Hi Steve, John and Doves,
I don't believe you are imagining things, Steve. Your post linked below. Prior to the tech we have today, I also had weird experiences. I would think of someone I hadn't seen or thought of in years and the next day, they would walk into a room I was in. It's a very strange, real-life deja vu thing. It makes me a bit jumpy, if truth be told. However, with the power of technology today, nothing can be ruled out. And it's not some weird conspiracy theory. If someone I know, emails me with a link to some consumer product - even if I don't click on the link, I am inundated with adverts for the product. It's invasive and SO annoying. Even more sinister - a phone call with someone close, results in strangely associated advertising regarding our conversation. I have noticed this happening over the last 18 months or so. You are not alone in seeing this, Steve.
The article in the 2nd link will bring a bit more clarity about this weirdness. These tech giants are spying on us. BIG TIME! If one is ever tempted to try and unite people on a massive rebellion against our leaders - we would be swiftly dealt with. Any credible rebellion with half a chance of causing trouble, will be squashed immediately. We are all to rely on Almighty God alone. There is no way any human effort would be allowed to conquer the evil ones. They think they have it all tied up. But God.......!
VERY WEIRD experience! (fivedoves.com)
USPS Caught Sharing Customer Addresses With Tech Giants, Including Meta And LinkedIn | ZeroHedge