Fay (14 July 2024)
"The Confused Archbishop"


Hi John and Doves,


This idiot is supposed to be the spiritual figurehead of Christianity in the church of England. This is the man who tried to get us all to pledge undying allegiance to Charles when he was being crowned. Welby was also a high-flying oil company executive prior to landing the lucrative and powerful role of archbishop. My advice to Justin Welby is that he should stay in his lane. The words coming out of his hypocritical mouth are just so much utter bilge.


Any thinking person knows the facts. Make sure to read the comment section below the article. 


Church of England set to issue advice telling teachers to challenge 'outdated terms' around biological sex as critics argue new guidance is pushing gender ideology that a person's sex is 'assigned' at birth | Daily Mail Online


Please come soon, LORD Jesus.