John G (7 July 2024)
"OBAMA the antichrist."


John and Doves. . . 

I found the latest Lovett video to be most interesting.  Because he said he is not date setting the rapture, just searching out the timeline of Daniel's Prophecy.

However, back to my last posted comment about OCTOBER 8th..  I have for a long time thought that Jesus would come for His Bride on His Birthday, and His church would be taken in the Rapture to His Marriage Feast.  How Great Thou Art oh Lord that we could worship You in humble adoration on Your Birthday, while at the same time being back home in Your kingdom as your bride/church.

The video poster below just enforces where we are in time, and at the last TRUMP WE GO HOME.  I BELIEVE TRUMP WAS THE LAST REPUBLICAN PRESIDENT, THUS THE LAST TRUMP! I believe OBAMA IS BACK ON THE SCENE UNTIL THE END OF HIS SHORT TIME THAT HE HAS LEFT IS FINISHED.   The RAPTURE and the sudden destruction caused, will give OBAMA 4 days until the 12th., of October to explain it away and with his lies deceive the world again!

Love to all. and God's Blessings and Mercies to all!!   JG