Gerry Almond (7 July 2024)

July 6, 2024


Have we reached a critical point in our watching for the Lord to move in our world? Inasmuch as I have already written, I believe all date setting for the return of our Lord for us, the Philadelphia Christians will be in vain. There will be, in my opinion, no sign, no warning, no alert, no premonition, no nothing, except one day we will suddenly be taken without warning, in a secret rapture event, and we will be gone. Turmoil will occur, but not as large as if all the Church Age Christians are removed. Most Christians will remain behind to help bring in a harvest of souls so great that no man will be able to count the number (Revelation 7:9).

As for us, the Philadelphia spirit group, we will be with our Lord in what the Bible describes as a wedding feast in heaven. It is a time of preparation for the coming wedding, which must await the coming of the Laodicea Christians, in order to complete the Bride-to-be. The wedding supper will last about 120 days, while the left behind Laodicea Christians labor to bring in the great harvest. I base the 120 days of Jesus message to his disciples at the well in Samaria (John 4:35). It is 4 months between the barley and wheat harvest.

I also base the timing on the Song of Solomon chapters 2 and 6. There appears to be about 4 months between the signs given in chapter 2:10-13 and chapter 6:12-13 of the Song. I checked on the vine with tender grapes status in Israel which occurs as late as July. Harvest of grapes occurs as early as September, but as late as November in Israel. The same with pomegranates, a relative of our tomato, which occurs in July and as late as the November heavy frost.

One watcher said to watch for the top of the moon's phase. The top of the phase of the new moon this month is Sunday, July 6. It should occur around 6 P. M to 7 P. M. If our secret rapture is to be at that time, it will still fit with the 120 days of soul harvest ending in early November. All Saints Day is to be on November 1 which could trigger a 3 days of darkness event. From July 4 to Novemer 1 is exactly 120 days, inclusive count. Three days added would be July 4, 5, 6 and in November it would be November 1, 2, 3. This year's election will be historic as it will be an honest one, using paper ballots and counted by hand. Cheating will be minimized.

If we could know when the harvest of souls ends, a count back of 120 days should tell us when our own rapture will be, since the Laodicea Christians are transformed at the time of our removal. That is why I chose All Saints Day as the end day this year because it identified July 4 as the start day. That is also why these 3 days are very important to watch and be doubly ready. Of course these may pass with no overt event of any kind and the world will simply yawn and go on. Even the Laodicea Christian will will simply yawn and go on. But I will not. I will continue to watch and to be rapture ready for the event cannot be too far off. The Lord Jesus will come when His Father sends Him. I know this to be true in my own heart and that is my firm belief.

Keep praying and doing what you are able to do. And many blessings.


Gerry Almond