Luis Vega (14 July 2024)
"RAPTURE TIMING - Based on the Psalm 90 Generation of 80 Years"

Correlating to a 32 AD Crucifixion Year and the Tribulation

by Luis B. Vega

So, it is understood that based on Psalm 90, by Moses, a Generation in this Context, is said to be 70 Years. And ‘If by Strength, then 80 Years’, etc. If one applies this Prophetic Time-Piece, to the Birth of Modern Israel, then perhaps the Timing of the Rapture and Jesus’ 2nd Coming could be ascertained. How so? Here is one’s Rationale. As you all know one has suggested and presented this Calculation before. It is that the Year that begins that Countdown to Jesus is from 1952, not 1948 when Israel was ‘Birthed’ in a Day.

Now, 1948 was/is Prophetic and Extremely Significant. One is in Agreement that perhaps, aside from the Death, Burial, Resurrection and the Acts 2 Pentecost New Wine start of the Church Age, the Greatest Event of Modernity is the Rebirth of Israel. Now, how and why is one insisting on 1952 and not 1948? If one uses 1948, and one then applies the 80-Year Time-Span as a Countdown, it would be the following.

1948 + 80 Year Prophetic Generation, if by Strength = 2028

The Issue is that if one factors-in the 7-Year Tribulation, it would mean that 2028-7 Years would then be 2021. This Equation has been Testing and Failed. Although many End Times Students of the Bible had hoped the Equation would have been the ‘Right’ one, it shows that the Start Year from 1948 is incorrect. So, what is the ‘Correct’ Start Year? Well, in one’s Estimation it should be from the Year 1952. Consider the following.

1952 + 80 Year Prophetic Generation, if by Strength = 2032

Thus, if one then Reverse Engineers the 7-Year Tribulation Period, it will be 2025. One has presented all this before many Times. It so happens that the Year 2025 aligns with the Essene Calendar Calculation of when the Tribulation is to start as well. And it is where one stands on, a Fall 2025 to a Fall 2032 Time-Frame. One can be Wrong, but one is not convinced otherwise, until further Notice, etc. And? Here is the Point one is demonstrating. It is how this 80 Year Time-Frame connects and appears to Synchronize to the Year 32 AD. How so?

2032 – 25X of an 80 Year Factor = 32 AD

If one takes the Numerical Factor, ‘If by Strength’, and one applies that to Jesus, as He is the Stretch, and one counts backward into Time, by a Factor of 80 Years, what do you think this 80-Year Factor will coincide with?

Year Countdown
It will be a Factor of 25 Times that 80 Years will go back right to 32 AD. Coincidence? Perhaps but not if one holds to a 32 AD Crucifixion Year, which the Essenes wrote about. It is Dr. Ken Johnson that translates and Interprets the Essene Text as being equivalent to being 32 AD in the Gregorian Calendar, etc. Now, why 1952? There are 2 Factors (Or Witnesses) for it being the ‘Correct’ Year or more Correct Start Year.

The 1st Reason is that it synchronizes with the Shemitah Cycles of 7 Years. It was thus the 1st Cycle that occurred when Israel was ‘Reborn’ in 1948 and ‘Planted’ as a Tree back in the Promised Land, etc. This is the Key and Extremely Important. The next ‘Witness’ or perhaps ‘Proof’ is based on the Law of Planting and Harvesting Trees. See the following Scriptural Protocol about Planting Trees, or Nations perhaps.
‘When you enter the Land and plant any kind of Tree for Food, you shall regard the Fruit as Forbidden. For 3 Years it will be Forbidden to you and must not be eaten. In the 4th Year all its Fruit must be consecrated as a Praise Offering to the LORD’. -Leviticus 19:23-24

Here is the Prophetic Typology. One is of the Opinion and convinced that Israel is as the Fig Tree, the Vine, the Olive Tree, etc. Regardless, it is of a Stock planted in a Land. In this case, the ‘Rebirth’ of Modern Israel is as a Tree that was Replanted in the Promised Land by YHVH. That was/is Amazing. But notice that Israel, thus as a Tree, was forbidden from the Fruit of the newly Planted Tree, for 3 Years. It was then in the 4th Year that the Fruit of the newly planted Tree would then be consecrated and able to be enjoyed. This is one’s Argument of what exactly happened with Modern Israel.

1948 + 3 Year Tree Fruit Probation = 1951 + 4th Year of Consecration = 1952
This is why one is somewhat, cautiously optimistic why the Year 2024 is a High Year Rapture Watch Time. It is because it is 2025 that the Tribulation will begin or is set to begin. And this is corroborated by the Essene Scrolls. But it is based on one’s Conjecture and one is not saying one is ‘Right’. However, the Mathematics is Amazing, in one’s Opinion. So, one is just saying also that the Rapture Timing is to occur in tandem with this Israel 1952 Year Countdown. And that is pegged to the Shemitah Land Sabbaths and when the Abomination of Desolation is to occur. That is ‘Ground Zero’.

