Fay (28 July 2024)
"The Olympics Connection to Israel. Much Food for Thought!"


Hi John and Doves,


I ploughed through the opening ceremony of the 2024 Paris Olympics with my husband. It bucketed with rain and the TV coverage left a lot to be desired. While I admit that Paris looked lovely from the aerial shots and at dusk when the sun went down and Paris began to light up - it was an effort to stay awake. Everything went on for far too long and was riddled with transgender performers. I mean RIDDLED. It was all very weird - reminiscent of movies I have seen of the cabaret era in Nazi Germany during WW2. Overly sexualised, overly provocative.  It reminds one of that era of unleashed evil and human slaughter. Which brings me to the title of this post. This is very intriguing. Remember - what has happened before, will happen again. There is nothing new under the sun.


Germany, under Hitler, held the 1936 Olympics. August 1st, 1936. We are all very aware that Hitler was an anti-Christ figure. Two years later, Kristallnacht (Night of the Broken Glass)  happened. Prior to Kristallnacht, the Jewish residents of Germany had already been suffering persecution from the Nazis. Please see the very informative link below. It covers the deceptions Hitler used plus the political ramifications. These Olympics were a precursor to World War 2.


The Nazi Olympics -1936 Berlin Olympic Games | Holocaust Encyclopedia (ushmm.org) 


Carrying on with the Germany/Olympic theme - the Munich Olympics were held in September 1972.  24 years after Israel's re-birth in 1948. Hmmm! It may be a stretch but could the number 24 be a pointer to our year of 2024?  I digress. It was at these 1972 Olympics (Germany again) that 11 Israeli athletes were killed. The entire debacle was horrific and puts the 1972 Munich Olympics in the Hall of Shame. This atrocity was undertaken under the auspices of the Israel/Palestine conflict. The following year of 1973 - the Yom Kippur War happened. Please see the very informative link below.


1972 Summer Olympics - Wikipedia


50 years after the Yom Kippur war of 1973, we had the mindless slaughter of Israelis on October 7th, 2023. Do you see the pattern here? Now I know that Paris is not Germany, BUT France is top of the heap (with Germany) of the European Union. The revived Roman Empire. This time - the Olympics occur after a massive tragedy in Israel. Israel is already under siege. At war. Vilified by the world media. Anti-Semitism is rampant. I believe this an important break in the pattern. But, it still has the foreboding of a near future and bloody war. The patterns and connections to Israel and the Olympics, is difficult to ignore. These Paris Olympics take place while Israel is fighting for her life. The American people have been overtaken by evil politicians. Ditto for Europe. Islam is on the rise and has overtaken the corridors of power in our political institutions.


These 2024 Paris Olympics were blighted by a terrorist attack on their 'HIGH SPEED' rail network, the day before the opening ceremony. This created an enormous backlog of people attempting to get to Paris. It was a sinister attack. It caused no loss of life but it was sneaky, spiteful and vindictive. Yet, I couldn't help but think that Almighty God allowed it to deter people from getting to this blasphemous opening ceremony. If this is correct, we need to brace ourselves for further nightmares during these Olympic games. As an aside - too many media outlets are inferring that a Russian agent was responsible for the infrastructure attack. Too many to ignore. More information will emerge, I'm sure. The fact that Europe and America are already well into their proxy war with Russia, has the alarm bells clanging.


These Olympics - with their blasphemous interpretation of the Last Supper and depiction of the Pale Horse of Revelation could not be more apt for our times. Almighty God is signalling us.


Please come, LORD Jesus.