Fay (21 July 2024)
"Further Information re Riots in Leeds, UK"


This story was published today - Saturday July 20th. It appears that the riots in Leeds, UK were a result of children being removed from their parents by social services. The family are Roma or Romany, (Romanian) travellers or 'gypsies'. I have no idea why the word 'gypsies' is suddenly non PC . Ridiculous, as that was their title for years.  But, it goes to show how 'diversity' is not what it's cracked up to be. It also indicates Nazi type tactics on the side of the authorities. How utterly traumatising for all involved. We need to up our prayers - sharpish, Doves. These attacks from the pit of hell, are increasing. Attacks upon all normal humans, of all races and creeds.


Leeds riots: Sobbing father breaks down and begs for his children back after Roma crowd take to streets again following night of terrifying violence | Daily Mail Online