Kat,Thank you very much for responding.You were quite honest about what you wrote.Up in Chicago, the pastor there asked at a small prayer meeting, once, "Gentlemen, what if we're all wrong with our eschatology?"We immediately realized that he meant a lot more than simply about the pre or post debate.When Jesus came the first time, he did everything completely different than everyone in Israel thought, after their study of the scriptures.Although in hindsight, Jesus showed, like in Luke 24, that everything had been there all along, but the understanding had been withheld.The allied forces kept everything about Operation Overlord secret until D-Day.The enemy had multiple ideas about how things might go, but they were never sure until it happened.In a similar way, the spiritual enemy is kept from knowing the time, date, various locations, chronology, and details of the second advent.Is it possible that one of the ways these things are kept from the enemy, is that the Christians themselves don't know these things for sure, either?The enemy can read the Christians' books, websites, and posts, as well as hear their messages and podcasts.But between us Christians, we are so different in our views, one from another, and only tend to confuse the enemy's attempt to gather intelligence.Our disagreements with each other is one of the best ways that various eschatological details remain hidden and a mystery.