Fay (14 July 2024)
"Current Hullabaloo and the Democratic Convention in August"


Hi John and Doves,


With the infighting going on inside the power structures of the Democratic party, it's anyone's guess what is going to be the culmination. With the likes of George Clooney weighing in on the side of getting Biden to step down, Alex Soros (son of George Soros) coming down on the side of Biden, it sure looks like an internal war is about to burst into life within the Democratic party. See 2nd link for the latest balderdash spewing from Alex Soros' mouth. Soros junior is asking Democrats to 'knock it off, unite behind Biden'. Hmm! This seems to put Soros & Co., in direct confrontation with Obama and his crowd. Obama has been quoted in the media as expressing 'deep concern' at Biden's ability to beat Trump.


If they cannot get Biden to step aside before the Democratic Convention in August - then the Convention, itself, promises to be a doozy. The Convention is scheduled for August 19th to 22nd in Chicago. See 1st link below. It's well worth noting that August 19th is Tu B'Av - the Jewish equivalent of our Valentine's Day. Not only does this date mark Tu B'Av but our moon is also signalling us. August 19th, 2024 sees a full moon Blue moon appearing in our skies. This moon is also known as the Sturgeon Moon or Grain Moon. It is called the Sturgeon Moon because the large Sturgeon of the Great Lakes and other major lakes, are more easily caught this time of year.  Signs in the sun, moon and stars that we must pay intense attention to.


DNC Announces Chicago to Host 2024 Democratic National Convention - Democrats


Alex Soros to Democrats: Knock it Off, Unite Behind Biden (breitbart.com)


Please come, LORD Jesus.