Fay (28 July 2024)
"Major Protests Begin. UK."


Hi John and Doves,


For a little background to the news in the link below - Tommy Robinson began his protests a few years ago. This was a result of the Asian gangs targeting and abusing young girls in the north of England. The police (in the north of England) ignored the abuses as they did want to appear Islamophobic. GROAN. Tommy Robinson began his crusade on the back of this police - and media - neglect. Ever since, Tommy Robinson has been dragged through the courts and made to withstand all sorts of 'legal' and media abuse. It's the same old, evil story.


Anti-racist counter-demonstrators begin marching towards thousands-strong Tommy Robinson rally where Islamophobic chants fill the air - as Met Police warn they will arrest anyone who breaks protest rules | Daily Mail Online


Now, the media cannot get away with it so easily. The evidence for Tommy's crusade is obvious. All the media can do is appear to cover the story properly. I was interested to see that the media refrained from calling this Tommy Robinson march 'Far Right'. They simply labelled it 'right wing'. Hey - a step up!!! These people marches are going to gain momentum. Increasing with very worried and panicked humans. Humans who have no idea of scripture, prophecy and our LORD. Because if they don't do anything - we will soon be drowned under the evil of Islam. Thanks be to Almighty God for our faith.