at the Present Time, the Manifestation of these Ancient Aliens, are Fallen Angels or Hybridized Creatures cannot be fully attained, in ones Research. Why? One will be presenting the Satellite Evidence of this Cydonia Mars Triangulation on Earth. One will be Interpreting the Places, based on a Biblical Frame of Mind and Interpretation.It is because the Church Body of Jesus is still on the Earth, as of this Writing. But the Bible states that once the Church Age ends, all the Human Believers and Followers of Jesus will be Evacuated. Jesus Himself allegorized this Event, called the Rapture as being like it was in the Days of Noah and Lot. And Angels are again involved and thereafter, their Full Manifestation on Earth will occur. They will deceive Humanity into believing they are the Ancient Progenitors of Mankind. And they have come back to show-up now as Saviors from Cydonia and Beyond.TABLE OF CONTENTS
Prologue 9
ANCIENT COORDINATESCydonia Mensae . ... 19
Mars Anomalies ............................... 25
Mars Monoliths................................................. . 35Tablets of Enki .. .. 43ANCIENT GENESIS19.47 Theory 51Sumerian 'Star-Gates' .. .. 59
Project Star-Gate ........... 69
Mars Mysteries .. ......... 75Water on Mars . 87
Hybridization of Humanity . .... . 93
ANCIENT STAR WARSMartian Fortresses..................................................... 119Martian Nuclear War 125World War 3 ... ... 133MARS TRIANGULATION SITES ON EARTH 143ANCIENT ASTRONOMYBiblical Astronomy . .. 173
Great Pyramid Chamber ........... 181
Occult Luciferian Ley-Lines .. ................ 193ANCIENT STAR-GATE TRIANGULATIONS
Alexandria Eschate Star Map .. .. 201Beit-El Star Gate . .. .. 209Big Horn Medicine Wheel 217
Cadiz Star Map . 223
Haifa Cydonia Star Map .. 229
Hamedan Star-Gate.................................................. 241
Hebron Star Gate .. .. 247Herodium Star Gate .. .. 257Kiev Cydonia Star Map .......... 267
Lalibela Star Gate . ... 281Nuremberg Star Gate . . 287Olympia Star Gate ... 295Susa Star Gate ........ 303Taj Mahal Star Gate . 317Trinity Atomic Blast Zone........................................... 325Wewelsburg Castle Star Map.................................... 347ABCs of Salvation ... . .. 355
Book Resources .. 363_______________________
© 2024 PostScripts Publications
Ancient Star-Gates
Category: Religion & Spirituality
Binding: PaperbackInterior: ColorDimensions: US Trade (6 x 9 in / 152 x 229 mm)
Publication Date: July 4, 2024Language: English
ISBN: 9781304224910
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