Chance, you said “So - Passover is day 14, Unleavened Bread is days 15 to 21..and day 21 on the moon calendar (shown on Aaron's video) 21 is a Sabbath (Day 7)...then Feast of Firstfruits is on the day after the Sabbath - that does fit perfectly with the moon month ...the women came to the tomb on the day after the they came on day 22.”
I agree that Passover is day 14, the day Jesus was crucified. Jesus physical body lay in the tomb on day 15 (day 1 - Unleavened Bread), 16, and 17. God resurrected Jesus early in the morning – on day 18, the day after the Saturday Sabbath on day 17. You are correct when you said there is some overlap between Unleavened Bread and Firstfruits.
I like and use the NASA moon calendar.
Garry B.