Gino (7 July 2024)
"post-trib priorities"

For those who teach a post-trib catching away, they spend so much time attempting to discredit pre-trib.
I would think that they would rather want to prepare Christians to face the greatest deception in the history of the world.
Like what if, when the devil is cast out of heaven in Revelation 12, that he descends slowly, visibly, and feet first, upon the mount of Olives?
Would many think that it is Jesus?
Or what if, when the antichrist is possessed, he comes up gently to someone, calling them by name, and speaks of things the person only would know.
i.e. the person remembers that no one else was there, not realizing that fallen angels were there witnessing it.
So, they think that the antichrist must be Jesus.
Or that most everyone they know, begins to believe on the antichrist, with many initially thinking that he's Jesus.

Or, why are they not doing their best to prepare Christians to face history's most extremely intense persecution, not only their's, but their loved ones?

Or, since they believe that pre-tribbers are wrong to be looking for Jesus first, and should be looking for the antichrist first,
why are they not spending more time preparing Christians to face the antichrist?

Debate is most often for our own benefit, that we "win" an argument.
Not only do post-tribbers strive to debate, but so do pre-wrath and pre-trib.
Shouldn't the pre-wrath group strive to prepare Christians to face the antichrist, and the tribulation, at least up to just before the vials of wrath?
And shouldn't the pre-tribbers spend the time witnessing, instead of debating, since believing that Jesus could catch us away at any moment?

Okay, consider that, after much debate, I am able to finally convince a post-tribber that the blessed hope comes before the tribulation.
That change won't change their eternal standing with the LORD.
Unless I think that post-tribbers and pre-wrath, will all be left behind, for not believing in a pre-trib blessed hope.
Which would be a terrible doctrine, I think.

On the flip-side, the only discussion that a post-tribber should have with a pre-tribber, is to see what they think is the result of believing that.
It should not be debate, but dire warning, like, "Danger! Danger! You're about to go into the tribulation and face the antichrist!!"
That's totally different than a debate, and would be realized as such by the pre-tribber, even if they disagree.
