Douglas Henney (28 Jul 2024)
"Follow up to Jean's posts re Tu B Av"

Thank you Jean for the list of prior Fivedoves' articles concerning Tu B Av in your post:

I was studying off of Lisa Taylor's June 27, 2021 post and came across something meaningful that seems to point to us going during that same season, Tisha B Av through to Tu B Av, or this year being August 12/13 through to August 18/19.

First, I looked at the Hebrew Gematria of certain words in Numbers 13:20-24 using this website: Shematria Gematria Calculator.  I found the Hebrew of particular English words in Bible Hub website.  I consider myself a preschooler at looking at God hiding clues according to the numbering total of Hebrew letters in words.   

I was looking for relationships between certain Hebrew words in that Numbers 13 passage that might have the same Gematria value.  In retrospect, I believe the Holy Spirit was guiding me to do this because at the time I was felt somewhat clueless/oblivious, which is often my modus operandi.

Eschol, as in the Valley of Eschol has a value of 54.

The Hebrew for the verb in "and they carried it" referring to the cluster of grapes, is the same 54 value.

My very first attempt at looking for a Gematria-value relationship and it was a match!  I tell you for a fact that God is a master at leading buzz-head sheep while He never breaks a sweat.

It appears there is a connection between the meaning of the name of that particular valley and also the act of carrying the grapes.  Now, hold that thought.

Over the years of watching for Jesus, one thing I have kept in the back of my mind is the possible, meaningful significance of what Rabbi Kaduri expressed while giving a code on a note pointing to the name of the Messiah.  He provided a phrase and expecting his students and others to decypher the name by taking the first letters of each word in the phrase.  The very Jewish Rabbi expressed that Jesus was their Messiah.  You can find details of this here:

This is an English translation (one option of three) of what he wrote, quoting from the above article:

"Regarding the letter abbreviation [acronym] of the Messiah’s name:  He will raise [lift] the people and prove [confirm] that his word and his teaching [law, Torah] stand [endure; is valid].  This I have signed in the month of mercy [=Elul, 5765 = Sept/Oct 2005],  Yitzhak Kaduri."

I have speculated/wondered if Kaduri's note regarding God "lifting His people" might also be a clue as to the timing of the rapture, and that Jesus will become known as the Messiah to some within Israel/Judah when the rapture takes place.  Prior, I had considered the timing of when Noah' ark was "lifted up" from the face of the earth and also when Jesus Himself said that He would be "lifted up" like that brass serpent.

Well, in Numbers 13, that Hebrew word for the verb "to carry", as in carrying the large cluster of grapes, is Nasah.  This is the Hebrew word not only for "to carry" but also for " to lift up".  Joseph Good, a Jewish believer In Jesus and a teacher of the Old Testament scriptures goes further to express that this word is also the Hebrew for rapture!

To summarize, in Numbers 13, the name of the Valley, Eschol, points to the lifting up of the grapes, possibly tied to the idea of a rapture event at that same time of year.

Lastly, in Numbers 13:20, when Moses instructed the spies to bring back some of the first ripened grapes, the Hebrew for the "first ripened" is actually the very Hebrew word for Firstfruits.  The lifting up/carrying the massive cluster of grapes can be understood as also a presentation of the First Fruits offering to God during Pentecost season.  Might that also be us?  during the timing of the first ripe grapes offering?  during the timing of the season of Pentecost?

It is interesting to me that God does not specify in the scriptures how long the Pentecost celebration is to be.  Perhaps, because it was a time of drinking wine, that it was not necessary.  Folks would make it last as long as possible.

However, there is one group who would not want it to last as long as possible, but just the opposite.  That would be the young men who snatched their bride at the dance of the virgins in the vineyards.  Once they had their bride, how long do you think they would want to keep sharing the current, Pentecost celebration, sleeping arrangements of their family tents that might include little sisters/brothers, nosey aunts, etc?  I am a dude and so can only speak in terms of the young men.  In my simplistic thinking, the Feast of New Wine (Pentecost) would be over at that time of the bride snatch.

"Lastly, lastly", back on July 27/28 in 2018, at night, I observed  a long lasting Blood Moon eclipse right next to a very bright (opposite the setting sun's position like the full moon), and quite large (close to the earth in orbital proximity along with having a planet wide dust storm) Mars.  This took place in front of the constellation of Capricorn.  The mythos/story of Carpricorn is of a being who lived in the waters yet came out to walk on land to give an important message to humans.  That is why the present (corrupted) picture of Capricorn is of a half-fish, half-land animal figure.  In my thinking, that July 27/28, 2018 event reminded me of what Jonah did and perhaps that celestial sign was also pointing to the timing of when the 40 day sign of Jonah to Ninevah might begin in our future, prior to the judgement years beginning.  Back then I did not know the actual timing of when that might that take place.  I beiieved it  was meaningful yet also felt clueless.

The Jewish date of that sign in 2018?

Tu B Av.

Jesus is worthy of our continually watching for Him.

God bless you