Fay (21 July 2024)
"Almighty God is On the Move! No Question!"


Hi John and Doves,


There is NO WAY that the Democrats are in total control now. Everything is slipping into chaos for them. Do any of you recall how Hilary Clinton could not complete a sentence without coughing, coughing, coughing during her campaign for the presidency?  It was quite the handicap!  Joe Biden is falling apart before our very eyes. His grip on normalcy is barely hanging on.  That this is the work of Almighty God, I have no doubt. Almighty God is bringing down the power of the evil ones. He is exposing them. Their 'etched-in-stone' New World Order is proving to be the ultimate naked emperor. A thing of ridicule and disdain.


I also have no doubt that the evil ones will attempt to pull off the heist of human history when they unite to conquer Jerusalem. Scripture informs us of this fact. And prior to that, the evil ones will make monstrous moves to retain their vision of world power and control. We must brace ourselves. Armour ourselves with knowledge. Pray with all our hearts, souls and minds. Almighty God needs us to be secure in His knowledge, courageous and resolute. We are so privileged to be His army of truth. The fact that He has chosen us - gifted us with His Holy Spirit - opened our eyes to the truth, just takes my breath away. We are so very honoured and privileged, it's difficult to describe. If we could compare it to military medals, Olympic gold medals etc., we'd be groaning under the weight of gold and spiritual wealth that Almighty God has gifted us. WOW. Just WOW!!!


Joe Biden Falls Apart During Catastrophic BET Interview: “I , I named a, uh, the, uh, Secretary of Defense — The Black Man” (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger