The other day, someone asked me this about Donald Trump:"Have you heard anyone mention that twice in the Old Testament blood in the right earis a sign of consecration to fulfilling God’s purpose and service?Leviticus 8:23Exodus 29:19-20The connection was then drawn to Trump ending up with simply blood on his right ear on Saturday.Any thoughts?"So, I answered with:Was that repeated for subsequent generations of priests?i.e. was anything done to Phinehas after Aaron died and Eleazar became high priest?If not, then what was done may have been the consecrating of the entire Levitical priesthood by consecrating the high priest and his four sons.They were consecrated to hallow them.Shortly afterwards, Nadab and Abihu offered strange fire, and were killed.According to Hebrews, there has been a change of the priesthood, with Jesus now our great high priest, after the order of Melchesedec.The only blood, now, is the blood of Jesus. It cleanses us, and we are as kings and priests now.So, since the destruction of the temple, there are no Levitical high priests being consecrated to offer animal sacrifices.That may happen in the tribulation, before the placing of the abomination of desolation.But those sacrifices will be done in denial of the blood of Jesus.So, I do not think that Donald Trump was consecrated like a high priest.Also, that blood was his own blood, not a ram like Aaron, and it was not the blood of Jesus, either.