Hi John and Doves,
As Bible scholars, most of us are very aware of Almighty God's exacting standards. Our Father God requires worship of Him alone. Obedience to Him alone. We are given examples of this throughout scripture - starting right at the beginning with Adam and Eve. The ONE rule was not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Then, in Exodus, there were the many lessons of disobeying God - the Golden Calf, the gathering of Manna and the restrictions of going out of camp on the 7th day. Enough Manna was provided to last the two days, rather than the one. This was to establish the Sabbath. A day to ponder on the wonder and love of our Creator God.
As Bible believers who follow the Word of God, we should require the same standards from our political leaders. There are no excuses. If they don't follow the Word of God properly, they are not of God. Period! The fact is that not one of our leaders - world-wide - follows Biblical standards. Not one. Including the leaders of Israel. Have you noticed that the Israeli farmers in Judeo and Samaria, who were following the Biblical directive to cultivate the land, have been removed from that Biblical Land through a climate of fear and war? The north of Israel - Judeo and Samaria (the West Bank) has virtually been cleansed of Israeli farmers - bar one or two diehards. These Jewish farmers cannot go back to the land because of the ongoing attacks by Hezbollah from the Lebanon border.
When the Jewish people were forcibly evicted from Gaza (by their own Israeli government, no less) to make way for a Palestinian state, it was an horrific, drawn-out debacle. A debacle with horrendous consequences, witnessed since 2005. The devil had to come up with a different plan for Judeo and Samaria. Internal Israeli emotions would not have stood for a repeat of the 2005 Gaza eviction (NOT ' withdrawal' - FORCIBLE EVICTION!!!) This 'cleansing' of Judeo and Samaria of God's chosen people has been achieved by fear. And there is NO sign of the farmers being allowed back anytime soon. Please see the article in the link below.
Unless Netanyahu and his government have a change of heart, there is no other way than the war of Ezekiel 38. Almighty God will have to bring it - putting hooks in those duplicitous jaws. And, going by Almighty God's Holy Word - the same goes for the leaders of every single nation in this world. Particularly those that have political leverage over Israel. Unless they declare total submission to Almighty God and His Son, Jesus Christ - unless they display complete protection to Almighty God's Holy Land - then they are NOT from God.
It has got to the point where we cannot and must not make any excuses for our political leaders. They are either for God in everything and all, or they are of the devil. Ignorance cannot be an excuse here. The men and women who seek political power have proven to be greedy, selfish and narcissistic. And power corrupts them even further.
If Netanyahu does not follow Almighty God's advice to trust Him - take on the Iranian proxies in Lebanon to protect Judeo and Samaria - the war of Ezekiel 38 can be seen on the horizon..
If Mr Trump wins the election - the same is required of him. Total obedience to Almighty God. Judging by the deluge of information this week, from both sides of the coin - the prophecies of judgement stand firm. They all fall short.
Neither Israel nor Hezbollah want a big war right now - The Jerusalem Post (jpost.com)
Please come, LORD Jesus.