Hi John and Doves,
The furore has not died down since the attempted assassination on Trump. Most of us have watched and read dozens of different versions of this world-shaking event. In the meantime, it seems a done deal that Biden will step down soon (he might well have done by this Sunday July 21st). The media - mainstream and other - are depicting major panic in the Dem camp. I believe this is genuine panic. Something hugely awry has upset their applecart - and it's not just the fact that Biden is on the point of a health breakdown. The polls are undeniable. The mood in America is undeniable. And let's not diminish the low morale of the armed forces. They will NOT be inclined to turn on their fellow citizens.
Since the assassination attempt, I have watched everything turn upside down. The EU is in a panic at the thought of a Trump presidency. The UK is flustered and panicked too (the Labour party). JD Vance said that the UK is now a nuclear armed Islamist nation. JD Vance is not far wrong - the UK now has a large amount of Muslim mayors and councillors. Many Muslims are now in positions of authority over our once Judeo/Christian nation. Islam has invaded Europe, the UK. .....the world, in fact. Islam threatens not just Israel anymore. Islam is no longer confined to the Middle East. As Islam is threatening the very existence of Israel, it now threatens our western nations as well. What is happening to Israel is now happening to the world.
If Mr Trump is elected as POTUS this November, it will inject huge optimism to all believers. It may appear that there is a small light of hope at the end of the tunnel of despair. I don't believe that we should lay any store by this. Almighty God knows the end from the beginning. If the end could have an alternative ending, He would have told us. The fact that prophecy indicates death and destruction for all who come against Israel (Ezekiel 38), is set in stone. If there is a chance that all this could be avoided, Almighty God would not have the end written down in our Bible. In black and white, for all to see. Almighty God has already seen what's going to happen - the choices our leaders make. Prophecy makes it absolutely clear that our leaders will make the wrong choices, thereby invoking Armageddon. We must not be surprised or shocked by unfolding events.
Our world is being positioned in order to force a choice. A choice between Almighty God and His Son, Jesus Christ v False religion. At this time, the main, evil threat to Almighty God's Holy Land is Islam. Islam is also threatening Christianity in the west. In His infinite mercy and love, Almighty God is making the choice very simple. Even the most secular - the most ignorant and spiritually lazy - are being given a chance to make that choice. Radical Islam is now slap-bang in our faces. The riots and violence from Islam clearly show exactly who they are. We are very near a showdown, and that showdown will take place in Jerusalem. People, the world over, are having the choice made clear. Nobody is allowed to be lukewarm fence- sitters.
We must pray hard. For wisdom, guidance, clarity, courage, patience and fortitude. The road ahead is dangerous. Pray hard for the peace of Jerusalem.
PLEASE come, LORD Jesus.