+ 7 = 1959
+ 7 = 1966
+ 7 = 1973
+ 7 = 1980
+ 7 = 1987
+ 7 = 1994
+ 7 = 2001
+ 7 = 2008
+ 7 = 2015
+ 7 = 2029 (Mid-Point of Tribulation?)
= 10 Cycles
And here is the Rationale for a Fall 2025 to a Fall 2032 Tribulation Period. One has to Reverse Engineer then 3.5 Years prior or 42 Months or 2520 Days from 2029. This will result in the Fall of 2025. And that if 2029 is the Mid-Point, one subscribes to an approximate 1 Year Gap of Time when the Rapture Window should or could occur then.

2024 (Rapture Year?/1 Year Gap?) = Fall 2025 + 3.5 Years = 2029 + 3.5 Years = 2032

Thus, these Calculations, based on a 1952 Year Countdown and an 80-Year Generation of Time from Psalm 90 then leads to a 2024 Rapture Year. Perhaps. And that it corresponds to a Mid-Summer White Wheat Wedding Time-Frame. And that this Wheat Harvest is that of a 100 Day Count that defines the Acts 2 Pentecost, which in turn coincides with the New Wine and the Astrological Leo New Year. And that one also conjectures could have likely been the Timing of the Cana Wedding where Jesus performed His 1st Miracle.

And is that not what the Rapture Event will be also? It will be a Miracle to behold likewise. And here is one’s Rationale for why one holds to a 1 Year Gap Theory or Time between the Rapture Event and the Start of the Tribulation Period. It has to do with the Typology of when an Israelite got Married. In Deuteronomy 24:5, it states that a Jewish Man of Fighting Age, when Married was not obliged to go to War. But that he had 1 Year to ‘Make his Wife Happy’, before he then returned to the Army Ranks to Fight Israel’s Enemies, etc.

So, if one applies this Prophetic Template, here is one’s 1 Year Gap. This is, of course if one sees the Israelite Solder as being Jesus, who has been pledged to His Bride and marries her. If that Prophetic Correlation is to occur at the Rapture, then approximately 1 Year later is when Jesus will then ‘Return’ to then, in this case take Command of the Armies of Heaven and lead them against the Enemies of Israel and YHVH, i.e., the 7-Year Tribulation Period.  

One’s Research is basing the Rapture as a Wheat Type of Harvest. That Type of Harvest determines the Season and Window. Those who hold to a Mid-August Pentecost and Rapture is way, far beyond the already harvested Summer Wheat. It is about halfway into the Wine Harvest. So, that is why any Av Month Rapture does not ‘Make Sense’, Agriculturally. As a Migrant, one grew-up working on a Farm.
One tended to the Almond Orchards and saw the Summer Harvests, etc. Not that living on a Farm makes one an ‘Expert’, but one sure knows the Growing Seasons. And the Last Point and support of a Summer July Wheat Harvest Rapture, is the Typology of how Jesus used that of Himself and how it would End in a Wheat Harvest, 'Us'. Why? It is because Jesus said, He was the Wheat. In one's Humble Opinion, one is more convinced that Jesus provided the Clue of when the Resurrection-Rapture would occur, at a Mid-Summer July Wheat Harvest Time-Frame. See John 12:24.
‘I assure you and most solemnly say to you, unless a Grain of wheat Falls into the Earth and Dies, it remains alone [just 1 Grain, never more]. But if it Dies, it produces much Grain and yields a Harvest.

As it is the same Typology of the Vine and Branches Motif, so it is with the Seed of Wheat, Jesus. His Followers are Transplanted into Him. Jesus is that 1 Seed of Wheat, all Believers in Him have been put into. Because of His Death, all those found in that 1 Seed can now live and live Eternally. And because it was a Seed of Wheat, as Jesus later alluded to, it then takes 120 Days for a Harvest, a Wheat Harvest.

 Spring Equinox                  +120 Days (4 x 30/Day Months)            Acts 2 Pentecost
    March 20-21  ----------------------------------------------------------------------    July 21-22
1 Wheat Seed Died                                                                          1X wheat Seed Live   
        JESUS                                                                                           JESUS’ BRIDE       

As the Summer Wheat was planted just after the Spring Equinox in Mid-March, 120 Days will take the Seed to a Mid-July Summer Wheat Harvest. And according to Research, the Ancient Wheat Harvest was, as undertaken by the Egyptians, ended specifically on a July 22nd Date. Then the next Day, July 23rd then Commemorates the New Wine Fruit-Fruits, given as Tokens of the Wine Harvest to begin. So, one will see about one's Theory, as it will be put to the Test during one’s Rapture High Watch Window for the Year 2024.

The Great Escape
The purpose of this Book is to chronicle the last days leading up to the Rapture Event and what that will look like. There will be a variety of topics discussed and presented from Political, Social, Religious and Esoteric Sources in the context of how they contribute prophetically to the timing of the Rapture.
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Apocalypse Broken Seals
The purpose of this Book is to chronicle various Precursory Events leading-up to the breaking of the Seal Judgments in the Book of Revelation. Such events are inevitably leading-up to the collapse of the current Word Order. Many events will be assessed based on their Political, Economic, Religious, Esoteric and Occult Nature that appear to be converging on the coming Transformation and End of the Church Age.
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