Garry B (21 Jul 2024)
"To Chance - Ref: Your Letter Posted on July 14, 2024, Subject  The Correct Way To Count The Hebrew Days?"

Chance, you said “So - Passover is day 14, Unleavened Bread is days 15 to 21..and day 21 on the moon calendar (shown on Aaron's video) 21 is a Sabbath (Day 7)...then Feast of Firstfruits is on the day after the Sabbath - that does fit perfectly with the moon month ...the women came to the tomb on the day after the they came on day 22.

I agree that Passover is day 14, the day Jesus was crucified. Jesus physical body lay in the tomb on day 15 (day 1 - Unleavened Bread), 16, and 17. God resurrected Jesus early in the morning on day 18, the day after the Saturday Sabbath on day 17. You are correct when you said there is some overlap between Unleavened Bread and Firstfruits.

I like and use the NASA moon calendar. 

Garry B.